View Full Version : Urgent help needed. BABY HAVING SEIZURES
12-09-2015, 06:44 PM
I live in a rural area and I don't have any vets around me.
I found a hairless pink squirrel fallen from the tree so i took him in. In my area i cannot get any products like esbilac and such i boiled the cows milk and fed him warm mixed with water. Water:milk 3:1.
He was on the rehydration solution for 24 hours. He having seizures after i feed him and he goes to sleep.
What to do?
Please help ASAP.
island rehabber
12-09-2015, 06:53 PM
I live in a rural area and I don't have any vets around me.
I found a hairless pink squirrel fallen from the tree so i took him in. In my area i cannot get any products like esbilac and such i boiled the cows milk and fed him warm mixed with water. Water:milk 3:1.
He was on the rehydration solution for 24 hours. He having seizures after i feed him and he goes to sleep.
What to do?
Please help ASAP.
naveed, thank you for taking this baby in, and welcome to The Squirrel Board.
Are you able to get goat's milk? It is much better for the baby than cow's milk. If you can, we have a recipe to make a very good squirrel formula:
3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt
What happens during these seizures? Can you describe them, or post a video? The seizures are most likely from head trauma when he fell to the ground, out of his nest. They may or may not get better....impossible to say right now.
Make sure the baby is very warm at all times...he cannot hold his body temperature at his age, and with no fur. A heating pad is best, one that doesn't automatically shut off.
If you can post a picture we can see his size and help you to better take care of him.
12-09-2015, 06:54 PM
The first thing that he needs is to be hydrated. You can make a mixture of 1 cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1/4 teaspoon salt.
Do you have a 1cc syringe?
12-09-2015, 07:26 PM
The goats milk formula is a good option. Also, Royal Canin is sold in India - they make a formula called "Babydog Formula" which is an excellent option.
Please describe the seizures. Does he open his mouth and appear to be gaping like a fish on the surface of the water? Or are these seizures something that involves his body?
12-09-2015, 07:34 PM
Also, do you have him on a heating pad? It is very important to get and keep him warm. Not too fast, but they are not able to regulate their body temperature so they need heat from the outside. In the wild, their mama's body would keep them warm. Thank-you so much for helping this little one...:Love_Icon
12-10-2015, 12:03 AM
The baby experiences brief jerks, shock like movements. This seizures completely involves his body. He jerks suddenly and very intensly. I'll try to shoot a video as it happens.
I've posted a picture of the baby squirrel.
12-10-2015, 12:05 AM
The baby experiences brief jerks, shock like movements. This seizures completely involves his body. He jerks suddenly and very intensly. I'll try to shoot a video as it happens.
I've posted a picture of the baby squirrel. Also please tell me whether the Squirrel looks dehydrated, unhealthy, weak or bloated or anything like that.
Thanks so much for al lthe responses. I am glad i found Squirrelboard in the crucial times of the baby's life.
Little girls mom
12-10-2015, 12:27 AM
Thanks so much for al lthe responses. I am glad i found Squirrelboard in the crucial times of the baby's life.
Hi naveed, so sorry your baby is not doing well. Did you get him/her hydrated and warm with heating pad? You need to put it in a small plastic bin with lid with holes in it. Put some t shirts or fleece in bin and a heating pad that stays on constantly on low. Put the heating pad under the bin on the OUTSIDE of the bin and only put the heating pad under half of the bin so if the baby gets too hot it can crawl over to the other side of the bin to get cool. Did that make sense?? I hope so. And please try to find a different milk as cows milk is not good for squirrels. You can go to the nutrition section on here and it should tell you all you need to know. Its alot of reading on here but it is valuable information that you need for your baby. And i am sure you will find on here about the bin and heating pad as well in the baby squirrel section. I personally used a cat warming pad that goes in a cat bed and i have used a reptile heating pad. My heating pad was too hot even on low and the reptile or cat warming pad did the trick. You dont want it too hot because they can get burned being they have no fur. They need to be warmed and stay on the heating pad continually because they cant regulate their body temp. Do you have anyway of getting a heating pad and formula??
12-10-2015, 01:50 AM
Hello there, thanks for suggesting in such a detail. I have the heating device. its not a heating pad really as I am in utter rural area.
I have the baby secured and warm. he is sleeping at this moment. I wanted to know if I can mix yogurt with the cow's milk and make a paste like formula. I have been feeding liquids only until now(MILK:WATER 2:1).
There is no way i can get goats milk here. I have to make do with the cows milk itself.
Please suggest some formula that includes cows milk and yogurt.
And will the baby be able to eat semi liqid foods? Is it alright if i serve warm paste of milk and yogurt?
Little girls mom
12-10-2015, 02:47 AM
Hello there, thanks for suggesting in such a detail. I have the heating device. its not a heating pad really as I am in utter rural area.
I have the baby secured and warm. he is sleeping at this moment. I wanted to know if I can mix yogurt with the cow's milk and make a paste like formula. I have been feeding liquids only until now(MILK:WATER 2:1).
There is no way i can get goats milk here. I have to make do with the cows milk itself.
Please suggest some formula that includes cows milk and yogurt.
And will the baby be able to eat semi liqid foods? Is it alright if i serve warm paste of milk and yogurt?
Right now being the baby is newborn it needs only liquids such as a good formula. Cows milk is not good for squirrels. It does not have the necessary vitamins to raise a squirrel on. Your squirrel will really need a good formula i'm sorry to keep saying this but he/she will start to have problems from not having a good formula. Can you order online to where you live? If so there is a place where most of us get our formula. Its called Henry's pets. You can also use puppy esibilac like alot of our people use. The powdered one. Not the liquid. You need a 1cc syringe to feed your baby also. Have you checked out the baby squirrel section on here? I am sure you will find alot of info on there that will help you. Please try to order online if you can. Please dont hesitate to ask for help on here. We are here for you and your baby. :hug
island rehabber
12-10-2015, 07:42 AM
The baby experiences brief jerks, shock like movements. This seizures completely involves his body. He jerks suddenly and very intensly. I'll try to shoot a video as it happens.
I've posted a picture of the baby squirrel.
Oh he's beautiful --- a baby Indian Palm Squirrel, I think?
naveed, they do twitch a LOT at this age, especially when asleep. Let's see a video and we can tell if this is normal twitching, or really a seizure type of activity.
12-10-2015, 09:12 AM
I have managed somehow to capture the little 'twiches' I am worried about.
Here's the link to the video: reveiew the video and please respond ASAP.
Worried caretaker awaiting. Please respond ASAP
Thank you so much
island rehabber
12-10-2015, 09:37 AM
You may exhale now, naveed -- that looks very normal. :grin3
He does look a bit dehydrated, so make sure you are offering enough hydration BETWEEN formula feedings for the next day or so, ok?
Do you think you could get Royal Canin formula sent to you out there?
12-10-2015, 09:48 AM
I am nt sure about Royal canin. But i will try searching it online. Just tell me the exact name of the product or send me a link of the same. Once I know the product I will search the entire area for this.
And if this is normal, could you please tell me how to determine if the baby is having seizures?
I also wanna ask that what should be the interval between formula feedings and how many times should i feed him the formula? ?
island rehabber
12-10-2015, 10:25 AM
I am nt sure about Royal canin. But i will try searching it online. Just tell me the exact name of the product or send me a link of the same. Once I know the product I will search the entire area for this.
And if this is normal, could you please tell me how to determine if the baby is having seizures?
I also wanna ask that what should be the interval between formula feedings and how many times should i feed him the formula? ?
Here's their website for India:
The formula is called Babydog
Seizures come in several forms: stretching limbs and arching the back is a hypoglycemic seizure. Violent twisting, screaming, and rapid jerking of limbs for more than a few seconds is another type. Staring and trembling for more than a few seconds is another. Young babies, however, like yours, go through this twitchy stage which is perfectly normal. When you have a tub full of little pinkies together it's very cute how they twitch and flop and crawl all over each other. You wonder how anyone gets any sleep!
I would be feeding your little guy every 3.5 hours, with at least one feeding at night. Don't let him go more than 4-5 hours overnight without something for the next week or so, then you can taper that off.
12-10-2015, 10:46 AM
Thanks for sending the link. But there is no product called babydog anywhere on the site. I would really appreciate if you could just send me another link and the exact product description
Little girls mom
12-10-2015, 12:42 PM
Thanks for sending the link. But there is no product called babydog anywhere on the site. I would really appreciate if you could just send me another link and the exact product description
Hi naveed, I googled amazon and india and amazon will ship to india!! They also have the babydog that you are needing!!!!! 266599 266600 266601 :serene p.s. Shipping is free!!!
12-10-2015, 01:35 PM
Hi naveed, I googled amazon and india and amazon will ship to india!! They also have the babydog that you are needing!!!!! 266599 266600 266601 :serene p.s. Shipping is free!!!
Thank you so much. You're doing the best thing! I'll check out the product and availability. Fingers crossed until i log on and enter my zip code to confirm my area.
Thanks a ton. You're godsend.
Little girls mom
12-10-2015, 02:12 PM
Thank you so much. You're doing the best thing! I'll check out the product and availability. Fingers crossed until i log on and enter my zip code to confirm my area.
Thanks a ton. You're godsend.
You are so welcome! Hope the baby is doing good. :hug
12-11-2015, 04:28 AM
I think i overfed him. I'm so much worried. Can u tell from the picture if he is bloated.? If so, then what measures should i take?
island rehabber
12-11-2015, 08:04 AM
You're stimulating him after every feeding, right? Has he pooped and pee'd since you fed him just now? If yes, he is not bloated. If no, keep trying and if after an hour or so you see nothing, prepare a little bowl with warm water and soak him up to his armpits while gently massaging his tummy with a downward motion. This should get everything moving again. As long as he has NOT pooped, don't give him anything else until he does.
12-11-2015, 11:14 AM
Yes he pees after every feeding session.. but he doesnt poop everytime. He poops 2 out of 4 times.
And thank god it was a relief to gear he was not bloated.
Can u please tell me what are the symptoms of pneumonia in baby squirrel ??
12-11-2015, 01:12 PM
How much did you feed him?
Try to go for 5-7% of his body weight. Any more will give him bloat. Has he had a bowel movement since you fed him?
EDIT: I was too late! Go IR go!
Pneumonia sounds like a clicking with every breath. Hold him up to your ear and see if there's a constant clicking sound
12-19-2015, 04:01 AM
Thank you so much. The baby is doing good and eating well. He is a boy. I have named him ZIPPY!
I have a 2 ml syringe but sadly i couldn't get any nipples. I just pour a drop in his mouth as he takes his tongue out for asking more. I go very slow and I know the methods. Thank you for all your concerns really! You are really a great person.
I just have one problem though. Its not really a problem but it kinda worries me. The squirrel has developed a black clot sort of something on his genitals. I guess it because of all the simulating with the Kleenex.
I have attached a picture here of the same:
island rehabber
12-19-2015, 08:59 AM
Could that be some poop that dried and got stuck there?
12-19-2015, 09:13 AM
Nope. Not at all. Its the clot of the blood or the damaged sking that got damaged due to excessive rubbing of Kleenex
12-19-2015, 10:14 AM
You are Zippy's hero. Warm compresses will help the clot soften. Put a bit of neopsorin, an antibiotic ointment or even vasileen to keep the scab moist. When I stimulate my tiny babies, I don't use a kleenex at all. Wash hands. Make sure nails are short. Tap tap tap his genetils very lightly with a finger until he pees and poops. Mama licks him clean. Her tongue is lubricated. I think using a finger simulates that soft tongue and since there is no rubbing, no irritation. You could also give him a warm water soak to help the scab loosen. Make sure he stays super warm when he's been in water and of course completely dry before he goes back to bed.
12-19-2015, 01:22 PM
Thank you so much. I'm not really sure if its a clot.
Here is a clear picture.
Please help me figure out. I am sure it has developed due to Kleenex rubbing only.
12-19-2015, 04:55 PM
Thank you so much. I'm not really sure if its a clot.
Here is a clear picture.
Please help me figure out. I am sure it has developed due to Kleenex rubbing only.
The picture I get is distorted. It LOOKS to me like the clot is a clot on his anus rather than his penis. He may need more hydration if I'm seeing clearly (and the picture is long and skinny and stretched) if it IS hos anus. He needs to clear out or he'll be impacted. LOTS of water--maybe with some prune or apple juice in it ( not a lot of prune) give him water every hour or two. Watch that he poops. If he does, good but take a Qtip and carefully clean the area. If he's just not pooping and the juice doesn't get him going, a tiny bit of mineral oil. If it's actually his penis and I can't see clearly from the pix, no kleenex, gentle taps with a lubricated finger and something on his penis to keep the end moist, and prevent infection. I LOVE Palm Squirrels. Have seen them first hand in India. I wanted to "squirrel" one into my carryon :grin3
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