View Full Version : Non-urgent: Rodent Blocks for OUTDOOR Squirrels? (Guidelines, cautions, etc.?)

10-18-2015, 06:11 PM
I am considering providing some limited quantity of rodent blocks for my outdoor wild squirrels. My concern is that, as scatter hoarders, they could potentially hide the rodent blocks away until they mold, then eat and get sick. So, considering that, I was wondering if there is a safe way to do this, or if I should just feed them something else?

My notion is that if I give them very few, then they will eat rather than hoard, but then again, what if one stingy squirrel (who has already eaten) finds them first and stashes them away.

I figure that someone on here might have knowledge of what would happen in reality and if there is a safe way to give outdoor squirrels rodent blocks?

island rehabber
10-18-2015, 06:56 PM
Critter Mom does it all the time, and has ways of enhancing the blocks so they eat them vs. hoard them. Give her a PM if she doesn't see this thread.

10-18-2015, 08:02 PM
I don't see a wild eating something that is moldy. Here inside, we give our squirrels "X" amount of food and you can bet that they don't think much of our 2 a day nut limitation. If one of those nuts is bad, well they only have two of the darned things and so they are going to eat them both come hell or high water. Outside they have hundreds of nuts scattered all over. Find a bad one - discard it - there are always more. That is why we need to be sure that everything we feed it ok.

I also wouldn't worry about stashing blocks. The first time it rains they will fall apart and disappear! My wilds eat their blocks and stash any nuts I give them. I very seldom see them stashing the blocks. They seem to understand that it is futile.