View Full Version : FOUND BABY SQUIRREL dont know what to do!

09-29-2015, 07:53 PM
Ive found a around 7-9 month (eyes open tail sometimes curved) squirrel hes grey like the one on the right side of the banner, i took him in as he was out in rain for 4 hours on a cold day and no mother to be found... anyways i absolutly love and adore him as he is my life right now, ive had him for 3 days ive given him all sorts of veggies and pedialyte distilled water mix and formula. THE BIG QUESTION IS MY FORMULA, i use puppy milk replacer called PETLAC he loves it ive given him 5 ML about 5 times over the past 2 days. he still loves formula and after he drinks it gets INCREDIBLY hyper and kinda crashes. is this normal? what am i doing right? doing wrong? i love him and wish i could keep him but know they are usually better off wild,, but thats another conversation.... money is not a factor people tell me what to do. and thank you i love my furbaby squishy to death

09-29-2015, 08:30 PM
I'm assuming you mean 7 - 9 WEEKS, not months??

Can you post some pictures of your new found baby? Is it a boy or girl? If you don't know, take a pix of their belly focusing on the lower half.

Please be very careful, OR has a wildlife policy that all baby squirrels found have to be euthanized, so don't post the baby all over social media. :( Sad isn't it.

You do need a few supplies, first would be Esbilac Puppy Formula, the powder, not the premixed formula in a can. The Esbilac needs to be the newer version which has Prebiotics & Probiotics listed in a Blue Ribbon across the top of the canister. I believe we have a few licensed rehabbers in your area if you would like to give up the baby to someone with a lot of experience. Let us know if that is something you are willing to do. If not, you will also need to make some purchases.

First you need to make sure the baby is hydrated. Do you know how to do the pinch test to see if they are dehyrated? I'll wait for your answer before going into more detail.

You will need to purchase the right formula, syringes, nipples and blocks(that supply their vitamins) asap. We all have our favorite stores, mine is Squirrels and More. www.squirrelsandmore.com

You need to purchase the following:

Fox Valley 20/50 formula
Miracle Nipples
5cc/ml syringes
Formula Mixer Bottle

Then go to www.henryshealthypets.com and purchase the following:

Henry's Healthy Blocks for young squirrels. These are one of the first solid food items we feed our babies.

Nuts are not fed in the beginning, they come later after you are sure the kid will eat the blocks, veggies and fruits.

At 7 - 9 weeks old I start feeding solids along with the formula, I introduce the Blocks, Avocado, Sweet Potato, Dandelion Greens, Red Leafy Lettuce, Grapes, Sugar Snap Peas and Red Cabbage.

There is way more items you can feed and I'm sure someone will link you to the nutrition/diet threads that list all the good things to feed.

You will want to keep your squirrel on Fleece, never ever on towels (the fibers can be caught in their toes and actually cut them off) They need a shallow dish of water and a good nest box/nest box type of thing to sleep in. I also always keep a box of kleenex in their cage, which they love to shred and line their nest with.

This should be good to get you going and of course there is a ton more opinions to be had so keep coming back and remember, HAVE FUN. We save them because we love them and enjoy their personalities. You can too :)

Thanks for caring

09-29-2015, 08:30 PM
The only puppy formula that is recommended is esbilac with probiotics or there's squirrel formula from Fox Valley. Anything else will cause serious issues.

I see you are in Portland? You can call squirrel refuge in Vancouver, they are amazing

09-29-2015, 08:54 PM
Just thought this might help in identifying the appropriate formula. Tractor Supply stores usually have it in stock.

09-29-2015, 10:03 PM
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! yes i ment weeks, i was doing this on my phone and walking i have had an insanly busy week, ive already fed him some nuts almonds cashews and peanuts is this so bad? he hides them by where he sleeps cutest thing ever, i love this guy to death he is a male and im quite sure hes one of the invasive species ones, as mentioned, and i would never let anyone put down my baby. that is the most terrible thing ive ever h eard but ive heard of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og9clp1ONRc portland guy i thought i heard something happened to his furry friend, no i do not want to give him up i think i can do just as good of a job as anyone else, ive put many hours into his mansion/fort right now im willing to do anything to keep him honestly. is dirt good so he can dig? i find him digging in my belly button constantly lolll maybe i need to clean it more so dirt or fleece? do i have to buy all this stuff online? when can i give him nuts? can i reinforce atitudes with treats? he comes to me when i call him its incredibly impressive.

09-29-2015, 10:06 PM
i am giving him his fill of pedialyte and distilled water mix and then some, he should be hydrated? and yes pinch the skin on their back and depend on reaction (stands or falls) will hydration be shown. everything is purchased online? can i feed him this formula in the mean time? plz and thank you, also how much formula? i will get on my phone and post pictured but im 90% sure hes a boy

09-29-2015, 10:20 PM
so for urgent, is he ok just on pedilyte until i get esbilac in the mail unless i can buy some local? nuts are a total nono? have they dmged him at all?

09-29-2015, 10:51 PM
Welcome! First...STOP the pedialyte (too much sodium for long-term use) and yes, it is extremely urgent to change to Esbilac powdered formula and do NOT give nuts. If you go to our nutrition forum you will see why it is imperative that he get the proper diet in order to prevent him from getting MBD. This is a lack of calcium which causes a painful condition that causes brittle bones due to the body leaching the calcium from his bones.
I do not mean to be harsh, but it is not simple and it is very expensive to raise a squirrel. We are here to offer information, but also to help you to find local assistance if needed. Welcome to the best place to be for squirrel info!:thumbsup

09-29-2015, 10:54 PM
Here is a link to the nutrition forum. Your best bet is to read as much as possible. Know that you may see Esbilac mentioned as being bad. The formula had a period of trouble but is now back to being a good solid formula.

09-29-2015, 11:37 PM
can i feed him this formula in the mean time? plz and thank you, also how much formula

The rule of thumb is to feed 5-7% of their body weight.... every 5 to 6 hours at is age. No night feeding required.

09-30-2015, 12:14 AM
So none of the formula I have or anymore pedialyte?? What do I give him in the mean time?! Just dropped $100 online for the essentials

09-30-2015, 12:19 AM
When will you have the formula? Or are you going to purchase that locally? It is available at the local Petsmart and Petco as well as Tractor Supply and other animal supply stores. I know that it is easy to drop money on supplies. It is many hundreds of dollars to raise the little devils :shakehead
If it is absolutely necessary I guess you can use the formula you have, but I would keep it to as little time as possible.

09-30-2015, 01:03 AM
I ordered 2 dif formulas -.- the fox stuff and the episilac so whatever gets here first... Should be end of this week... Until this just formula? Water? What other things can I feed him? This is very hard to research on with so many different opinions out there I am located in beaverton Oregon. If anyone can find a tractor supply store because j have no idea where one would be

09-30-2015, 01:19 AM
Sometimes even walmart sells it. Dont listen to them if they say anything else is the same thing though. Powdered esbilac puppy. Not goats milk, just plain powdered puppy. Once you get those two formulas you ordered use 1 scoop of each of them and 4 scoops of very warm water. Shake it up really well and put it in the fridge overnight or for at least 4 hours. Make sure everything you are feeding is very warm (formula and water) as their mom is warmer than we are.
i know there are lots of sites with info, but this truly is one of the very best. Collectively we have successfully raised thousands of healthy squirrels. Please ask any questions and someone here will be happy to help.
if you google tractor suply they probably have a store findr feature to see if there is one near you.

09-30-2015, 01:22 AM
What you wamt him to eat is rodent block. You can order it at henryspets.com or you will find it at a local pet store. The henrys is a far better quality and requires feeding only 2 blocks per day.

09-30-2015, 01:47 AM
Already got the bar coming and also the some treats :P what should my powder to ratio be right now? And ok I'll check Walmart and pet stores and legally since it's illegal to own this squirrel if someone reports me do they take him? And now do I not give him any pedialyte? Can they drink just distiller water?

09-30-2015, 01:56 AM
I got the Henry's adult block will that be ok?

09-30-2015, 03:36 AM
If you just ordered from Henry's tonight, just call them in the morning if you want to switch. They are great and will be happy to switch things around for you!

Nancy in New York
09-30-2015, 08:00 AM
We have members/rehabbers in Portland.
Raising a squirrel is an expensive and huge undertaking, as you already know.
Would you like us to reach out to someone and see if they will take this little one?
Are you planning on overwintering?

09-30-2015, 01:29 PM
No thanks, I love the guy to death and if you teach me I will raise him just as well as a rehabber... And idk I would gladly keep him for the winter if it gives him a better chance. Plz post all the best articles for me to read and I should just switch off on pedialyte and the formula until my food comes? Is the adult block ok for my baby? Does it matter how much pedialyte I give him?

09-30-2015, 02:24 PM
No thanks, I love the guy to death and if you teach me I will raise him just as well as a rehabber... And idk I would gladly keep him for the winter if it gives him a better chance.
He will need to be overwintered.

Plz post all the best articles for me to read and I should just switch off on pedialyte and the formula until my food comes?

When will you have the formula? Or are you going to purchase that locally? It is available at the local Petsmart and Petco as well as Tractor Supply and other animal supply stores. I know that it is easy to drop money on supplies. It is many hundreds of dollars to raise the little devils :shakehead If it is absolutely necessary I guess you can use the formula you have, but I would keep it to as little time as possible.

Does it matter how much pedialyte I give him?

Pedialyte should not be given for more than 24 hours. Is this baby still dehydrated? If so use plain water or water with just a bit of sugar or honey to make it more appealing to the squirrel.

09-30-2015, 03:02 PM
What does over wintered mean? He's set up In my room 2 ft long 3 ft wide with big branches coming out. And he has free range in my room. I am more then happy to keep him inside for the winter. I will go to Petco and get the right formula I asked for the episilac and it's what they gave me but it isn't episilac so I will get the right one today how often should I feed him water with his formula and once my online formulas come in what ratios do I do? Thank you all for the help I love my squeeks to death...

09-30-2015, 03:52 PM
What does over wintered mean? He's set up In my room 2 ft long 3 ft wide with big branches coming out. And he has free range in my room. I am more then happy to keep him inside for the winter. I will go to Petco and get the right formula I asked for the episilac and it's what they gave me but it isn't episilac so I will get the right one today how often should I feed him water with his formula and once my online formulas come in what ratios do I do? Thank you all for the help I love my squeeks to death...

Over wintered means keeping over the winter and not released until spring, when the buds are coming in on the trees and such. By the time he is old enough for release this year, he will likely not have enough time to prepare for winter (food, housing, etc.).

You mix the formula according to the instructions on the can, which is 1 part powdered formula to 2 parts water (do not use distilled water to mix formula).

If he is hydrated he will not need water in addition to his formula. Pinch the skin on his neck behind his head, if he is well hydrated it will snap back down quickly. It the skin remains "tented" he is dehydrated and should be given water (or a little sugar water). You should not feed formula to a dehydrated squirrel, they need to be hydrated first.

You'll want to provide a water bottle and I like to keep a shallow dish of water in the cage as well. Some use 2 water bottles.

09-30-2015, 04:08 PM
No thanks, I love the guy to death and if you teach me I will raise him just as well as a rehabber... And idk I would gladly keep him for the winter if it gives him a better chance. Plz post all the best articles for me to read and I should just switch off on pedialyte and the formula until my food comes? Is the adult block ok for my baby? Does it matter how much pedialyte I give him?

It definitely matters how long they get pedialyte. Pedialyte should be given no longer than 24-48hrs. It will throw off their electrolyte balance and has way too much sodium for longer use

Can you go to a feed store or Wal-Mart and buy the correct esbilac right now?

09-30-2015, 05:43 PM
What does over wintered mean? He's set up In my room 2 ft long 3 ft wide with big branches coming out. And he has free range in my room. I am more then happy to keep him inside for the winter. I will go to Petco and get the right formula I asked for the episilac and it's what they gave me but it isn't episilac so I will get the right one today how often should I feed him water with his formula and once my online formulas come in what ratios do I do? Thank you all for the help I love my squeeks to death...


It is called ESBILAC (spelling counts :D :D), overwintering - usually we get babies in, raise them and then release them in the Spring & Summer. But some babies come in really late in the season, in the wild they would stay with their mother thru the whole winter, so for you it means that your squee will need to be cared for and released next Spring. I'm glad to hear you will allow him to have out of time cage.

Just be prepared, it doesn't always happen, but it does happen frequently, your boy might get really really nasty come February, when he reaches sexual maturity. Here is my arm the first day one of my guys decided I was enemy #1, out of the blue he launched himself at me and attacked, I had to throw him off of me and he smacked into the wall, he limped for a little while and I FELT horrible. But.... from then until April I had to walk around with a Fly Swatter and a broom whenever I was in a room with him. Thats what people are talking about. You will also have to be much tighter with his diet since you will have him for so long.

What are your release plans, do you have a place you can release him when its time?

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09-30-2015, 06:13 PM
...Plz post all the best articles for me to read...


09-30-2015, 06:36 PM
thats heartbreaking you got attacked, i love my squeeks so much i wouldnt care if he attaked me even though right now i feel like he would never do that.. im going right now to get the right formula but i have the fox milk stuff coming in whats better that or the puppy milk replacer? or a mix of the two? how often should i give him water? if i shouldnt mix distilled water with the formula what kind of water do i mix then!?!? thanks all much love

09-30-2015, 07:56 PM
Hey. I have a recipe for squirrel formula. If you still need it, let me know. I can send it to your email address so you can print it out or whatever you want to do. I raised my baby using this very same formula and he thrived on it.

I'll check my back before I go to bed to see if you've responded. Good luck. I'm here if you need me.

Khryse :):Love_Icon:Squirrel:Squirrel

Ive found a around 7-9 month (eyes open tail sometimes curved) squirrel hes grey like the one on the right side of the banner, i took him in as he was out in rain for 4 hours on a cold day and no mother to be found... anyways i absolutly love and adore him as he is my life right now, ive had him for 3 days ive given him all sorts of veggies and pedialyte distilled water mix and formula. THE BIG QUESTION IS MY FORMULA, i use puppy milk replacer called PETLAC he loves it ive given him 5 ML about 5 times over the past 2 days. he still loves formula and after he drinks it gets INCREDIBLY hyper and kinda crashes. is this normal? what am i doing right? doing wrong? i love him and wish i could keep him but know they are usually better off wild,, but thats another conversation.... money is not a factor people tell me what to do. and thank you i love my furbaby squishy to death

09-30-2015, 09:20 PM
thats heartbreaking you got attacked, i love my squeeks so much i wouldnt care if he attaked me even though right now i feel like he would never do that.. im going right now to get the right formula but i have the fox milk stuff coming in whats better that or the puppy milk replacer? or a mix of the two? how often should i give him water? if i shouldnt mix distilled water with the formula what kind of water do i mix then!?!? thanks all much love

I am with the Squirrel Refuge and I can get you supplies right away, until your stuff comes in. I can meet you at a neutral place if you want. We are about the squirrel, not about the State or anything else. I would rather see you raise a healthy squirrel, then compromise him in any way. I will send you my phone number in a PM. Please reach out to me and I can help.

09-30-2015, 09:38 PM
I am with the Squirrel Refuge and I can get you supplies right away, until your stuff comes in. I can meet you at a neutral place if you want. We are about the squirrel, not about the State or anything else. I would rather see you raise a healthy squirrel, then compromise him in any way. I will send you my phone number in a PM. Please reach out to me and I can help.

What a wonderful offer DM! :thumbsup

Lovemysqueaks, Duckman really knows his stuff and loves squirrels - he would be a great help to you I am sure. :)

10-01-2015, 03:47 AM
Duckman is talking with me I'm happy someone from wa got a hold of me
Befor someone in Oregon, thanks so much duck man.

Is this link good for advice http://www.squirrels.info/distress/Feeding.pdf
Does that feeding sched look right? I'll upload pics of my baby tomorow

10-01-2015, 10:28 AM
Well if you meet up with Duckman he can show you how to get started.

So to answer your question for babies at the age your kid is at I would just feed FV 20/50. Next, we need a Weight on your baby. Also some pictures so we can give you better advice. Feeding is based on weight.

Here is a chart showing you how many cc/ml's we feed based on their weight in grams.

Also here is how I mix my formula, I use the Formula Shaker Bottle I got online, I mix up 1/2 cup of FV 20/50 with 1 full cup of water, the water I heat in an electric tea boiler til it is warm, not piping hot. I mix them together and shake the sh!t out of it ;) I let it sit at least an hour to allow the stuff to seperate and mix properly. Others recommend even longer. Then I warm up 1/8 of cup or 1/4 cup depending on need in the Microwave. Then I feed it :) Thats it.

For a 7 week old, you are probably going to be feeding every 5 - 6 hours. It also might be harder to get him to eat since he is older, but keep trying, he really needs the formula still.

Yes I still love Ollie and he is still around 2 years later getting nuts from me almost every day :)

10-01-2015, 01:44 PM
You guys are all awesome! I'm giving him around 8-10 ml of formula and he can drink more. He loves it I can't even tell if he's dehydrated Cuz I can't even get a good pinch of his skin. He's looking a little chubbier too... I'll have to get weight to know how much to feed. Yes I would like to keep him in my life forever and j might just build a huge play structure/home in my backyard so he does stay around. I absolutely love my baby.

10-01-2015, 02:33 PM
Ooops forgot the attachment


10-01-2015, 02:34 PM
Really you shouldn't keep him, you should be raising a healthy baby squirrel to be released into the wild, where he belongs. Please don't keep a healthy WILD animal as a pet.

That is totally not fair to the squirrel, they belong outside. Stick around you'll learn more and why we suggest this.

10-02-2015, 10:35 AM
Really you shouldn't keep him, you should be raising a healthy baby squirrel to be released into the wild, where he belongs. Please don't keep a healthy WILD animal as a pet.

That is totally not fair to the squirrel, they belong outside. Stick around you'll learn more and why we suggest this.

I have 4 weeks to make this decision. Yes he's a wild animal, is anyone a specialist on squirrel mental health? I'm not but I also think a happy squirrel is a alive one. I don't know what I'm going to do at this time. Keeping him has my risks for me as well. He will live very long and what I would be doing is essentially illegal trust me I love my baby so much I want the happiest and Best life for himif that means driving him for 2 hours to possibly die in the woods. Or he can live a healthy loving nurturing life. You have no idea what this guy has done for me. I have been in a terrible spot in life lately and he is the only thing I feel am living for right now. I'm 22 years old and this is really my child... And if he do wishes to go to college so be it. My decision will be pondered and researched and executed to perfection.

Sara in NW MS
10-02-2015, 11:37 AM
I've been there, I've walked in your shoes when it comes to this decision. I'm not here to judge you or persuade you either way, I just want to help guide you in making the best decision for your baby.

Last year I rescued my first squirrel and the following day I found his sister on the ground under that same tree. They were starving and skin and bones, eyes still closed. Within 24 hours I had fallen in love with my little Jude.

I've lost a child and I've been living my life with a cloud of grief and depression following me. Then these little squirrels showed up and it was like that cloud that suffocated me, was slowly being lifted.

I couldn't imagine my life without my little boy Jude, we had all winter to play and cuddle and I didn't ever think I would be able to release him. I kept thinking to myself, why would he want to live out in that dangerous world when I could offer him the best life, safe with a full belly and a loving family. He would never be hot or cold and he would have everything his little heart desired... except there was one thing I couldn't give him. I couldn't give him a life in the trees if I kept him with me.

So... I bit the bullet and built a release cage. He moved into it when it was warm and stayed there until he was ready for me to open the release portal. The days leading up to his release made me physically ill. I just knew I was going to be a crying basket-case on that day. That day came and when that door was opened and he finally came out, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. I got to watch my baby experience being free, I got to be the one that told him it was okay to go ahead and climb that tree. He looked up and that tree and then looked back at me almost like he was asking permission to go. The amazement and pure happiness could be seen in his little eyes. My boy climbed that tree and went to the very top of it. I'll admit I was telling him to be careful and it was scary watching him navigate those tiny branches but he was so HAPPY it didn't matter how I felt. Seeing his joy was so rewarding to me. Knowing I had saved him and raised him and I was giving him his opportunity to go be what he was born to be, a squirrel in the trees.

That day will forever stay with me. I know I did what he wanted me to do, I know he was "born" that day. He knows who I am and he knows where "home" is. When he needs me, I know he will come for my help and I'll be there for him. After all, he is my baby and being free in the trees will never take that away from me.

10-02-2015, 12:24 PM
Beautiful story Sara. :grouphug You're a strong woman :Love_Icon

10-02-2015, 02:18 PM
I've been there, I've walked in your shoes when it comes to this decision. I'm not here to judge you or persuade you either way, I just want to help guide you in making the best decision for your baby.

Last year I rescued my first squirrel and the following day I found his sister on the ground under that same tree. They were starving and skin and bones, eyes still closed. Within 24 hours I had fallen in love with my little Jude.

I've lost a child and I've been living my life with a cloud of grief and depression following me. Then these little squirrels showed up and it was like that cloud that suffocated me, was slowly being lifted.

I couldn't imagine my life without my little boy Jude, we had all winter to play and cuddle and I didn't ever think I would be able to release him. I kept thinking to myself, why would he want to live out in that dangerous world when I could offer him the best life, safe with a full belly and a loving family. He would never be hot or cold and he would have everything his little heart desired... except there was one thing I couldn't give him. I couldn't give him a life in the trees if I kept him with me.

So... I bit the bullet and built a release cage. He moved into it when it was warm and stayed there until he was ready for me to open the release portal. The days leading up to his release made me physically ill. I just knew I was going to be a crying basket-case on that day. That day came and when that door was opened and he finally came out, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. I got to watch my baby experience being free, I got to be the one that told him it was okay to go ahead and climb that tree. He looked up and that tree and then looked back at me almost like he was asking permission to go. The amazement and pure happiness could be seen in his little eyes. My boy climbed that tree and went to the very top of it. I'll admit I was telling him to be careful and it was scary watching him navigate those tiny branches but he was so HAPPY it didn't matter how I felt. Seeing his joy was so rewarding to me. Knowing I had saved him and raised him and I was giving him his opportunity to go be what he was born to be, a squirrel in the trees.

That day will forever stay with me. I know I did what he wanted me to do, I know he was "born" that day. He knows who I am and he knows where "home" is. When he needs me, I know he will come for my help and I'll be there for him. After all, he is my baby and being free in the trees will never take that away from me.

Thank you for the share. I cry just thinking about him being hurt or not with me and im a 22 year old strong male... He's my everything. If one squirrel can change my life so much isn't that squirrel actually maybe living the most purposeful life? Maybe I get rich and remember I wouldn't be there without my baby. And then I vigorously fund all operations that a pro life squirrel. And it all would of started with my baby squeeks.

Sara in NW MS
10-02-2015, 02:47 PM
Thank you for the share. I cry just thinking about him being hurt or not with me and im a 22 year old strong male... He's my everything. If one squirrel can change my life so much isn't that squirrel actually maybe living the most purposeful life? Maybe I get rich and remember I wouldn't be there without my baby. And then I vigorously fund all operations that a pro life squirrel. And it all would of started with my baby squeeks.

You said... If one squirrel can change my life so much isn't that squirrel actually maybe living the most purposeful life? Baby Squeeks can change your life and still live in the trees. Maybe it was meant to be this way. Maybe you were supposed to help him and have your life changed by him. And in turn, you would be a different person with a new perspective. Your eyes have been opened to a new world, the "squirrel magic" got it's hands on you in the most powerful way. Use this to your advantage and learn, learn as much as you can about these little guys. Once you save one, more find their way to you. You won't be able to keep all the babies you save and raise and we all know how special these little guys are to us.

Let them live a purposeful life, let them grow and teach them climbing 101 and everything else they need to know. Send them out into the world with something special the "wilds" don't have. Every squirrel you save will have one hell of a human experience story to tell.

Do the most rewarding work ever and help those that can't help themselves. That alone will make your insides smile... and you will have squeeks and all the other babies to thank for it. They will change your life and you will change their lives, one squirrel at a time.


10-02-2015, 03:12 PM
Yes they change your lives for sure. Maybe he is here to show you that animals need help. They need wildlife rehabbers in every state and how awesome it would be if you became licensed and are able to help many many more squirrels as well as so many other baby animals. Oregon also needs more voices to try and convince them to change their horrid laws about killing all grey squirrels & Opies.

If you keep a healthy squirrel you are 1, doing him a disservice and 2, your house would fill up and you wouldn't have room to help more :)

Trust us, we do know squirrels and we do know squirrel behavior! We also know once you are "bitten" by the squirrel love bug, there is no turning back.

You don't have to make this decision today but it will come up hence why I brought it up to you :)

Good luck and please stick around and listen to all the advice, it is backed by years and years of experience.

Sara - HUGS!!!

10-02-2015, 03:21 PM
In reading the above I couldn't help but think that Duckman and The Squirrel Refuge could probably use all the help they can get to help raise squirrels to be free in the trees? I just read where he posted they have like 185 critters at the refuge and another 200 squirrels out with volunteers. Just thinking about being able to have the same kind of happiness Sara experienced when Jude choose to go free... Several times a year... with lots of furry fuzz butts!
(Almost like the joy of grandchildren.... at least some of you will understand what I mean about grand kids (and grandchildren)! :grin2).

10-02-2015, 03:30 PM
Could someone show me how to make my own post? Very new to this and dont want to crowd her post.

10-02-2015, 04:10 PM
Go to the forum section you are interested in posting in and hit the "Post new thread" button that is at the top of the subforum.

Could someone show me how to make my own post? Very new to this and dont want to crowd her post.

10-02-2015, 04:57 PM
I totally understand how you feel and how attached you become ♡

Last year around this time in 2014, I was raising my first two squirrels and it was SO difficult to put aside my feelings and what I wanted to do what was best for them. But I had to ask myself if I was raising them for THEIR benefit or MINE

And this year I've been able to raise 46+ squirrels in 2015 so far. I caught the squirrel bug and usedthis llove for squirrels to help more of them

And I feel so much happier than I would have if instead I would have been here with two squirrels being held captive and miserable

10-02-2015, 06:38 PM
What about putting a squirrel door on a room of the house so the squirrel can be an outside-inside squirrel? How about releasing and visiting the release site with treats on a regular basis, and building a deluxe squirrel house where squirrel is released (probably OP's backyard)?