View Full Version : What is the worst....

11-16-2015, 08:53 PM
What is the worst thing you ever fed your squirrel?

Here is mine: I was eating organic Graham cracker (HONEY, no high fructose).... and I just handed him a piece without thinking! Of course he was thrilled! I used to share them with my old dog that passed away last spring, it was a not so good habit.

11-16-2015, 09:01 PM
The worst thing that I let Sammy have on a RARE occasion are Sun Chips. Salty, greasy crap that he will take your hand off over...:rofl4

11-16-2015, 09:14 PM
Technically I didn't let him HAVE it buuuutttttt...
I was eating an oreo with Ambrose on my shoulder. He decided he wanted a taste. Then promptly bit off roughly ALL of the cookie, leaving me with a little squirrel sized bite in my fingertips. He then licked off all of the cream and threw chewed cookie bits at me.

11-16-2015, 09:21 PM
Well....I didn't exactly share :crazy1 more like I was ripped off :tap yes ...that's a meatball ....of course it is an organic veggie meatball:grin3 but still :dono I have a bad habit of letting Baby check out my food....I just know she isn't going to want it :facepalm first pic, her happy grab...second pic, wasn't all she thought it would be :laugh2

Nancy in New York
11-16-2015, 09:29 PM
Well....I didn't exactly share :crazy1 more like I was ripped off :tap yes ...that's a meatball ....of course it is an organic veggie meatball:grin3 but still :dono I have a bad habit of letting Baby check out my food....I just know she isn't going to want it :facepalm first pic, her happy grab...second pic, wasn't all she thought it would be :laugh2

Now this is hilarious.
I can just picture Baby carrying off a meatball. :rolf

island rehabber
11-16-2015, 09:47 PM
My very first squirrel, Squirli, had the run of the house. One night I'm sitting on the couch watching TV and I suddenly smell......garlic breath? (I mean, I know we're Italian but....Jeez!) Running across the back of the couch, headed for his nest on the top of an 8-ft bookcase was my squirrel, with a huge entire garlic bud in his mouth which he'd stolen from a little bowl on the back of the stove. I couldn't get it away from him before he'd torn it to shreds. His nest reeked for days! :rofl4

11-16-2015, 10:13 PM
Well, my Lenny has a major sweet tooth and would always seem to sniff out candy, no matter how hard we tried to keep it hid away - and he was QUICK too!! We usually would catch him in time, but not before he managed to sneak out a Reese's Peanut Butter cup from my Sunday school tote bag in the kitchen one time! :eek I didn't stop long enough to get a picture as the little booger was already unwrapping it rapidly! Thankfully he only managed to get one small bite in before I wrestled it away from him! But the little stinker has had an absolute obsession with peanut butter ever since! :grin2 In the back of my mind I could hear the phrase "and THIS is how Lenny eats a Reese's peanut butter cup" :rotfl

11-16-2015, 11:50 PM
I think the worst I ever let Annie eat were a few Mc D's french fries when I would have them.
She absolutely loved the crunchy ones at the bottom of the bag. :embar

11-17-2015, 07:56 AM
Well, Jazzy is still young, so this may change, but so far my boy seems to have a thing for Tootsie Rolls. Not that I GIVE them to him--he's a thief & manages to find them in my pockets & purse when I don't even remember having put them there!ive tried offering him a nut in trade.....almost took my finger off! There is NO messing with Jazz & his candy!

11-17-2015, 08:14 AM
Does anyone else notice the recurring theme? :grin3

"I didn't GIVE him/her this but.."

Little thieves!

11-17-2015, 09:44 AM
Does anyone else notice the recurring theme? :grin3

"I didn't GIVE him/her this but.."

Little thieves!


11-17-2015, 10:36 AM
You guys cracking me up! I am literally laughing out loud at work.....trying to explain this to my co-workers...that for some reason don't see the humor....imagine?! People who don't find squirrels wonderful and funny....do they actually exist!?!?


11-17-2015, 02:28 PM
Punkin makes herself at home with MY snacks. There was the great graham cracker caper, the Frito heist and more recently the pizza grab. Scooter steals my cookies but I couldn't find a picture of him yumming a cookie he grabbed and threatened bodily harm if I took it back.

11-17-2015, 09:24 PM
the meatball scene really cracked me up!!!!!:laugh2

11-18-2015, 11:23 AM
Very rarely and only if i'm already baking homemade pretzels, i'll take a small piece of dough, roll it out, spread a bit of peanut butter on one side, fold it up pastry-styled, bake it, and cut it into tiny little Rodent serving sizes. It started as a treat solely for my pet Rats, but when i had a bunch of big eyed, hungry-looking squirrels who'd gotten a whiff of it just staring at me, i couldn't help but to share with them too. :grin2

11-18-2015, 11:32 AM
I love all these stories! I just can't stop picturing the garlic bread incident with Island Rehabber! :wiggle

11-18-2015, 12:01 PM
Well, I once gave Brutus a slice of lime (not sure what I was thinking?). He promptly ate it and then threw it all up! :( Thankfully he was alright but that gave me a pretty big scare!

11-18-2015, 12:22 PM
Well when my sfs Ariel had phenomena I put her in an animal transport cage with heat right by my bed side. After giving her the meds and tucking her in for the night ( she was only 7wks) The husband and I went to bed. I woke up in the morning to find a gaping hole in the carrier and a squirrel on the hubby's before bed pepsi (dont ask why) she was slurping it up! And can i ask how many peoples squirrels try to take your coffee? Mine nose dive into it all the time.

11-18-2015, 01:22 PM
Just shared my smoothie with Jazz.... he was hanging upside-down from a shelf licking the surface of it!

11-18-2015, 02:34 PM
Pizza crusts---the DUDE loves 'em. I try to pinch off a small piece with a little cheese attached...
He is my buddy, so I ain't makin' no apologies...............Ha!!


We had spaghetti today for lunch............the DUDE decided to join us....

11-18-2015, 03:17 PM
Punkin makes herself at home with MY snacks. There was the great graham cracker caper, the Frito heist and more recently the pizza grab. Scooter steals my cookies but I couldn't find a picture of him yumming a cookie he grabbed and threatened bodily harm if I took it back.

'Frito Heist' :laugh2:laugh2:laugh2 hilarious

11-18-2015, 08:58 PM
And can i ask how many peoples squirrels try to take your coffee? Mine nose dive into it all the time.

DIBBLE! He tries to get in my coffee and nearly drowns in my Dandy Blend (dandelion, chicory root)!! I thought he was just weird...must be the bitters and tannins they want. I make sure to check the temperatures before leaving them now. :grin2

11-19-2015, 07:42 AM
My computer desk used to be in Tess's room, and I often ate my lunch in there. Of course Tess believed in the "one bite for Mommy and one bite for Tess" theory of the universe, and I often let her have a taste of what I was eating. Nothing ever made her sick, but one day she had (and LOVED) some jambalaya - meat free, because I am a vegetarian. That evening she started having gas, and it lasted until bedtime. The really funny thing is that she would run over to the cage, hang on the side, fart really loudly, and then whip her tail back and forth like she was trying to disperse the noxious cloud. My husband and I laughed like fools, and every time we have jambalaya he says, "For heaven's sake, don't let Tess have any of this!"

11-19-2015, 08:24 AM
My computer desk used to be in Tess's room, and I often ate my lunch in there. Of course Tess believed in the "one bite for Mommy and one bite for Tess" theory of the universe, and I often let her have a taste of what I was eating. Nothing ever made her sick, but one day she had (and LOVED) some jambalaya - meat free, because I am a vegetarian. That evening she started having gas, and it lasted until bedtime. The really funny thing is that she would run over to the cage, hang on the side, fart really loudly, and then whip her tail back and forth like she was trying to disperse the noxious cloud. My husband and I laughed like fools, and every time we have jambalaya he says, "For heaven's sake, don't let Tess have any of this!"

That's hilarious!!
I'm curious about your jambalaya!! What do you use in place of andouille and chicken?

11-19-2015, 11:54 AM

11-19-2015, 06:14 PM
I use Tofurky sausages, either the Italian or the kielbasa. I don't cook them with the jambalaya, though - I slice them, grill them in a frying pan, and add them to the jambalaya five minutes before it's done. Sometimes, if I don't have the sausages on hand, I'll just throw a handful of veggie ground crumbles in - I really like the Boca brand.