View Full Version : Introducing myself and my Indian Palm Squirrel Chu-Chu (aka Bruno)

11-05-2015, 09:25 AM
Hi SquirrelBoarders,

Thank you very much for approving my account here.
I found a baby squirrel in my house hiding under the staircase on 1st floor about 5 days ago.
Warmed him up and let him out so that mommy can claim him but mommy never showed up :sadness

Adopted him in order to make raise so that he can withstand winters here (they don't hibernate per wikipedia).
Fed him buffalo milk, he was getting active with every passing day.
3rd day after rescue he ran off after eating and fell of first floor, about 10-11 feet fall on marble flooring.
Was in shock with eyes and mouth wide open lying still on his right.
Regained full movement after patting and caressing but started peeing blood after :sadness

Took him to a vet (specializes cow-buffaloes and somewhat dogs).
He gave me a herbal formula which says on label antistresson, immunomodulator and rejuvenator.

Giving him the medicine with every meal and started human baby formula (Nestle Cerelac Stage 3 10+ month) with milk.
The color of urine has changed from red to watery brown.

Activity levels have been hyperbolic and he grabs things now and tries to bite my fingers sometimes:gun2:bash

I will be sharing his pics(as soon as I figure out how to do it without deleting my post) and updates and hope to hear your experiences and advice for my Brunos betterment. :bliss

ssingh and Chu-chu

11-05-2015, 09:32 AM
Welcome to TSB and thank you for saving this little one!!

Human formula isn't really that good for them. Do you think you'd be able to get your hands on some puppy formula? What we use here is Esbiliac (with pro/pre biotics), but I'm not sure how widely that's available.

Is your little one eating anything else?

To post pictures:
You can click the tree in a box that is 3 icons to the left above the text box. You then select your files from your computer (or paste the URL if you uploaded them somewhere else), and click Upload files! Hope that helps :)

Also be sure you watch his teeth from that fall. Make sure they grow out right!

11-05-2015, 09:47 AM
Thank you for the advice DarkLies212.

I am in process of procuring a box of Esbiliac and would have that by end of week.

He munches on apple but doesn't eat boiled rice and groundnuts (i crushed the nuts to powder)
Please advise me on what other natural foods I can give him.

Kindest Regards.


11-05-2015, 09:51 AM
Cute!! :eek

What kind of Esbilac? Please make sure it's the powdered version with pre/pro biotics!

Here's the healthy diet thread http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

Before getting him addicted to junk food (fruits and nuts), try some veggies and a good rodent block. Henry's is usually what we suggest, but they probably won't be able to make it to you without molding. You can buy the ingredients and make your own, though. I'm not sure how much shipping would cost to you, but if it's too much, you might be able to find a high quality rodent block. Here's the Henry's link http://www.henryspets.com/

Do you happen to know what kind of rodent block is available in your area?
Here's what I mean by rodent block: http://www.squirrelstore.com/files/744999/uploaded/Web%20IMG_0589.jpg
Not the mixture with the seeds/nuts/etc as this is terrible for squirrels

Sara in NW MS
11-05-2015, 09:58 AM
You need to find another formula to feed this baby, infant formula is really bad for them. There are members on TSB who are in India. Maybe an admin can help figure out who they are and what formula they used for their squirrels.

Hopefully someone will be on soon to help you. :Welcome to TSB, post some pics of the little one when you get a chance! :)

11-05-2015, 10:09 AM
Hi, & welcome, ssingh & Chu Chu!

What a cutie! Thanks so much for the pix. We never, ever, ever get tired of squirrel pix here on TSB!

The advice DarkLies gave you about diet is great--there is no more important aspect to raising a healthy squirrel than diet. I've learned that here on TSB & go to great lengths to make sure my Jazzy is getting the best of everything food-wise.

I wanted to share a recipe for make-your-own squirrel blocks, since DarkLies mentioned that you may have to make them yourself since the pre-made ones will likely mold on the way to India. Henry's sells the powdered protein & other vitamins to add to keep your baby healthy. This is the recipe posted on Henry's site, plus a few modifications made by a licensed rehabber buddy of mine to give you some other options.

11-05-2015, 11:06 AM
There is a brand that they may have over there - it is called Royal Canin Babydog formula. It is a very high quality puppy formula - I wish we could get it in the US!.

You can also make a good temporary formula from goats milk, yogurt (flavored is OK, full fat is preferred) and cow's cream if you can get those things.

11-05-2015, 11:42 AM
There is a brand that they may have over there - it is called Royal Canin Babydog formula. It is a very high quality puppy formula - I wish we could get it in the US!.

You can also make a good temporary formula from goats milk, yogurt (flavored is OK, full fat is preferred) and cow's cream if you can get those things.

Royal Canin is readily available here thank you very much for letting me know about that.
I do have access to fresh organic home raised cow and buffalo milk and that's what I will feed him until I get a good formula (Most likely Royal Canine.

11-05-2015, 11:46 AM
Cute!! :eek

What kind of Esbilac? Please make sure it's the powdered version with pre/pro biotics!

Here's the healthy diet thread http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

Before getting him addicted to junk food (fruits and nuts), try some veggies and a good rodent block. Henry's is usually what we suggest, but they probably won't be able to make it to you without molding. You can buy the ingredients and make your own, though. I'm not sure how much shipping would cost to you, but if it's too much, you might be able to find a high quality rodent block. Here's the Henry's link http://www.henryspets.com/

Do you happen to know what kind of rodent block is available in your area?
Here's what I mean by rodent block: http://www.squirrelstore.com/files/744999/uploaded/Web%20IMG_0589.jpg
Not the mixture with the seeds/nuts/etc as this is terrible for squirrels

Esbilac is out of stock at all online stores but I have found a rodent block Vitapol (link below) and I think is Polish.
Could you please take a look?
Also, how do I check his teeth, he never opens his mouth voluntarily? :sadness


11-05-2015, 11:57 AM
Hi, & welcome, ssingh & Chu Chu!

What a cutie! Thanks so much for the pix. We never, ever, ever get tired of squirrel pix here on TSB!

The advice DarkLies gave you about diet is great--there is no more important aspect to raising a healthy squirrel than diet. I've learned that here on TSB & go to great lengths to make sure my Jazzy is getting the best of everything food-wise.

I wanted to share a recipe for make-your-own squirrel blocks, since DarkLies mentioned that you may have to make them yourself since the pre-made ones will likely mold on the way to India. Henry's sells the powdered protein & other vitamins to add to keep your baby healthy. This is the recipe posted on Henry's site, plus a few modifications made by a licensed rehabber buddy of mine to give you some other options.

Thank you GardenToes for the recipe. If I can't find a good rodent block then I will make some at home.


11-05-2015, 12:08 PM
Uploaded some photos at following link:

Oh yes he just peed clear bloodless urine :):):):) :bliss


11-05-2015, 12:51 PM
He's super super cute! I'm not sure about buffalo milk (pretty neat that it's all fresh! :eek), but try to avoid cows milk if you can because it'll upset his little stomach. Do you happen to have access to goats milk?

Glad to hear his urine is better now!! How are his poops?

About those blocks, I'm not 100% sure. Personally, I'd try to find a different brand because of this sentence: Contains real popped corn. Corn is terrible for squirrels because it leaches the calcium from their bones. I'll do some research on the board and see if I can find anything others have used in the past!

To get him to open his mouth, you'll have to force him, unfortunately. Wrapping him up in a blanket and gently opening his mouth will give you a good look at the teeth. You can even put a very thin stick in his mouth to better examine his teeth like Milo's Mom did here:


11-06-2015, 07:39 AM
I will keep posting more pictures of the little guy. :)

What age should I start him on blocks? He is 6 weeks at present.
I will make my own at home.

I checked his teeth and they look perfect.
He seem to be getting urges to bite my fingertips and nails but doesn't eat carrot or cauliflower.

Will keep posting updates.
Thank you very much for your support and guidance.


11-06-2015, 08:13 AM
Glad to hear his teeth are good after that fall!!

As soon as you can make the blocks, put them in with him. He needs to be able to start chewing on them to realize they're food :grin2

For some reason I find that babies LOVE to try to split our fingernails and will actually do it if you let them chew too much.

Can't wait for more pictures! :dance

11-06-2015, 11:42 PM
At first, he will probably just shred the blocks, nibbling & tearing them apart but not eating much, if any of it. Clean out the shreds each day so they don't get moldy, but don't let his destruction of them stop you from continuing to put blocks in there! Eventually he will start actually eating them. My boy still shreds at least half of his, picking out his favorite bits & leaving a pile of the stuff he doesn't love, but he comes back to the pile later in the day & nibbles more of it.

11-07-2015, 07:28 AM
I will start giving him blocks as soon as I make them.
Can I use Dymatise ISO-100 Chocolate flavored Whey protein in blocks for the time being as my unflavored whey will take 4-5 days to deliver.

Also, how can I wash him properly? He doesn't like it when I touch him with a damp cloth so he tries to get out of my grip and I am afraid to put pressure on his body.


11-09-2015, 11:24 AM
Hi All,

I made the rodent blocks today using the chocolate flavored whey protein.
Added some calcium tablets to the mixture to up the minerals.

But Bruno seems to be oblivious to them. Hoping that he will start eating them soon.
Also ordered a heating pad to keep the temperature regulated for winters. :serene

Thanks for all your support and advice.


11-09-2015, 12:39 PM
There's all kinds of methods to get him interested in the blocks!
Roll them on yogurt, soak them in formula, give them frozen, cool, room temperature, hot, etc.

We need some updated pictures! :poke Little guy is too cute not to show off! :grin2

11-10-2015, 03:13 AM
i will try dipping them with formula and decreasing there size.

Here is a quick photo I will upload more later in the day.

11-10-2015, 09:34 AM
Sorry the upload didn't work earlier. :klunk
Here are 2 from today's afternoon alone time where I tried to sneak in and capture some shots and was caught early in the session :grin3



I am pretty sure there was a door here!! :thinking

What are these good for nothing rock-like things? :huh

11-10-2015, 10:56 AM
Just want to squeeze him, he's so CUTE!!!

11-10-2015, 11:03 AM
He is beyond precious!! :Love_Icon

11-14-2015, 01:21 PM

Its a general update.
Bruno is gaining weight :)

He has started shredding pistachio nuts and eats orange happily.
I am still giving him formula and but constantly trying to switch him to solid food.
He is very active, has started jumping and running very well now.

I will post some pictures of him tomorrow.


11-14-2015, 08:52 PM
We love him!!:Love_Icon

11-15-2015, 12:20 PM
Some pics from today. He seems little lost.





11-25-2015, 10:10 PM
Hi All,

Bruno has made for himself a nest on my terrace in a pile of bricks and he doesn't want to come out inside anymore.
He doesn't like formula anymore and is happy eating carrots, almonds and some other vegetables.

is this the time when I should stop interfering in hie ways??
Need your advice.

island rehabber
11-26-2015, 05:36 AM
Sounds like he's almost ready for the big world. He is so beautiful, and so much like our chipmunks! Is he safe out there on your terrace? If yes, then he has the best of both worlds -- freedom to come and go as he pleases but always able to return home for snacks and safety!

11-26-2015, 07:28 AM
He's so cute! So very tiny! Looks like you've done a terrific job with him. Thanks for sharing him with us!

11-26-2015, 07:44 AM
I would start giving him more blocks and other solids. Can you double check his teeth one more time to make sure they are alright?

He is very cute!

Hi All,

Bruno has made for himself a nest on my terrace in a pile of bricks and he doesn't want to come out inside anymore.
He doesn't like formula anymore and is happy eating carrots, almonds and some other vegetables.

is this the time when I should stop interfering in hie ways??
Need your advice.

11-26-2015, 09:23 AM
Thank you all for your guidance and advice.
I will try to check his teeth tomorrow, might be tricky because he doesn't want to be touched anymore.

Safety on Terrace: His nest is pretty safe no cat or bird can reach him there. He ousted a lizard who was living in the bricks (little thug he is!). The squirrels here run around terraces and walls a lot so I think they know how to be safe there.

I will post some pictures of him soaking sun when I get my hands on a telephoto lens.


11-26-2015, 08:05 PM
We've see palm squirrels when in India. They are the cutest little guys. We had a family right outside our window in Banglore. I did my best to make friends bit they wanted nothing to do with me. They DID like my treats. I'm so glad your little guy is safe on your terrace where he can come home if he needs to. You are an excellent "squaddy" and he's one lucky little squirrel :Love_Icon

11-29-2015, 10:05 PM

12-05-2015, 11:04 AM
Hi All,

Bruno has wandered off.
i haven't seen him around his nest for 3 days and food I left there is untouched.
I believe went away with a bunch of squirrels living next terrace to mine.
I saw them bringing food to Bruno once a few days back, that gives me good reason to think they were on good terms. :)

Here is one last photo of him enjoying a carrot!!
I miss the little guy too much :'(


04-30-2019, 02:19 AM
Hi All,

I made the rodent blocks today using the chocolate flavored whey protein.
Added some calcium tablets to the mixture to up the minerals.

But Bruno seems to be oblivious to them. Hoping that he will start eating them soon.
Also ordered a heating pad to keep the temperature regulated for winters. :serene

Thanks for all your support and advice.

How did you make them?

04-30-2019, 06:41 AM
Pradeep, this is an old thread, dated 2015. If you need help start a new thread in the appropriate forum.

There are recipes for making boo balls using ground rodent block, baby food and coconut oil in the Squirrel Nutrition section.

05-02-2019, 08:57 AM
Pradeep, this is an old thread, dated 2015. If you need help start a new thread in the appropriate forum.

There are recipes for making boo balls using ground rodent block, baby food and coconut oil in the Squirrel Nutrition section.

Sorry. Will search for that. Strangely I dont get notifications when someone replies to my post. Would check the setting for that.