View Full Version : Hungry little guy

12-11-2015, 07:57 AM
We've been trying to match recommendations for how much to feed Pepina (about 4 months old), but after 3 HHBs, a few pieces of vegetables, and a little fruit, he still seems to be very hungry for more. The other day we gave him an ounce of formula and some coconut oil on top of all of that. We're prepared to be strict about diet if it's what's best for him, but I just wanted to see if he needs more food to grow. He gets plenty of exercise since he's not in the cage much. Also wondering if he has an instinct to fatten up for the winter??

12-11-2015, 12:36 PM
They will fatten up for the winter and start to slow down a bit. You can freely feed good quality rodent blocks such as Oxbow Adult Rat formula, Mazuri, and Harlan Teklad! I use HT 2018, but I've heard of people using HT 2014. I order mine online in bulk for around $1/pound without shipping.

12-11-2015, 10:46 PM
You can also freely feed veggies on the healthy veggie list. He might like the Oxbow adult rat food. You can get it at Petco or sometimes Petsmart in No. Haven.

12-13-2015, 09:28 AM
What the others said. Being strict about the diet is about the kind of foods you feed, not the quantity. I always put out food so that from Sunup to Sundown they have food to eat. I put together a day in my feeding life I think it was really helpful, go check it out here


Post #29

Are you planning on releasing this squirrel?

12-13-2015, 08:43 PM
Thanks all! Very helpful. We'll always have approved veggies available for him whenever he gets hungry now. Good to know overeating is not much of a worry as long as it's not treats. And thanks for that detailed post, kcassidy, some great ideas in there that we will try! You're right, it's a big commitment--we've pretty much changed our lives to give him the attention he needs. We're keeping him at least through the winter since he is not bulked up yet. As long as he seems happy here we plan on continuing to take care of him. :grin2

12-13-2015, 09:36 PM
I have rodent block that you are welcome to try. I can give you a little bit of the Oxbow as well as Harlan Teklad. You know where we live...:grin3
Maybe you could see the gang this time if my naughty Sammy isn't marauding around the house...:shakehead

12-15-2015, 07:38 PM
That would be a blast!! I think we're all set for food at the moment though. He seems so much calmer since we tweaked his diet recently.:Love_Icon