View Full Version : 5 year old Female Gray Squirrel is sick. Need antibiotic name and where to buy

12-17-2015, 02:10 PM
I have raised a female Gray that I found frozen to a tree 5 years ago. She has become my best friend. Her diet has been Romaine lettuce, White and Red Cabbage, Pear, Apple , Brocolli for a few months now, she also receives 4 nuts per day (peacan, Walnut, Hazelnut etc,) She eats one to two per day with her regular diet above.I became Ill a few weeks ago, I think I have an infection, am going to doc today, she became ill about two weeks ago vommitted quite a bit for 3 days, but was still eating fine and active. The last 3 days she is not very active and not eating. She IS NOT CLICKING but still might have a cold or flu. She has lost weight also I do not know her weight but she is smaller for sure.Just ordered a ton of Blocks from Henrys will get them in a few days. 3 years ago a wildlife vet gave me an antibiotic emulsion that I fed her with a dropper to cure her Phnemonia. It worked well and I really would like to put her on antibiotics NOW. I have no vet in area that will help. I have no problem ordering drugs online if needed. Any suggestions of what to buy and where to buy? Her name is"Squirrel" and she is my world.

12-17-2015, 02:25 PM
Where are you in Florida? We might be able to help you find a vet. However, with the diet you describe I would sus[ect that it is partially due to MBD. Do you have any fruit flavored Tums? Here is the protocol for MBD:
Emergency Treatment for MBD

Get calcium into the squirrel IMMEDIATELY, not later, not tomorrow, NOW.
Delaying treatment can cause death or permanent paralysis.

You will need:

Tums, rolaids, or calcium supplement (any kind)
a syringe or spoon

Crush one pill and add a little water or fruit juice to make a paste. Use the syringe or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone.

After you give the initial dose of calcium, give 100 mg calcium every 4 hours. If symptoms return or do not improve, try dosing more often: every 3 hours. Severe cases may need 50 mg calcium every 2 hours.

Your squirrel's symptoms should improve within a few hours; within 1-3 days your squirrel should be alert, active, and eating, with no seizures or paralysis. You should be giving 500-600 mg calcium per day (300-400 mg for flying squirrels). Keep track of how many doses you give so you can adjust the dosage if needed. You should work with someone knowledgeable about MBD.

Any kind of calcium pill is okay for the initial dose. But you must use PLAIN calcium carbonate (without Vit D) from then on.

Many small doses of calcium throughout the day/night are best to keep blood calcium levels as steady as possible.

If symptoms worsen or return, give an emergency dose of 100 mg calcium, then consult with TSB members or a rehabber or veterinarian to adjust the dosing schedule. Relapses are very serious and often fatal.

White feces or a white film on dried urine may mean the dosage can be reduced, as this indicates not all of the calcium is being absorbed. It may also mean you need to give smaller doses more often.

The acute symptoms (weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis) will usually improve within a few hours, but this does not mean the squirrel is cured. It will take many months to rebuild the calcium in the bones. (See the "Long-Term Treatment for MBD.")

More Tips

MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. You should pad the bottom of your squirrel's cage and keep him away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone.

Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work. Squirrels with hind-end paralysis may benefit from gentle massage of the legs and hips.

Long-Term Treatment for MBD

The next step to curing MBD is to fix the diet.

1. Remove ALL seeds, nuts, corn, and treats, including stashes.

2. Follow the Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels, which can be found here: http://www.henryspets.com/healthy-di...pet-squirrels/ (http://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/). Your squirrel MUST eat rodent blocks or squirrel blocks every day (either 2 Henry's Healthy Squirrel Blocks per day, or a small handful of commercial rodent block per day). If you choose to feed commercial rodent blocks, which are extremely hard, you should crush them up with peanut butter, yogurt, fruit juice, avocado, baby food, etc., to make them easier to chew and improve the taste.

3. You will need to continue giving extra calcium every day for many weeks. You can use a syringe or spoon, or you can mix the calcium with a small amount of peanut butter, crushed nuts, yogurt, baby food, or any food the squirrel likes. An easy way to dose the calcium is to mix 500 mg of calcium powder with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or other tasty food and roll it into 5 little balls; each ball will contain 100 mg calcium.

Calcium Dosage:

Continue to give 500-600 mg calcium per day for 1 week (300-400 mg for flying squirrels). Once the squirrel is starting to eat blocks on a daily basis, reduce the total daily amount to 250 mg. If the squirrel remains stable for 1 week, reduce the daily amount again by another 50 mg. Continue these weekly reductions until the squirrel is only getting 100 mg of extra calcium per day. Continue this for at least another 2 weeks. If at any time symptoms return, give an emergency 100 mg dose, then go back to a higher dosage for 1-2 weeks.

The treatment for each squirrel may be slightly different and you should work with a rehabber, vet, or other experienced person to tailor the treatment to your squirrel's needs. Depending on the age of the squirrel, severity of disease, and other factors, your squirrel may need extra calcium for many months, perhaps for life.

Important Information
The MBD treatment is a "standardized" treatment that will get most cases on the road to recovery. But every case is different and the treatment should be customized to each squirrel. Severe cases sometimes need more aggressive treatment. There is a limit to how much calcium the body can absorb at one time, so lower doses of calcium given more often is the key with severe cases.

What is MBD?

Calcium is a very important nutrient. It strengthen the bones, but also plays a vital role in all body functions. Every cell in the body contains water plus small amounts of dissolved minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals allow the cells to transmit small electrical signals. Without this cell-to-cell communication, the organs can't function: your heart can't beat, your nerves can't transmit impulses; in fact, you would die.

When there isn't enough calcium in the diet, the body will dissolve the calcium from the bones and use that instead. This eventually causes the bones to become depleted of calcium. Eventually the bones become so depleted, there isn't enough calcium left to maintain sufficient calcium in the cellular fluids, and the organs can't function properly. This is what causes the symptoms of MBD: loss of appetite, lethargy, muscle pain, paralysis, seizures, and eventually death. Humans don't get this type of severe MBD, partly because our calcium requirement is lower and our bones are much bigger, allowing us to store more calcium.

By giving high doses of calcium orally, you are artificially maintaining your squirrel's blood calcium levels because his bones no longer contain enough calcium to maintain his calcium levels normally.

Once the emergency calcium is given, your squirrel's blood calcium levels should normalize fairly quickly. He should "bounce back" and act normal or almost normal. If you are still seeing symptoms such as seizures, loss of appetite, lethargy, or paralysis, the calcium levels may still be too low. This means the body will try to pull the remaining calcium from the bones, which means the MBD is actually getting worse. So stabilizing blood calcium levels is critical. The next step to actually curing the MBD is rebuilding bone. This is the part that takes a long time.

Stabilizing the blood calcium levels can and must be done quickly. In severe cases, calcium may be needed more often throughout the day and night, as often as every 2 hours.

12-17-2015, 02:42 PM
I am in Melbourne Florida. I appreciate the MBD info. I will begin that immediately, although she has had one tums every week since she was 6 months, she loves them! also she has a calcium block that she grinds her teeth on fairly regularly. But I will give her a Tums every day and look into Henrys kit perhaps.:grin2

12-17-2015, 02:53 PM
I have heard alot about MBD but is the sudden vommiting a symptom? I know that the weight loss could be a symptom but I think with the vommiting it would also reduce her size? I hope she is going to be ok. :tap

12-17-2015, 02:54 PM
I am in Melbourne Florida. I appreciate the MBD info. I will begin that immediately, although she has had one tums every week since she was 6 months, she loves them! also she has a calcium block that she grinds her teeth on fairly regularly. But I will give her a Tums every day and look into Henrys kit perhaps.:grin2

The blocks from Henrys are a very important part of not only her regular diet, but also of the MBD treatment. Don't perhaps - they have all of the vitamins and minerals she needs to thrive.

12-17-2015, 04:54 PM
The blocks from Henrys are a very important part of not only her regular diet, but also of the MBD treatment. Don't perhaps - they have all of the vitamins and minerals she needs to thrive.
I have already ordered everything from Henrys it will be here in a few days.I have started her on Calcium Carbinate in powdered form on peanut butter.
Meanwhile, I am concerned about her symptoms being similar to when she had pneumonia a few years back and am looking for an antibiotic that is safe and available for her to take as a liquid. Any suggestions?

Nancy in New York
12-17-2015, 05:49 PM
I have already ordered everything from Henrys it will be here in a few days.I have started her on Calcium Carbinate in powdered form on peanut butter.
Meanwhile, I am concerned about her symptoms being similar to when she had pneumonia a few years back and am looking for an antibiotic that is safe and available for her to take as a liquid. Any suggestions?

If an antibiotic is needed, we can dose it for you.
A good choice for a respiratory problem is Clavamox (Augmentin)
or Baytril (Animal antibiotic) or Cipro ~ human form of Baytril.
Call around to friends and family, and see if they have Clavmox, even for humans.
All we need is the mg. of the pill and the weight of your squirrel in grams.

Have you called vets to see if they will see her?
Have you checked her teeth to see if they are too long?

Can you post a photo of her, or a video, or both?

12-17-2015, 06:46 PM
If an antibiotic is needed, we can dose it for you.
A good choice for a respiratory problem is Clavamox (Augmentin)
or Baytril (Animal antibiotic) or Cipro ~ human form of Baytril.
Call around to friends and family, and see if they have Clavmox, even for humans.
All we need is the mg. of the pill and the weight of your squirrel in grams.

Have you called vets to see if they will see her?
Have you checked her teeth to see if they are too long?

Can you post a photo of her, or a video, or both?
I will try to post a video of her from last month squawking to beat the band. She is hiding and not feeling good at all right now have given her calcium carbonate every two hours rolled in peanut butter. she is eating it. I had successfully given her Baytril before as an emulsion with a dropper, I think she will go for it again, If I had some still I would be giving her about 1.5 cc every 5 hours or three times a day.as that is what was suggested just a couple of years ago. I will try to take a picture of her this evening and post it in the am so you can estimate. If you have an outlet for the Baytril online that would be helpful. I have no vet in this area that will help, have called all. We have a wildlife organization here but they will only feed and release.

Nancy in New York
12-18-2015, 03:58 PM
Here's some pictures from today of Paul's little girl. :Love_Icon





Here's the video of her giving a "pissed off warning". :tap
From about a year ago.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G31fGZsGb7U :grin2

12-18-2015, 05:29 PM
Unless you can clearly see she has a respiratory issue I would not give antibiotics. Some upset tummies and shouldn't be just givens without a clear diagnosis. I would however start the MBD treatment and continue it until your Henrys order arrives. Her diet has NOT been good and I strongly suspect MBD is her issue. Also if you can get her to take her calcium on something else like avocado it might be better. Peanuts aren't that healthy for squirrels but ok as a once in a while treat. She does appear thin, is she drinking? Many prayers for your girl. Stacey

12-18-2015, 07:09 PM
Paul. I'm sorry that Squirrel is sick.

I wanted to let you know that if this doesn't resolve soon you are only 1 hr and 20 minutes (82 miles) from one of the best squirrel vets in the country. She is in Port Orange, which a straight shot up I-95 from your location.

I always get worried about older squirrels with 'respiratory' issues. Many times it is the teeth. Does the problem sound like it's a sinus problem or congestion in the chest?

12-18-2015, 08:27 PM
I would like more contact information on the vet in Port Orange, I can't go right up there for a variety of reasons, but I could possible get Squirrel up there next week if she hasn't improved. Thank you for that. There is a general concern that she has MBD. I have begun treatment for that and ordered a better diet from Henrys(Blocks). I bought Calcium Carbonate and am getting it into her by every means possible. Her nose is cold and considerably more damp than usual, although she is not"clicking" I feel her breathing is shallow compared to normal and my gut feeling is that she has a cold or respiratory issue of some kind. MY BIGGEST concern that I can't seem to get a response to, is she just about ten days ago, began vommittingapprox evey 36 hours, and she began to drop weight.

12-18-2015, 08:51 PM
Her name is Dr. Alicia Emerson. She is 100% squirrel safe and an excellent vet.
I highly recommend her. Unfortunately, I believe she is on vacation until after the holiday. You could call the office and find out for sure.

I don't know why she is vomiting. The combo of the respiratory issue, vomiting, MBD and losing weight are all very concerning.

12-18-2015, 08:56 PM
Unless you can clearly see she has a respiratory issue I would not give antibiotics. Some upset tummies and shouldn't be just givens without a clear diagnosis. I would however start the MBD treatment and continue it until your Henrys order arrives. Her diet has NOT been good and I strongly suspect MBD is her issue. Also if you can get her to take her calcium on something else like avocado it might be better. Peanuts aren't that healthy for squirrels but ok as a once in a while treat. She does appear thin, is she drinking? Many prayers for your girl. Stacey
She is drinking, I am today administering Calcium in water with dropper. Will try Avocado also, she has never had that. She is considerably smaller this week than last, she has been vommiting approx every 36 hours, equivalent to her amount eating It appears. This has been happening only a short time and she has not ever done this before. Her nose is VERY damp and cold, and her breathing seems short. The last time she was ill was years ago, and she and I both had a cold or flu and she was treated with antibiotics with very good results. Some, but not all of her symptoms are similar.

12-20-2015, 01:12 AM
Just checking on your girl today. How is she feeling?

12-20-2015, 01:27 AM
It has been a rough 24 hours, things have gotten worse, but I am just now (1am) getting a handle on it and Squirrel is finally resting (passed out) and breathing well.
I experienced my first Squirrel seazure today, it was the saddest thing so far in our 5 years as pals. She did good though. Wore her out. I am having to administer Calcium Carb via syringe mixed with water. I too am beat. have been trying to get her to cooperate every two hours for most of day. I am going to rest now that she is resting. Thanks for asking about her. My Henrys Blocks should arrive Monday.

12-20-2015, 01:48 AM
:Love_Icon Praying for you both :please

12-20-2015, 08:16 AM
Paul, I'm sorry Squirrel is getting worse. :grouphug
Dr.Emerson will be back in her office on Saturday, Dec26. I know that's an 'eternity' away when your baby is so sick. :(

After a seizure, put molasses, honey or syrup under her tongue or on her gums. It will raise her glucose level.

12-20-2015, 08:53 AM
Paul, some questions:

Is she eating?

Is she still vomiting?

Have you seen her poop since the vomiting began?

12-20-2015, 09:05 PM
Paul, I learned today there is another vet in that practice that sees squirrels so I would call tomorrow and not wait. How are things going? Any more seizures?

12-20-2015, 10:02 PM
Hi Paul, I'm very sorry to hear about Squirrel and hope she gets better soon. I live close to you in Indian Harbour Bch. and just took my squirrel up to a vet in Merritt Island on Courtney Pkwy. Her name is Dr. Thomas. She has raised squirrels and would work in a pinch if you can't get into the vet in Port Orange.

12-21-2015, 01:44 PM
Just checking on your girl today. How is she feeling? Squirrel is feeling much better today! I spent the weekend trying to get calcium into her! Wow that was not easy. Saturday night she really took a bad turn, I think she had a seizure. I was though, able to administr plenty of calcium through the night as she slept with me instead of in her box.Every two hours she drank juice/ calcium carbonate mixture. Sunday she was still weak but didn't get sick and today she is running around and has begun her winter chortle for a mate! I think she is going to be fine as long as I keep her on the strict Henrys diet and continue to be sure she gets calcium. As well she IS congested but she got a small amount of antibiotics started and she is taking to it well. Thank you, and everyone for the support!

12-21-2015, 02:01 PM
I'm so glad she's feeling better! What dose did you use to give the meds and which med did you end up using!

12-23-2015, 11:27 PM
just checking to see how things are going?