View Full Version : has anyone ever given blueberry or rasberry branches to squirrels

12-07-2015, 10:21 PM
have some blueberry branches and raspberry branches, if he could enjoy them don't want to toss them.

12-13-2015, 01:56 PM
judging by the lack of reply, im guessing no. I would try to give him a few branches w/ few leaves and see how he does in 24 hours. I am assuming that because if the berries are a hit with squirrels, the branches might be ok also. hopefully some one will reply that has given them branches. do you think the prickley raspberry branches will be a turn off?

12-13-2015, 03:26 PM
Honestly, I'm not sure :dono squirrels are pretty smart....I can't help but think they will not mess with them if there's anything bad about them....but, you never can be sure. My squirrels do not ingest their branches...just "shred" them :facepalm and a fun time is had by all :grin3

I'd look on the Internet and see if they're toxic to humans, cats or dogs:great if not...I'd think they would be ok with squees:thinking

12-15-2015, 10:39 PM
thanks, I am gona pass on the blueberry branches its not worth the risk.

12-20-2015, 06:01 PM
I give my guys Mulberry branches especially during the spring and they love them. 4 years of this and not one dead Squee :D My guess is that they would be okay to offer as a treat.