island rehabber
11-18-2015, 11:29 PM
From time to time I get calls from TV and film production companies, always with regard to them wanting a "tame squirrel" they can use in commercials or movies. :shakehead I always tell them the same thing, that I raise to release and that my squirrels are never tame -- not even close. I also add that my rehabber's license forbids me to exhibit my animals or show them in any way, especially for $$$. :nono We have nice chats and then it's over....months later, I will see a commercial with a squirrel in it and think, "THAT'S what they were talking about."
So I was really surprised when Haymaker TV Productions emailed me about a possible show they want to produce about wildlife rehab, starting out with an episode on squirrel rescue!! Here is the email I received, with their permission to spread the word:
I work for a TV production company and my goal is to interview dedicated squirrel rescuers/rehabbers who take in lost, orphaned, forgotten baby squirrels and raccoons. They open up their homes and pay for everything out of pocket, which is amazing. We'd like to find out how they became involved and what it takes to do it. We'd also like to possibly see them raise the squirrels from tiny toddlers to adolescents and then release them into the wild.
Would you or any of your volunteers you may work with be interested in being interviewed?
Gayleem Aguilar
Development Assistant
O: 646.442.7766 (tel:646.442.7766) | C: 201.577.8192 (tel:201.577.8192)
I'm a fairly suspicious person and my BF is VERY suspicious, so we researched this company inside and out and they seemed legit. This morning I went down to their NYC office by invitation and was interviewed, via Skype, by their Los Angeles producer. He asked thoughtful, honest, fun questions and seemed genuinely interested in rehabbers, squirrels, and the whole idea of people volunteering to disrupt their lives to save wildlife. The way this apparently works is they will interview a number of rehabbers, see who they like best for on-camera, and then edit all the clips into a documentary-style show.
I would not have subjected any rehabber friends or TSB members to this project without vetting it first myself because if there's going to be a scam or a hoax, let ME deal with it. :get_em They are very professional and very nice, so if you rehab and feel you'd like to get involved with this project, please give Gayleem a call. She's very busy but she will get back to you!
Out of towners are interviewed from their homes, via Skype. You don't have to come to NYC.
So I was really surprised when Haymaker TV Productions emailed me about a possible show they want to produce about wildlife rehab, starting out with an episode on squirrel rescue!! Here is the email I received, with their permission to spread the word:
I work for a TV production company and my goal is to interview dedicated squirrel rescuers/rehabbers who take in lost, orphaned, forgotten baby squirrels and raccoons. They open up their homes and pay for everything out of pocket, which is amazing. We'd like to find out how they became involved and what it takes to do it. We'd also like to possibly see them raise the squirrels from tiny toddlers to adolescents and then release them into the wild.
Would you or any of your volunteers you may work with be interested in being interviewed?
Gayleem Aguilar
Development Assistant
O: 646.442.7766 (tel:646.442.7766) | C: 201.577.8192 (tel:201.577.8192)
I'm a fairly suspicious person and my BF is VERY suspicious, so we researched this company inside and out and they seemed legit. This morning I went down to their NYC office by invitation and was interviewed, via Skype, by their Los Angeles producer. He asked thoughtful, honest, fun questions and seemed genuinely interested in rehabbers, squirrels, and the whole idea of people volunteering to disrupt their lives to save wildlife. The way this apparently works is they will interview a number of rehabbers, see who they like best for on-camera, and then edit all the clips into a documentary-style show.
I would not have subjected any rehabber friends or TSB members to this project without vetting it first myself because if there's going to be a scam or a hoax, let ME deal with it. :get_em They are very professional and very nice, so if you rehab and feel you'd like to get involved with this project, please give Gayleem a call. She's very busy but she will get back to you!
Out of towners are interviewed from their homes, via Skype. You don't have to come to NYC.