View Full Version : help please. sky is very important to me

12-13-2015, 06:19 PM
i have had my grey squirrel since she was a couple of day old and now she is 23 weeks old. she was fine all day until now I had her out and she was running back and forth on the back of my couch and all of a sudden she got stiff as a board and she peed and poo when this happened. she is now back to moving around but seems to still have movement issues with her front paws. can someone please help

12-13-2015, 06:29 PM
What is her diet ? Sometimes MBD can show symptoms suddenly. Do you have TUMS in the house ?

What is Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)?

MBD is a calcium deficiency caused by a lack of calcium in the diet.

Why is calcium deficiency so deadly in squirrels?
Calcium does more than build strong bones; it also plays a vital role in all body functions. Every cell in your body contains water plus small amounts of dissolved minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals allow the cells to transmit small electrical signals. Without this cell-to-cell communication, organs can't function: your heart can't beat, your nerves can't transmit impulses; in fact, you would die.

When there isn't enough calcium in your squirrel's diet, his body will dissolve the calcium in his bones and use that instead. This eventually causes his bones to become depleted of calcium. Eventually, there isn't enough calcium left to maintain sufficient calcium in the cellular fluids, and the organs can't function properly. This is what causes the symptoms of MBD: loss of appetite, lethargy, muscle pain, paralysis, seizures, and eventually death. Humans and most other animals don't get this type of severe MBD, partly because their calcium requirement is lower and their bones are bigger, allowing them to store more calcium.

How can I prevent my squirrel from getting MBD?
That's easy:

Feed your squirrel a formula that's fortified with vitamins and minerals--like Fox Valley or Esbilac--when she's a baby.
Start her on the Healthy Diet at weaning. (See our Instructions for Weaning.)
Continue to follow the Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels to ensure a long, healthy, MBD-free life.
How can I tell if my squirrel has MBD?
Take a look at the causes and symptoms of MBD on the right. If any of this looks familiar, it's best to begin treatment. If the squirrel responds to calcium treatment, that usually means MBD was present.

Note that every case is different. Your squirrel may show all of these symptoms or only one. MBD can come on slowly, with a progression of symptoms from loss of appetite and sleeping a lot, to hind-end weakness, to paralysis, and finally seizures. But it can also come on very suddenly, with the squirrel seeming fine one minute and down with paralysis or seizures the next. Sudden onset is most common in young squirrels.

Is MBD very common?
Unfortunately, MBD is extremely common in captive squirrels. There are a couple of reasons for this. One, rodents have very high calcium requirements compared with other animals, or humans. Two, squirrels are very picky eaters and often won't eat any brand of fortified rat diet. This is why we created Henry's squirrel blocks.

What's the most common age for a squirrel to get MBD?
Based on our observations of hundreds of pet squirrels over the years, MBD can strike at any age. Probably the classic age of onset is around 18 months old, but we've seen it in in squirrels as old as 10 years, and in babies less than 4 months old (always due to improper formula, usually combined with too-early weaning and/or weaning onto the wrong diet).

Can MBD be treated?
Yes! The treatment for MBD is extra calcium, plus fixing the diet. The extra calcium immediately boosts your squirrel's calcium levels, but to actually cure MBD, your squirrel must also rebuild his bones. This means fixing the diet to include all the important vitamins, minerals, and protein. This takes a long time--usually at least 6 months to a year.

The good news is that with prompt emergency treatment and consistent follow-up treatment, most squirrels recover completely. Sometimes older squirrels (>5 years old) respond more slowly, and sometimes not at all.

12-13-2015, 06:30 PM
Hang in there while someone comes along to help you.
It does sound as though it may have been a seizure,
please keep the squirrel quiet & calm until help arrives.

:hug :Love_Icon :hug

12-13-2015, 06:34 PM
That is seizure. Get some molasses onto her gums to raise her blood sugar. If you don't have molasses, karo, real maple syrup or something like that will help too. Do tell us what and how much she eats every day.

12-13-2015, 06:35 PM
The tissue in her mouth will absorb the sugar into it even if she is not actively eating it. So getting it onto her gums is all you need to do.

12-13-2015, 06:35 PM
Please share details about her diet. If this was not an injury knowing everything she eats is critical.

12-13-2015, 06:56 PM
I don't know if this is a case of MBD --or not
but the TSB Calcium dose/protocol can't hurt...and might save a life.

Below is the TSB emergency MBD treatment from the website.
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Default Emergency Treatment for MBD (Updated 3/31/09)
Emergency Treatment for MBD

Get calcium into the squirrel IMMEDIATELY, not later, not tomorrow, NOW. Delaying treatment can cause death or permanent paralysis.

You will need:

--Tums or calcium pills (any kind)
--a syringe, eyedropper, or spoon

Crush one Tums or calcium pill and add a little water or fruit juice. Use the syringe, eyedropper, or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone. Feed a total of 600-800 mg of calcium, and spread it out through the day and night to keep his blood calcium levels as steady as possible.

If the squirrel is having seizures, weakness, or paralysis, the symptoms will usually improve within a few hours, but this does not mean the squirrel is cured. It will take many months to rebuild the calcium in the bones.

Long-Term Treatment for MBD

The next step to curing MBD is to fix the diet.

1. Remove ALL seeds, nuts, corn, and treats.

2. Follow the Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels, which can be found at the top of the “Squirrel Nutrition” forum. (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=16093) Your squirrel MUST eat rodent block or squirrel blocks every day. If your squirrel doesn't like rodent blocks, you can try crushing them up with peanut butter or avocado temporarily. You can also make a tastier version of squirrel blocks using the recipe at the top of the Squirrel Nutrition forum.

3. In addition to the Healthy Diet, you will need to continue giving extra calcium every day for several weeks. Either use the syringe/eyedropper or you can try putting the calcium on a small piece of fruit.

Week 1: calcium = 500 mg per day
Week 2: calcium = 250 mg per day
Weeks 3-8: calcium = 100 mg per day

The cause of the acute symptoms—weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis—is a drop in blood calcium levels. If these symptoms return at any time, you will need to give another emergency dose of calcium.

More Tips
MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. Try to keep your squirrel away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone. Also, if he is in a tall cage, either place him in a smaller cage, or pad the bottom very well.

Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work.

12-13-2015, 06:56 PM
i collect acorns for her she also eats walnut and pecans and almonds. yellow squash, tomatoes, avocado, snap peas. sweet potatoes

12-13-2015, 07:01 PM
I did give her a crushed tums with a little water in it

12-13-2015, 07:09 PM
Everyone who has indicated this is MBD is very likely correct. It is caused by a diet too low in calcium and too high in phosphorus, which is exactly what you described. Please read the protocol carefully and follow it. If you purchase the "Ultra Strength 1000mg" Tums (get the fruit flavor) you will need to get one tablet into her daily. You need to divide this into as many small doses as you can manage per day, rather than one or two large ones.

Also, order some correct food: http://www.henryspets.com/squirrel-diet/ I suggest either the Adult blocks or the Picky Blocks. They are fortified with calcium as well as the numerous other nutrients she needs to thrive. Once the MBD has been rectified - which is going to take you some time - this isn't something that takes a few days or weeks to fix - 2 of these blocks per day plus healthy veggies, limited fruits, and VERY limited nuts will provide what she needs. During the treatment they will bolster the treatment.

12-13-2015, 07:17 PM
i collect acorns for her she also eats walnut and pecans and almonds. yellow squash, tomatoes, avocado, snap peas. sweet potatoes

She is young....so MBD is less likely...but her diet is not a healthy one for a "kept" squirrel...she really needs some sort of supplement diet of rodent blocks (lots of us use Henry's squirrel blocks, Tekland or Mazuri rodent blocks) less nuts...really a nut a day is sufficient....I buy hickory nuts and black walnuts off the internet...this way they get to spend a lot of time chewing on the extra hard nut...and there's way less meat inside:great

How was she initially found...could she have suffered any type of head injury? Fallen from nest? Retrieved by dog or cat? When did you stop feeding her formula? What type of formula?

I would restrict her movements until you figure out what's going on....keep a very close eye on her during her free time to reduce chance of a fall...she was lucky to have been on the back of your couch when this happened.:Love_Icon

Have you put the molasses or syrup on her gums as SammysMom suggested?:Love_Icon

Hang in there we understand your love and concern :Love_Icon

Edit: I see that this may be MBD so I would definitely give the calcium....I'm just thinking depending when you stopped formula and what type of formula, 23 weeks seems young to have developed MBD....But I'm not an expert...so better safe than sorry :Love_Icon

12-13-2015, 07:21 PM
Also, when you order the blocks, you may want to grab one of these: http://www.henryspets.com/calcium-carbonate-powder/

This is pure calcium carbonate powder without any flavor. Sometimes it is easier to get this into them than the Tums - some squirrels love the taste of Tums but some don't.

Actually, she is at a really common age for MBD onset. She was getting calcium from her formula but she likely weaned at 12-14 weeks (??) onto a diet that did not have the calcium she needed but did have the phosphorus she didn't.

12-14-2015, 07:02 AM
Good morning---
How is Sky....today.
1-limit her climbing space. and add lots of cushion to the bottom of her cage (in case she falls). If it is MBD,-- they loose the strength to hold on, and can easily fall and add injury to the MBD problem.
2- this is a long-term fix. Do not assume a day or two of calcium supplenments will make everything better. It is a slow and continuous process. She will look and ack better---but inside the repairs are only just beginning.
Remember the bones can be brittle from this disease, and only TIME and proper DIET will cure all.

Can you post some photos of SKY ???
We LIVE FOR pictures.....................
I can post for you--if you don't figure it out... send them to stosh@jpcfl.com.
I will post them HERE--- write "SKY" in the e-mail message line--so it doesn't go to my junk mail.

12-15-2015, 06:42 PM
I uploaded some pictures on here of sky, so I hope they loaded correctly

Little girls mom
12-15-2015, 09:03 PM
I uploaded some pictures on here of sky, so I hope they loaded correctly

Hello and welcome!!! I just looked at all your pictures of sky and just let me say she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!:Love_Icon I cant believe what a tiny baby she was and how much she has grown!!! How is sky doing?? Did you order her any Henry's blocks at Henryspets.com? I give my little girl the hi protein blocks and the healthy blocks. She loves them both. I give her at least 2 blocks per day. She still drinks her formula (fox valley 20/50) but from a saucer. She is such a good girl for her mama!! I have not even gave little girl nuts or fruit yet because i want her to eat her veggies and blocks really well before anything else or they will hold out for the junk. So please let us know how sky is doing and if we can maybe help out!! Sky is so cute!!!:glomp p.s. Forgot to tell you my little girl is 20 wks!! I have had her since she was around 6 wks. 266997

Nancy in New York
12-15-2015, 10:30 PM
I too saw your photos and agree she is beautiful.
Just a word of caution.
IF you are entertaining release, it's vital to keep
cats and squirrels away from each other. Your squirrel will
have NO fear of cats OR dogs if released. This is never a good
mix having wildlife and domestics together.

If you aren't entertaining release it also is vital to keep to
keep them seperate.

Even a cat scratch or bite can be deadly to squirrels.
Every cat caught baby we see on the board are put on antibiotics
immediately due to the pasteurella bacteria, spread through scratches,
or bites.

From the internet

These punctures rapidly seal over, trapping bacteria from the cat's mouth under the skin of the victim, where they can readily multiply. A similar type of injury happens with cat scratches - the extremely sharp, curved nails penetrate deep into the skin, essentially injecting bacteria deep into the puncture wound. Depending on the location and depth of the wound, the bacteria can spread in the surrounding tissues causing a condition called cellulitis.
Cat bites can be dangerous both to other animals and to humans. In their mouths, all cats carry a large number of bacteria that are capable of causing tissue infections in bite wounds. One of the more common is highly pathogenic bacterium known as Pasteurella multocida.

12-15-2015, 11:29 PM
I uploaded some pictures on here of sky, so I hope they loaded correctly

DANG.... I can't see them...I don't see the images.

Nancy in New York
12-15-2015, 11:57 PM
DANG.... I can't see them...I don't see the images.

Stosh, go to their profile and look down just a ways, and you will see their albums. :thumbsup

12-17-2015, 04:57 AM
Got the blocks and calcium from henrys yesterday.and now giving it to here. But how long will it take for her to her appitite back. I gave her a block as soon as we got home she took it right out of my hand, then ate a little of it.

Little girls mom
12-18-2015, 02:11 AM
Got the blocks and calcium from henrys yesterday.and now giving it to here. But how long will it take for her to her appitite back. I gave her a block as soon as we got home she took it right out of my hand, then ate a little of it.

That's great she liked the blocks! Give her 1 in the morning and 1 in evening. Cant say when her appetite will be back to normal but as long as she is getting 2 blocks a day and some veggies and formula/water she should start to pick up her appetite back up. If it was MBD then it is going to take time and her healthy eating of blocks,calcium and veggies and very small amounts of fruit and nuts needs to be her everyday diet forever. Do you have a copy of the healthy veggie list? How is sky doing?? Hope she is doing better!!

12-18-2015, 04:02 AM
Just an updated so she has been on the calcium from Henry's for a day now. And she is back to eating. Thank you everyone for your help. I am so greatful to have found y'all on here. I will keep everyone posted on her progress.

12-18-2015, 04:04 AM
That's great she liked the blocks! Give her 1 in the morning and 1 in evening. Cant say when her appetite will be back to normal but as long as she is getting 2 blocks a day and some veggies and formula/water she should start to pick up her appetite back up. If it was MBD then it is going to take time and her healthy eating of blocks,calcium and veggies and very small amounts of fruit and nuts needs to be her everyday diet forever. Do you have a copy of the healthy veggie list? How is sky doing?? Hope she is doing better!! yes i had a list but i printed the ones off here

island rehabber
12-18-2015, 07:30 AM
:sereneso glad she's feeling better! Remember to keep up the regime....it takes a long time for them to get unhealthy, and an even longer time for them to get back to good health. :great

12-18-2015, 10:50 AM
So happy that she is appetite is improving. :grouphug :lurking