View Full Version : Gators Mommy and Ohio Rehaber

12-06-2015, 05:09 PM
I have been around for a sec. but never introduced myself fully.. I am first and four-most a WILDLIFE rehabilitator sub permit holder... I do everything in my power to help whats born wild be wild again.. my main focus is squirrels, however I will on occasion take Raccoon's, and this coming spring i will be trying my hand in Skunks as my permit holder is quite the Skunk expert. I had my hand on some pretty interesting cases.. i had a Dwarf, chain saw babies (one missing tail other a leg).. and a number of head trauma including my Gatorade.

I have raised baby animals since i was a child.. I feel them.. I know that sound odd.. But i really feel God gives you angles in a way that you can listen.. my angels come as wildlife that God has put in my life. I have been called an Animal Empth.. and think that's stretching it a tad but can relate.. I have a gift that God gave me.. He works threw my hands..

about my Gator..IE Gatorade.. she came to me comatose with a large lump on her head.. with time and patents she has come around but will never be 100%.. some days i worry about her as she still has some bad days where she misses jumps and very unbalanced.. I never will give up on her.. It breaks my heart to think she will never know the feeling of bark under her feet.. but we are making the best of her life in my forever care.. she is more of my hubby's baby girl then mine.. they truly have a bond.. she Buzzes with joy and shakes in excitement just smelling him when he gets home from work.. she's adapting to her balance issues.. she use to eat leaning against Johns hands.. other wise she would lay on her back in the bottom of the cage to eat.. he's helped her gain much needed balance.. now she makes sure to lean her back against the cage.. she runs the house when Meow (our cat) is tucked away behind closed doors.. she loves my 2 children to pieces and often greets them.. I have my nightly cuddles with her and in the morning give hr hand snuggles in her nest while shes sleeping.. spoiled Much?.. maybe..

so nice to meet you all and look fwd to your help as i come across some things that I'm new at.. :serene:shine

12-06-2015, 05:23 PM
:Welcome ohh welcome PinkSquirrel and Gator :Love_Icon Gator sounds like she couldn't have found a better home....I'm so happy for her and you guys...cuz squirrel love is the best :blowkiss thank you for caring for the helpless :bowdown I know it can be very hard...emotionally...first if you lose them :sadness and secondly when you give them their freedom and say goodbye :( it's bittersweet....you've definitely found the right place ...no one here discounts the magic of squirrels and how they are able to communicate and get help when it's needed :Love_Icon I look forward to seeing pics of your precious Gator :hyper

:great and you're so lucky to have a family that supports you and a squirrel that loves you all :grouphug

12-06-2015, 05:35 PM
My husband is barley a dog person .. He doesn't have much to do with the babies i bring in here.. but he also knows from being with me for 10 years no is not allowed in this house ether.. he has seen me stress and cry over not being able to help something.. I take the losses pretty hard.. he once told me if i don't stop beating myself up about the losses that i can't control, he would make me stop. My son's understand death a little bit more then i would like..

when people tell me "you have the best job in the world" I don't think they take a step back to realize I'm like a ICU.. and not all my cases make it.. from staying up endless hours making sure something gets re hydrated, and the work that goes into it.. do i love my job.. YES.. and i simply reply with .. it's a blessing to do Gods work threw animals. Because i don't have the heart to tell them the bad.. innocence is bliss.. right? RIGHT??

12-06-2015, 05:46 PM
266396 this was Gator when she came to me and her huge lump

266397 her curled up in my hand

12-06-2015, 06:23 PM
Oh bless her heart...she sure did have a bump :( I'm sooo glad she was one of the ones to make it....and I know a lot of people wouldn't take on the raising and caring of her ....that's another big :thankyou

And isn't funny that your husband isn't really an animal person...but squirrel magic works every time :grin3 :Love_Icon

And yes...you have to be a strong person when sometimes all you can do is help them continue their journey :sadness it's very hard :(

12-10-2015, 12:32 AM
Hi Gator! That was a mighty bump! Now she has a good life with you. I don't think you can really appreciate life until you've helped a loved one cross over. Sometimes our job is to love and grieve. If we can't do either of those maybe we shouldn't be doing what we do. Sure am glad you both are here!