View Full Version : Greatest Hits: What does your squirrel enjoy eating most? - Other than nuts?

03-23-2016, 08:22 PM

1. Sweet Potatoes
2. Healthy Henry's High Protein Blocks
3. Kaytee Blocks

Note: This is a wild. However, I think my area is short on wild food. Some squirrels might not find blocks all that yummy like mine do.

island rehabber
03-23-2016, 09:28 PM
avocado, sweet potato and sugar snap peas. :grin2

03-23-2016, 09:35 PM
I would have to go with HHB... probably because they don't get anything else until they've finished the HHB. Anything left from the previous feeding is removed before the HHB's are served. They devour the HHB with gusto and in short order because they know that is the only way they get served anything else. So after the HHB:

1. Fruit du jour (apple, berries, whatever)
2. Avocado
3. Sweet tater

(Note: These are not the wilds / yard squirrels / releases).

03-24-2016, 07:10 AM
HHB Squirrel Block
French Vanilla Yogurt
Sweet Potato
Sugar Snap Peas
Yellow Squash

03-24-2016, 08:09 AM
Favorite not too unhealthy treat: Rice Chex. He LOVES rice chex!

Favorite fairly healthy food: Cooked sweet potato - he goes for that right after his chex!

He also eats his HHBs, etc but these are the top stars.

03-24-2016, 04:42 PM
- whatever i'm eating
- picky HHBs
- fruit, especially oranges
- waxworms
- avocado
- crunchy chicken jerky

03-24-2016, 06:11 PM
I love the new ideas here - I forget about meal worms

Well Ginger thinks grapes and avocados are the foods of the gods.
Dare I say the occasional apple makes here crazy too. If you try to take one away she swishes her tail (never bites - not in 7 years)


03-24-2016, 07:01 PM
Nork loves the same especially Snap Peas!

avocado, sweet potato and sugar snap peas. :grin2

03-24-2016, 08:56 PM
everything except their rodent blocks! :grin2

03-30-2016, 04:48 PM
Grape tomatoes (and that's where I stick his vitamin powder so its a win win)

03-31-2016, 02:22 AM
Avocado, coconut. And prickly pears. Note. For chewing needs I put a whole coconut in with him and let him chew on it for about 30 minutes a few days a week. Great treat plus dental work!!!

03-31-2016, 02:49 AM
Jazzy's favs are sweet potato, blueberries, sugar snap peas, Henry's Wild Bites & Peanut Sticks, his boo balls that I make for him, spinach, and clementines. Oh, and cherries, too, and grapes, and papaya.... Anything except his greens, grrrr......