View Full Version : coconut shell to chew on

12-15-2015, 10:52 PM
has anyone ever just put a coconut in the cage for them to chew on, and or pieces of the shell?

12-15-2015, 11:48 PM
I give small pieces of coconut as well as pieces of the shell and they love them!

12-16-2015, 12:35 PM
Ooohhh...good to know this is okay! Thank you!

12-17-2015, 12:14 PM
Ooohhh...good to know this is okay! Thank you!

I read the oils in the coconut are good for their fur and skin because when we first moved here last february and the wild squirrels first came visiting one of them i named 'scrappy' because he had what looked like pink sore skin under his arms when he was peeping in the window and he just looked - kind of scruffy and neglected and i was sad for him; i read that coconut was good for their skin so i fed him chunks which he loved and after just a couple of weeks he looked splendid, he still visits and he is the cutest, bravest, cheekiest little boy and he actually lets me stroke him in exchange for treats if course, he has got the most adorable winter ear fluff now too. I LOVE him. We had 13 wild buddies for breakfast last week, i think word has got round the woods :grin2
(I have photos of him but i dont know how to attach them from my iPad)

12-17-2015, 12:45 PM
Here is a festive pic of Scrappy x x

12-17-2015, 12:48 PM
I live in Costa Rica--and my CREW...gets coconut and husk and shell all the time. The wild squirrels chew through from the outside to get to the coconut water. It keeps their teeth in shape.

12-17-2015, 12:57 PM
Hi Costa Rica :Love_Icon - have always wanted to go there, i hear the diving is beyond words beautiful.
I think my BB's are too lazy (spoiled) to make that sort of effort! I have to get the tools out and get the flesh out for them but thanks for the tip I did not think they may like the milk i always drink that myself but will put in a dish for them from now on.
Kind regards
Cheryl x

12-17-2015, 01:26 PM
Hi Costa Rica :Love_Icon - have always wanted to go there, i hear the diving is beyond words beautiful.
I think my BB's are too lazy (spoiled) to make that sort of effort! I have to get the tools out and get the flesh out for them but thanks for the tip I did not think they may like the milk i always drink that myself but will put in a dish for them from now on.
Kind regards
Cheryl x
Be sure to taste test the Coconut water--before serving to your crew. I toss out any that is bitter. I use sweet ---or even neutral is fine.. But tart or bitter is a NO-NO.
Most coco water is clear...if cloudy --taste it for sure
If you can buy the brown coconuts in your local store.You can remove the water by driving a large screwdriver thru one of the "eyes" Then you can filter the water in a small strainer or the filter from your coffee maker to remove the small shell fragments in the water.. If you wish to offer the coco meat with the shell attached...just go outside, and WHOP that coconut with a hammer. Then continue with the hammer making the pieces smaller and smaller.

12-17-2015, 01:33 PM
Will do, thank you ! the coconuts we get in the supermarket here are from the african ivory coast and i have to say their quality is consistently good and the flesh inside is always thick and moist though we did have one just once that was 'soapy' tasting, i always eat bits of it myself when im preparing it for the BB's but thank you again, i will do a taste test every time
Cheryl x

12-17-2015, 01:39 PM
Will do, thank you ! the coconuts we get in the supermarket here are from the african ivory coast and i have to say their quality is consistently good and the flesh inside is always thick and moist though we did have one just once that was 'soapy' tasting, i always eat bits of it myself when im preparing it for the BB's but thank you again, i will do a taste test every time
Cheryl x

is the squirrel in your avater photo, one of your babies ???
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is one CUTE fuzz-head<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If so--PLEASE post more ( LARGER) photos....
Start a new thread about your squirrels...wild or house-bound......

Go to "FORUM"
then Breed Specific
then U.K. info

12-17-2015, 01:49 PM
Yes ! That is 'my' scrappy the only squirrel that will allow me to touch him, or really the only one that I felt would not be frightened if i did, i really feel privileged about the fact he doesn't mind and i like to think he knows how much I love him - the brave, cheeky and crazy little boy ! He gets so jealous of the others at 'his' door! I have videos too! I have two weeks off for christmas break so I will try and post up some photos then, i work full time with early starts so i do not get a lot of free time, and they are just photos from my ipad through my not so clean glass so they are not fab quality but still cute! Thank you
Kindest reagrds
Cheryl x

12-17-2015, 01:51 PM
is the squirrel in your avater photo, one of your babies ???
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is one CUTE fuzz-head<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If so--PLEASE post more ( LARGER) photos....
Start a new thread about your squirrels...wild or house-bound......

Go to "FORUM"
then Breed Specific
then U.K. info
Whoops no sorry the avatar photo is a pic from images online - i just thought it was lovely, the santa hat squirrel is one of my BB's ( its been a long day sorry for the misunderstanding)

12-20-2015, 05:58 PM
I give small pieces of coconut as well as pieces of the shell and they love them!

I never thought to give them this, what a great idea, I'm going shopping tomorrow :D

12-20-2015, 06:50 PM
I never thought to give them this, what a great idea, I'm going shopping tomorrow :D
My gang goes crazy for it!:w00t

12-20-2015, 09:25 PM
Big hit, grinding teeth down real good. And having a treat at the same time. I give it for about q half hour then take it away for a while otherwise I think he would chew on it until he passed out. Lol:serene

Little girls mom
12-20-2015, 10:06 PM
Big hit, grinding teeth down real good. And having a treat at the same time. I give it for about q half hour then take it away for a while otherwise I think he would chew on it until he passed out. Lol:serene

Are the coconuts the brown ones in the grocery store because that's all we have here. Do you think they could have been sprayed with chemicals? That's what worries me.

12-20-2015, 11:36 PM
This was a wonderful tip! Dibble LOVED her first coconut pieces and shell today! Thank you all for sharing this! :w00t

12-21-2015, 08:15 PM
[QUOTE=Little girls mom;1134875]Are the coconuts the brown ones in the grocery store because that's all we have here. Do you think they could have been sprayed with chemicals? That's what worries me.[QUOTE]
just in case I soaked it in hot water, scrubbed it real good with ivory dish soap and soaked it some more

12-21-2015, 09:00 PM
[QUOTE=Little girls mom;1134875]Are the coconuts the brown ones in the grocery store because that's all we have here. Do you think they could have been sprayed with chemicals? That's what worries me.

just in case I soaked it in hot water, scrubbed it real good with ivory dish soap and soaked it some more
There is no need for the suppliers to spray anything on the coconuts--- but it can't hurt to be careful.
___if the meat easily detaches from the shell in large pieces, and is at all slimy---- toss it out, or return it for an exchange...it is OLD and not usable.