View Full Version : Not too picky an eater.

12-08-2015, 10:23 AM
So I found this great site none too soon. We are raising our first baby and have fallen deeply in love, the whole family. I noticed some hair loss on back of his head but he seems so active and healthy I did not become concerned. Then I noticed some thinning above his tail. Now I started searching the internet, and was blessed to find this forum. I read about nutrition and immediately ordered Henry's blocks, for picky eaters because we have mistakenly fed him mostly nuts.
So the nice lady at Henry's spoke to me and said to find all his stashed and take away all his nuts until his blocks arrive. So I have set out his bowl with greens, carrots, some fruit, and he started eating them right away. I don't think he is as picky as I thought. But today he wants to eat everything in site! And then he proceeded to help me finish off by PB & J! At least it was on whole wheat bread which is what he ate most of.
I can't help loving him he is just sooooooooooo cute. I wanted to release him eventually but I'm afraid he will be like the cat you feed on the porch and then he won't go away. I know we don't have winters like you northerners but it is getting cold at night here in Florida and it would break my heart with worry if he were outside on a cold rainy night.
So I guess we are committed to loving and raising a squirrel, what a joy!