View Full Version : How to make formula more appetizing? Baby doesn't want it anymore.

10-03-2015, 10:08 PM
Hello. We've had this squirrel for a couple of weeks, almost. Been on ABs for most of that... starting to get out of the woods with the respiratory stuff. Plenty of energy when she is awake and being fed (doesn't like it now), but mostly just wants to sleep. Has recently been put in a larger cage, with a water bottle. She will eat dry solids, like block, but mostly just wants avocado and grapes and the like. I have fed her yogurt using a squiggle (type of block) and she ate it. Recently I read to mix yogurt with the formula. What else can we mix with it that will work with her taste buds? She really doesn't want it anymore, which I guess is good... but she isn't as jazzed about eating the block as she is about scarfing avocado and then running back to bed. She is 123 grams, probably like 6 weeks old? I don't know, exactly. We got her from a guy who really malnourished her. We love this little squirrel and want to make sure she gets right, but are starting to fear that she is going to get dehydrated and isn't getting what she needs from the solid foods. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

10-03-2015, 10:51 PM
Six weeks definitely needs formula so you are on the right track trying to make it more tasty. All of them like avocado and grapes over blocks, so getting them to eat block before anything else is important. I have used a bit of pecan flavored Ensure to make the formula taste better. Just a bit added to formula. Are you using Esbilac and FV 20/50 or one or the other?

10-04-2015, 06:15 AM
Yeah, the powdered Esbilac.

10-04-2015, 07:15 AM
Not just yogurt. Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt. Any flavor will do. They seem to just LOVE it.

I am probably one of 5 people in the world that HATES yogurt - but the Yobaby is delish! If I can eat it, it must be. Try it.

10-04-2015, 08:00 AM
Thanks... I will try that. Where do they sell it and how should I mix it in?

What about things like apple juice, or the like?

10-04-2015, 08:30 AM
Thanks... I will try that. Where do they sell it and how should I mix it in?

What about things like apple juice, or the like?

I still like the yogurt. Literally every grocery store I have ever walked into has it, Walmart has it... They are packaged in little 4-packs which is nice. They are organic and full fat - that last is important. Apple juice will dilute that and growing babies need fat.

10-04-2015, 10:23 AM
In addition to making the formula more palatable with yogurt, you might try making "Boo balls" as a healthy supplemental food. You can search for recipes on this site, this is mine and ALL my squirrels love it, even the picky eaters:

Dry Ingredients are egual parts (BY WEIGHT):
Rodent block (I use HHB's)
Dry Formula (I use FV 20/50)
Shelled pecans, walnuts, or a mix of the two. Remember this is by weight.
Full fat, organic yogurt (I've used lots of flavors & they've all been popular)
Jar of organic all fruit baby food
Coconut oil

In a food processor, blend the rodent block and formula until block is smooth crumbs. Add nuts and pulse, just until incorporated (or it will turn into nut butter).
Add alternating spoonfuls of yogurt and baby food and pulse until you have a smooth mixture that will hold together when you form it into a ball- not too wet or too dry.
Add a spoonful of coconut oil. Squirrels :Love_Icon the flavor of it and it really helps the balls hold together.

Put it all in a ZipLock and refrigerate overnight. If it seems too dry, add a bit more yogurt or baby food and squish bag to incorporate. If it's too wet, process a handful of equal amounts block and formula and incorporate that.

I roll the dough into small balls and freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Then I store them in a freezer safe plastic bag. I actually just serve them frozen. I've never heard any complaints! :grin3 (I make huge batches and freeze them. The other day, just out of curiosity, I weighed my finished product and it was 3.5 lbs!)

Hope this helps your picky eater!

10-04-2015, 11:24 AM
I will try that. Where do they sell it and how should I mix it in?

I use Yoplait French Vanilla and add 1 tsp of yogurt for every cup of formula.
......... my squirrels have been drinking up their formula for months.

10-04-2015, 12:17 PM
I still like the yogurt. Literally every grocery store I have ever walked into has it, Walmart has it... They are packaged in little 4-packs which is nice. They are organic and full fat - that last is important. Apple juice will dilute that and growing babies need fat.

I use full fat yogurt in my formula too. No artificial sweeteners. I don't always use Stonybrook anymore. One of their favorites, which I first got from PeeWee'sMom, is Noosa. They like the Honey flavor and the Vanilla flavor. I also use heavy whipping cream. 2 parts water, 1 part formula, 1/8- 1/4 part cream+ full fat yogurt.
Another brand they like is Liberte.

10-04-2015, 01:22 PM
Thank you all!