View Full Version : Non-Release Flyer. What do I feed her?

11-07-2015, 01:55 PM
I have a non-release flyer here and since I have never had a flyer before, what do I feed her? She currently hasn't weaned yet (she spent a month on Oxygen, due to a really nasty virus that killed her 3 other siblings). She still has problems with her breathing, which is prompting me to keep her and not release (plus she is just adorable and has stolen my heart, but that isn't the reason I am keeping her). Any advise for long term diet?

11-07-2015, 02:07 PM
Wean her onto HHBs just like a big squirrel. She needs the same veggies, etc., and you need to add additional protein in the way of either wax worms or mealworms, plus things like pieces of chicken cooked without any salt and stuff, even pieces of chicken bone. I will tell you that my little Laz would club you to death (it would be a very tiny club and would take a long time) for a wax worm.

Keep feeding formula - I would boost it with some Yobaby yogurt and even a tiny bit of heavy whipping cream - they need more fan than grays as wee babes. Many people continue to give them yogurt through their adult lives.

Join the crew on the Flyer page and get more and better info - I only have one - we have some hardcore flyer peeps. They are ridiculously adorable.

She needs this, too: http://atticworx.com/1Magnum.htm Bite the bullet and get the Magnum, I know, $$$ - it is an awesome, completely silent wheel and oh my they just LOVE them if they get one early.

11-07-2015, 04:18 PM
Along with meal worms every night you will also need to feed mushrooms this is how they get there vitamin D to help absorb the calsium. Mine are 5 years old and still drink formula every night.

11-07-2015, 11:52 PM
There is a huge Flying squirrel diet in the flyer section, they need more fat than other squirrels and they are omnivores so they need meat. Vitamin D does come from mushroom gills, another good source is kale and spinach.

11-08-2015, 12:04 AM
Very excellent advice! Thank you all! Miss Amelia Earhart has already captured my heart! I am working on a permanent cage for her, but she spends most of her day in my bonding pouch my wife built for her.

11-08-2015, 11:06 AM
But the Kale and spinach also have oxalates, which can inhibit the uptake of calcium, so use sparingly.