View Full Version : Sore on the side of his face ! Help !

10-02-2015, 02:09 PM
hello , folks call me "Tiny" , my family rescued a baby squirrel last year , he was less than a week old ! Thanks to the kind folks it has been one of the greatest joys raising this lil fellow ! We call him "Earl" !
Well, last week on a backyard play session, he got a scent and too the trees he went ! It was pretty close to sundown, and he didn't come down til the next day. He was very happy to go back to his pen/condo where he slept for 15 hours ! I gave him the once over , and he looked fine . He had no visible marks.
Over the last couple of days he has gotten a spot on his left jaw line that's red and slightly inflamed. All the hair has fallen out and it looks agitated! It's about the size of a pea . Any idea what this might be ? It doesn't seem to be bothering him at the present time . He's not scratching at it or anything like that . But I'm still worried!
Thanks ahead of time for any help or advise yall might have for me .

Surely appreciate y'all

10-02-2015, 02:37 PM
Can you take a good, clear pic of the spot and post it so we see what you see?

10-02-2015, 05:17 PM
As soon as I get back home I'll try my best !

10-02-2015, 05:34 PM
As soon as I get back home I'll try my best !

A picture will be most helpful!
If this is any type infection and /or a surfacing from teeth issues
it will need to be addressed asap!

10-02-2015, 07:24 PM
My worst fear, which may NOT be the most likely scenario, is that this could be squirrel pox.

FYI - Just as a heads up, and I don't mean to scare you or nag, but if it were me I would want to be told that if it does happen to be that, time is of the essence and acyclovir will be the preferred remedy.

For now, let's hope it's not that. Just post a picture as soon as you can. Hopefully someone on here can confirm what it is and is not.

10-03-2015, 03:04 PM
Best I can right now264245

10-03-2015, 03:07 PM
Couple more pictures , I'm wondering if it's where he rubs his face on the cage ?264246

10-03-2015, 03:09 PM
Couple more pictures , I'm wondering if it's where he rubs his face on the cage ?264247

10-03-2015, 04:31 PM
Can you back up with the camera a little? I would rather see it from further away but in good focus if need be. DOES he rub on the cage?

10-03-2015, 04:35 PM
Couple more pictures , I'm wondering if it's where he rubs his face on the cage ?

That could be a possibility but how long has he been in that cage and doing this?
If he's done this all along and this is just showing up now I'd have to question it and
still be concerned of a tooth issue which can happen if he also chews at the bars.

Of course that would take looking into his mouth to determine if there is any irritation
present on the inside. That's about the only way your going to be able to determine if
it's being caused internally or if it's just superficial and know what and how to treat if
necessary. Even if you were to give an ab if it were caused by teeth you'd only be treating
symptoms and not the problem.

Me, I'd want to look in his mouth in hopes to be able to eliminate it. However, I'd definitely
keep an eye on it and make sure it don't get any worse and he doesn't show any discomfort
when eating or chewing.

10-04-2015, 01:41 AM
Thanks OP, however I can use a little more information: Does that sore protrude outward from the skin or is it level with the skin (non-protruding)? Does it seem to be growing, shrinking, or staying the same size? Have there been any changes at all with the appearance of the sore that you have observed? Is there only one sore or more than one?

Any chance you are capable of shooting a short video of that sore? (Believe it or not, some people find shooting videos EASIER than taking a picture because videos do NOT require the subject to sit still.) Goal is to get a better look if possible.

Thanks for taking care of this little one. Hope you don't mind all of the questions.