View Full Version : Cat bite!

03-21-2016, 11:38 PM
Poor boy came tonight. He was huddled on a porch surrounded by five cats. He has blood in his mouth. He may have blood in his nose--his breathing is kinda squeeky and there's a bite on his lower abdomen. There's a scratch near his eye. He's about seven weeks old and weighs 164 grams. He needs ABs. Recommendations?

Carol Lynn
03-21-2016, 11:51 PM
I'm certainly not qualified to give any recommendations on things like this, but when Nose was bitten by a cat, my vet said that Clavamox was the best thing for him.

Sending prayers that your little guy will be okay!! He certainly lucked out in finding you to look after him at least!!

Nancy in New York
03-21-2016, 11:59 PM
Do you have Clavamox?
I can dose.
I will write up for Cipro and Clavamox and send you a pm.
I need to know the strengths that you have.
I think you have 250 mg Cipro, not sure on the Clavamox.

03-22-2016, 12:06 AM
I do have 250 Cipro but don't think I have Clavamox. I'll go double check. At least something can go in tonight. That poor boy has had a rough day. I hope he's going to be OK. The bite looks bad but I'm really worried about that squeeky breathing.

03-22-2016, 12:09 AM
Many prayers for this poor baby...:Love_Icon Cat bites are so tough. I would use an antibiotic ointment on those bites too if possible. :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-22-2016, 12:11 AM
I do have 250 Cipro but don't think I have Clavamox. I'll go double check. At least something can go in tonight. That poor boy has had a rough day. I hope he's going to be OK. The bite looks bad but I'm really worried about that squeeky breathing.

Squeaky breathing?
If the sound persists when his mouth is open,
a nasal cause can virtually be ruled out.

Yes start the Baytril, I sent instructions in a pm.

03-22-2016, 12:21 AM
Poor baby...:(
Consider giving something for pain also so he can relax his body.
Cats not only bite and scratch they also pounce and slap around,
poor baby must feel like he's been through a grinder...

Nancy in New York
03-22-2016, 12:26 AM
Poor baby...:(
Consider giving something for pain also so he can relax his body.
Cats not only bite and scratch they also pounce and slap around,
poor baby must feel like he's been through a grinder...

Good thinking Russell.
You can give him 0.04 infant ibuprophen every 4 hours for pain.
You can actually increase the dose if this doesn't work.
I will send the chart in a pm to you.

03-22-2016, 02:05 AM
Just saw this. Don't have the infant Ibuprofen. I do have Tramadol. So late everybody must be sleeping. I'll check in tomorrow after I go pick up my big guys.

03-24-2016, 10:23 PM
How's this guy doing? Did I miss an update somewhere? Poor baby. :Love_Icon

03-25-2016, 12:16 AM
I need to post pictures of his mouth. I think his teeth are misaligned. He's not eating well tho he did take more formula than ever before tonight. He's still scared but sweet. He's very attached to his little girl. His eye is clearing up really well and the bite on his belly is about healed. Just don't think his bite is good. Maybe it was always bad and the cats just brought attention to it. Promise pix tomorrow.

03-25-2016, 07:43 AM
Sound like progress in the right direction!

03-27-2016, 11:32 AM
He is doing sooooooo well EXCEPT his jaw is wonky. His teeth don't line up and likely need trimming. Oh Juuuuuuuulie? You have good clippers right? He is a darlin boy--likes sleeping in my pocket--or under my shirt. If his teeth don't get right he will be a perfect pocket squirrel. He's finally got the hang of taking formula. Sweeties teeth just get in the way--tops on one side, bottom teeth on the other. He is SUCH a little angel! I think the jaw issue is seperate from the cat issue. Maybe he hurt his jaw and that made gim easy pickins for the cats.

Aaaaagh! Durn upside down pix!

03-27-2016, 11:52 AM
Poor lil fellow :( we will trim this week:great Sooner the better...something could have happened...and now his long teeth are making it worse...cuz of course they can't line up now...maybe with a few trimmings it will be ok :please

03-29-2016, 12:48 AM
Sweet boy went to see the doc today and yup--his jaw is wonky. His teeth got trimmed short and the conclusion is A. He either injured his mouth or B to he was just born that way. Since there's just not much that can be done to fix his crooked jaw, he'll likely need his teeth trimmed indefinitely every 6 weeks or so. He was SO sweet, his teeth--top and bottom--were trimmed without anesthesia of any kind. He is just GOOD! Unless his teeth straighten out he is absolutely NOT releasable.
So here's his mouth tonight.

03-31-2016, 12:27 AM
Awww that's amazing...that he can have his teeth dremeled without anesthesia:dono that's really a good sign he will be an awesome NR :bowdown let's hope his teeth straighten out and it doesn't come to that :please

You need to bring him with you when you come down...along with Tula :klunk

03-31-2016, 09:39 AM
Poor baby :( You'd better watch out - soon there won't be enough room for YOU in your house! :grin3