View Full Version : Now I'm Worried -- Underweight?

10-04-2015, 08:16 PM
So, we found Peanut on 9/6. I'm assuming he is an Eastern Gray and that his age when we found him was around 5 weeks as his eyes were open. He was very small. We didn't get a chance to weigh him the first time until around 9/10 here are the dates and weights:

9/10 -- 95.5 grams
9/11 -- 116
9/12 -- 115
9/13 -- 125
9/14 -- 138
9/15 -- 147
9/17 -- 167
9/18 -- 171

Fast forward a couple weeks. It's been harder to get a weight on him the older he gets (harder to control, doesn't want to sit still). As I stated in my introduction, in addition to his his formula, I was feeding him avocado and walnuts. He wasn't eating much of the rodent block. He seemed to start self-weening, which I though was appropriate, given his age and the fact he was taking in solid food. Well, based on what I've seen here, it's my understanding I need to back off on the avocado and nuts (pecan, walnut, filbert, pumpkin, sunflower) and get him eating the HHB, then vegetables from Tier1 and Tier2 and only after he has eaten that, do I give him things from Tier3. So, I've been trying that. Unfortunately, he hasn't been doing much to eat his good veggies or his block, so he hasn't gotten any of the other things. I'm trying to practice the "tough love."

Well, I've been a little worried for a few days now as his appetite for formula has returned with a vengeance. He's still not all that interested in the rodent blocks (even the HHB, which he nibbles) though I do think he ate *some* of the brussel sprout I gave him. But I finally got to weigh him; I'm not happy. He's only 130.3 grams. HUH?!? This can't be normal?

I'm thinking after the formula at his evening feeding, I'll also give him some avocado and maybe a walnut. I don't want him to keep losing weight. I'm scared I'm not doing the right thing. Here is a picture I took of him today. He looks skinny to me. Not as plump as I think he should be. I'm also scared silly that he will get MBD.


Any advice?

Nancy in New York
10-04-2015, 08:47 PM
Are you positive that your scale is correct? He doesn't look like he only weighs 130 grams.
Do you notice a weight loss when you hold him, does he feel considerably lighter to you?

10-04-2015, 08:59 PM
:wave123 hi PuddyRat I agree with Nancy...I think your scale is wrong...I got little Ari 9/4 she was approx 5-6 weeks old and 70 g here are pics from today and last night...last time I weighed here....a few weeks ago :hidechair she was 200 g...she looks to be the same size to me as your little one :dono Peanut looks good to me...just young and lanky :great

10-04-2015, 11:28 PM
Phew! I am at least a little relieved. So, how do y'all get your little ones to hold still and be weighed? Is there a special gram scale you use? Do you put them in a basket to contain them in any way? I didn't do a lot of cuddling when he we first picked up Peanut because we thought he should stay wild. That means he does NOT like to be picked up much now. He doesn't mind if I touch and pet him, but he does not like to be handled. What do you do?

BTW, he practically inhaled the avocado. He was positively STARVING! In the morning, I'll give him another HHB and see how he does.

10-05-2015, 09:19 AM
Phew! I am at least a little relieved. So, how do y'all get your little ones to hold still and be weighed? Is there a special gram scale you use? Do you put them in a basket to contain them in any way? I didn't do a lot of cuddling when he we first picked up Peanut because we thought he should stay wild. That means he does NOT like to be picked up much now. He doesn't mind if I touch and pet him, but he does not like to be handled. What do you do?

BTW, he practically inhaled the avocado. He was positively STARVING! In the morning, I'll give him another HHB and see how he does.

I sometimes have luck using a Critter Pouch. If they are content being in the pouch, you can fold it over and weigh them and the pouch (later weigh just the pouch and subtract from the total and you have the squirrels weight).

If you place the pouch in their cage sometimes they will nap in it, which is a good time to try to weigh them. With very active squirrels, doing this about midnight (+/-) after they have gone to bed for the night is particularly successful. I find the pouch from Henry's, that has Velcro straps that allow you to attach it to the cage wage particularly helpful. The squirrels will often climb into the pouch to nap and I can get a weight on them before they wake up. Sometimes I remove their cubby/nest box so the pouch is the "best" place to take a snooze.


Good Luck!

10-05-2015, 06:53 PM
Spanky is exactly right :great I have a pouch I can use.....you could even use a pillow case....place him in the bag.... wrap him up, wrap it around and around:great then place on the scale quickly :grin2 you could even put a nut in to attract him. Then weigh the bag and nut :thumbsup

10-06-2015, 12:20 PM
Thank you, all, for your responses. It is much appreciated. Funny you should mention the pouches as we do have one he uses and I thought about doing that. I will try that again and see what I get. I may have to get a new scale. Any recommendations?

10-06-2015, 08:06 PM
As far as food goes they won't starve themselves so just keep leaving healthy things to eat. You will notice within a week they will eat more and more if the healthy food as they realize it is all they get.