View Full Version : WAsp sting?
06-09-2007, 07:37 PM
hAve heAlthy one yeAr old mAle skwirrel (sorry, A, "cue (letter)" And delete keys not functioning on my MAc - been bAd week) think got stung by A wAsp (sAw wAsp body) some slight swelling which hAs gone down, he wAs running ound eArlier And seems by All counts to be fine but is now lethArgic And I Am worried. I do not know if it is legAl to hAve skwirrel, I do not hAve A lisc., (he is 3-legged so cAnnot be re-hAbbed) so I don't know if its good ideA to tAke him to A vet... .
his eyes Are open And he is breAthing regulArily, just sleepy, Anyone hAe Any experience with wAsp stings?
Thnks (Aww mAn, exclAmAtion point not working either, but thnks for Any Advice)
06-09-2007, 07:43 PM
:Welcome !! Sorry to hear about your squirrel (and your MAC)!
The good news is that in FL it is legal for you to have a squirrel and to take your squirrel to a vet! I'm not a rehabber and don't remember reading anything about wasp stings. However, the fact he is breathing normally is a good sign. With allergic reactions to stings, usually you would see rapid breathing (in a person, at least).
Being Sat. night, is there an emergency vet clinic in your area that you can call for advice? IF it is a problem, it won't wait for Monday morning.
06-09-2007, 07:47 PM
ThAnks for kwick reply. Will look up emergency vet. . . MAc, however, not doing so well . .
06-09-2007, 07:55 PM
It's getting dark here already, but in Tampa I think would still be light -- is it unusualy for him to get sleepy at this time?
Do you see redness where the swelling is/was? Would he let you hold a cold cloth or a wet washcloth with an ice cube against it? Just a thought -- might not be to a squirrel's liking. :D
06-09-2007, 08:05 PM
the sting hAppened eArlier this morning, I put some ice to the spot when it ws swelling but As you predicted i could not keep it there for long, i fed him some frozen fruit hoping tht would help.
Yes, this is his usuAl bedtime, I think we Are in the cleAr, he doe not seem to hAve been Allegic, he did not swell up or breAthe irregulArly for the dAy And wAs Active And eAting, the vet sAid All good signs but Also sAid not in the cleAr for 24 - 78 hours, And should bring him in.
06-09-2007, 08:09 PM
Do you have any children's Benedryl?
06-09-2007, 08:35 PM
Sounds like things are ok for now. I hope he's good for the night and OK tomorrow. I'll check back a little later -- LynninIN had to leave, but sent me the info on the Children's benedryl in case you need it.
What's his name, by the way? :Welcome and we hope you will stick around. But DEFINITELY come back tomorrow and let us know how he is doing! :grouphug
06-09-2007, 11:17 PM
Keep us posted!
06-10-2007, 08:28 AM
How is Squirrel doing this morning? Is "no news" "good news"?
06-10-2007, 10:30 AM
Good morning.. Rocky is fine And rAmbunctious As ever.
ThAnk you everyone for Advice And support And the welcome. I hAve A pic of the lil fellA so I will post in the introductions threAd.
My nAme is JAck, by the wAy, Now to just get something done with my MAc.
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