View Full Version : Sources for palatable 'squirrel block'?

02-02-2016, 12:08 PM
There was a very funny post here years ago, about a squirrel that was chewing their cast apart. The recommendation was to make a new cast out of squirrel block, cause it is the one substance that they won't eat.

Just curious if anyone has found 'squirrel block' that is more appetizing.

island rehabber
02-02-2016, 12:33 PM
hi String Theory -- good to see you again after all these years. :grin2
I have good success with the Henry's Healthy Blocks, especially the Picky variety, but those are a supplement and not meant to be the only source of nutrition. I have had moderate success with the Zupreem monkey biscuits and the Mazuri rodent blocks; maybe half my rehab kids at any given time will like them.

I suggest you ask pappy1264, because she recently told me that her squirrels LOVE the Mazuri blocks and even her wilds like them. :great

02-02-2016, 12:36 PM
I have used Henry's Wild Bites and squirrels that are recovering will eat them. I also give them to outdoor wilds that are injured so they get some extra vitamins/nutrients and the injured wilds will eat them. On the other hand, healthy wilds usual just sniff and ignore them.

02-06-2016, 06:01 PM
hi String Theory -- good to see you again after all these years. :grin2
I have good success with the Henry's Healthy Blocks, especially the Picky variety, but those are a supplement and not meant to be the only source of nutrition. I have had moderate success with the Zupreem monkey biscuits and the Mazuri rodent blocks; maybe half my rehab kids at any given time will like them.

I suggest you ask pappy1264, because she recently told me that her squirrels LOVE the Mazuri blocks and even her wilds like them. :great

Nice to see you too! Yeah, it's been a while.

I've seen Henry's mentioned before, but I'll also look for Mazuri cause there were some other things that I wanted to pick up from them.

I wanted to use them as a supplement, but it's for a very picky squirrel, so it's a long-shot.

02-06-2016, 06:07 PM
I have used Henry's Wild Bites and squirrels that are recovering will eat them. I also give them to outdoor wilds that are injured so they get some extra vitamins/nutrients and the injured wilds will eat them. On the other hand, healthy wilds usual just sniff and ignore them.

"Sniff and ignore" seems to be their normal protocol. It's worth a try though.

Not sure where your nym came from, but there's a special effects unit for guitar called a "Tube Driver." It was used by virtuoso Eric Johnson, among others. (You probably knew that, even if your name was derived elsewhere.)

02-27-2016, 08:52 PM
I just saw this thread and realize it's a couple weeks old, but thought this might be helpful. I contacted Henry's about blocks and explained I had a very picky eater. The woman (Leigh) offered to send me a sample of the two types of blocks I was inquiring about. I thought this was very kind, since most people don't want to purchase a whole bag of blocks only to discover their picky eater won't touch them. I was ordering items anyway so I was already paying for shipping.

02-28-2016, 11:07 AM
I've made blocks--mostly nuts with vitamins and calcium. I tried em. Tasted like pecans to me. Would my squirrels eat em--naaaaaaaaaaaa. Wilds thought they had died and gone to heaven!