View Full Version : Introduction and thanks!

02-19-2016, 11:22 AM
Hello Everyone.

It was not that long ago that we for the first time, had actual wildlife in our backyard. We decided to put up a bird feeder and sure enough, the squirrels started visiting and attacking the feeder. We thought they were kind of fun to watch, but we wanted to feed the birds. It wasn’t until our 3rd bird feeder until they had met their match. Then the wife sees these somewhat scrawny fur balls looking for food; I figure if there’s going to be wildlife in our backyard then it should be healthy. I start feeding squirrel mix, occasional pecans and other scraps. I didn’t know better, but at least they weren’t so scrawny. They have a fresh water available any time.

Well the squirrels definitely fluffed up….too much, I now feed them way differently, and much less, after reading these boards, including calcium carbonate dusted food. Now they mostly just get veggies in the afternoon. I’m looking into preparing blocks for them.

A yearling brother/sister pair joined the backyard just this fall; Whitey and Whitney, Whitey is always the first one up and the last one home; Whitney is almost the same. They are usually running around most of the day. When it’s not winter, we all get a kick watching the chipmunks zooming around while the squirrels do their best to keep them at bay. It’s also enjoyable to watch to watch them run spirals up trees and leap through the branches.

I know a lot of people just consider wild life just pest to be exterminated, and that’s a real shame. In our backyard we’ve come across, or caught on camera: Squirrels, Snakes, Moles, Voles, Rats, Rabbits, Opossum, Raccoon, Snakes, Turtles, and of course birds including Hawks and Owls.

Having a fruit/veggie garden is out of the question (probably), and I’ve done I a bit of work had to make sure our house does not recieve any unexpected visitors, and yeah I have to clean up after all this wildlife.
But I tell you, it’s really worth the little bit of hassle and cost to look out into the backyard and see critters doing their thing, not just another sterile patch of perfectly kept lawn.

I’d like to thank everyone keeping this board going, and all the dedicated rehabbers. The information has been so helpful. Now that feel a little responsible for the squirrels, I am prepared to take the correct actions if come across a squirrel in distress, including the phone and address my local rehabber. My only suggestion would be a forum corner for chipmunks.

Again, thanks to everyone, your work is appreciated!


02-19-2016, 01:02 PM
:Welcome to TSB! We're practically neighbors... We lived all around metro ATL for more than a decade. (Hello Neighbor! :wave123).

I will gladly trade you a link to a Chipmunk Specific forum if you will post pictures of you backyard buddies!

http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?72-Chipmunks :thumbsup

02-19-2016, 02:18 PM
Yes, a garden would likely end up being for the critters instead of for the humans. Also, quite likely it would bring deer to your yard, and since squirrels and deer do not mix...Have you seen any Flyers yet? I fed them for years without even knowing it! I had been putting out Woodpecker food on the rail right before dusk for the Cardinals, and by chance years later I happened to be looking outside at midnight and saw what was definitely not a Cardinal eating the food. It took some time for me to figure it out, but eventually I realized it was my first Flyer! I now feed them on a tree perch, and once when there were too many Flyers and not enough room one of the Flyers plopped down in my hand to munch away on the food I was holding. Alas I do have any proof of this; however, I do have proof of them taking food from my hand. Anyway, welcome, fellow squirrel and wildlife lover. I have noticed there are a good number of folks from GA on here.

02-19-2016, 03:54 PM
T.S.B. is GLAD to include you as a member.

One requirement--->>>>>
PHOTOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, birds, cats, dogs...............WHATEVER you have--- or see in your yard.....
WE LOVE Photos......
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I live in Costa Rica...so what I SEE in MY yard--is a tad different from what YOU see in YOUR yard...Ha!
Check out Rama Rota's thread for some C.R. Critters.