View Full Version : Pneumonia

12-15-2015, 11:16 AM
Indian palm squirrel aspirated some formula very less he sneezed a bit and i think he is clicking I have amoxcillin 500 in hand he is 5 weeks old not sure
Just as things were going right and I introduced royal canin to him yesterday this happend :-(

12-15-2015, 12:09 PM
Indian palm squirrel aspirated some formula very less he sneezed a bit and i think he is clicking I have amoxcillin 500 in hand he is 5 weeks old not sure
Just as things were going right and I introduced royal canin to him yesterday this happend :-(

Can you hold him to your ear and listen to confirm he is clicking every breath? Also listen for crackling kind of noise in his lungs.

Amoxil will work for Aspiration Pneumonia, but is not ideal. Cipro (or Baytril) is best, Augmentin or Clavamox would also be preferred.

Before anything can be dosed, you need to post the little guy's weight.

12-15-2015, 12:11 PM
Is he clicking with every breath?

We need to know his weight to tell you how to dose the amoxicillin, preferably in grams.

12-15-2015, 08:25 PM
I'm really confused yesterday he was clicking with every breath even when he was sleeping today he has stopped clicking yesterday he was super lethargic now he is a bit active and is not clicking I kept him near my ear there is no sound at alll today do you think I should still give him meds he is about 40 grams

12-16-2015, 12:25 AM
I'm really confused yesterday he was clicking with every breath even when he was sleeping today he has stopped clicking yesterday he was super lethargic now he is a bit active and is not clicking I kept him near my ear there is no sound at alll today do you think I should still give him meds he is about 40 grams

I personally don't like medicating unless it's absolutely necessary. However, this is concerning because one don't want to make the wrong call. Usually with AP once the "clicking" starts it don't stop without treatment. The lethargy, loss of appetite all part of it. Without treating these little's can go down fast.
As a suggestion, unless you have a stethoscope, place him down into a deepish plastic container and then listen to him. It will serve to kind of amplify sound like a car does in a tunnel.

How did you arrive at "about 40 grams?"
Exact weight on one so small is best for medicating if you need to go that route.
Please be aware that with medicating a squirrel the med has to be suspended
to liquid to a safe milligram for their use and then dosed according to body weight.

12-16-2015, 08:28 AM
Thank you for trying to help mate I think he is fine he is back to his normal I tried keeping in a plastic box and used a stethoscope no problem at all I'm very sorry I misunderstood.. I was just super cautious he is fine today thank you so much for trying to help:glomp

12-16-2015, 08:37 AM
As Step said you do not want to give meds if not necessary, but you do need to give meds if he does get aspiration pneumonia (AP) as they can go down hill fast. Since he is not consistently clicking, he probably is okay. Keep in mind that Amoxil will work for AP, but more slowly than the other drugs listed earlier Cipro / Baytril (is best for AP) or Augmentin / Clavamox (the names in green are the versions made for humans and the others the same or similar med made for animals).

If you can get any of those other drugs (you would need only a single tablet or capsule) it would be great to have on hand just in case. And a precise weight is needed since both under dosing and over dosing can cause problems; most of us use a kitchen food type scale.

I am happy to read the little one is doing alright after all and did catch AP! :w00t

12-16-2015, 09:00 AM
Thank you spanky.....unlike America in India they give meds without a priscription LOL.. So yeah I'll get them :hug