09-28-2015, 08:51 PM
Happy to have found this site...absolutely love it! So nice to know there are other "crazies" out there like me with squirrels. I currently am a rehabilitator for the rehabilitation center of Minnesota. I started by working in the squirrel nursery, and I fell in love. I'm actually thinking of getting a tattoo of a squirrel on the back of my neck or shoulder-just a tiny dainty one. Squirrels have truly led me to my true passion; rehabilitating wild animals. I never knew that squirrels could be so loving and have such different personalities. They give so much in return that I'm surprised they are not more appreciated animals by the public. I have had the pleasure of releasing juvenile squirrels that have recovered at our facility into my backyard. All three of them come by to visit every day to grab sunflower seeds, a peanut to go dig/hide, and other little treats from me. One of them survived a cat attack and has huge scars all over his back. So, his name is "Scar." The other squirrel is a sassy but still tame female I named "Digger." She takes absolutely anything and everything and goes to find a spot to dig it into the ground for winter. I've hardly seen her actually sit and eat anything without digging. Naska, (pronounced 'Nawzkuh' which comes from the Czech word 'Laska' which means love) is the third female I released who is my little baby. She is the most tame of the three, and I think of her as my little bundle of joy. She lives outside in my backyard as well (my backyard is all woods) and visits me several times a day. She loves to play with me, sit on my coffee table and eat her breakfast with me while I drink my morning coffee, and she even takes naps on me. She used to come inside at night to sleep with me (her favorite place was in my sweatshirt pocket) but she has grown up to be a more independent girl now. She doesn't need her Momma at night anymore (me), but she still shows she loves me by interacting with me during the days. I have been so incredibly fortunate to be able to share a connection with her. She has brought sunshine to my life and helped me come out of a dark place in my life. All the squirrels have, actually. Hence the tattoo idea, because I'm NOT a tattoo person but I really feel that squirrels have played a very significant role in my life. They have become my best friends and they give me a reason to wake up in the morning. They are the highlight of my days. Who would have known squirrels have the hearts that they do. Thank you little loves-you have saved me and opened up a whole new happiness in my heart.
Here are photos of Naska, she has pink nail polish on her ears for identification reasons. I learned that from the rehab center!
Pocket nap:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150910_172245_zpsfv1pv2cs.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150910_172245_zpsfv1pv2cs.jpg.html)
Sleeping=Mummy style:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150910_165833_zpslxmw1ien.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150910_165833_zpslxmw1ien.jpg.html)
Holding Mommy's finger:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150911_194255_zpshlmeefve.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150911_194255_zpshlmeefve.jpg.html)
Muh Teethies:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150910_165209_zps2c5jptaj.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150910_165209_zps2c5jptaj.jpg.html)
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/2d5ea853-608d-474c-a64d-a34061664d8e_zpsnfxqmlfo.png (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/2d5ea853-608d-474c-a64d-a34061664d8e_zpsnfxqmlfo.png.html)
Morning Coffee:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150914_111455_zpsruetssxp.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150914_111455_zpsruetssxp.jpg.html)
Morning treat cookie anyone? Great way to start the day!
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150908_102427_zpsbhv07gw8.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150908_102427_zpsbhv07gw8.jpg.html)
Kisses for Momma
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/Screenshot_2015-09-07-22-18-31_zps8f9afnjm.png (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/Screenshot_2015-09-07-22-18-31_zps8f9afnjm.png.html)
Here is Irish, the neuro boy I found in my backyard. I found him unable to stand without falling over, and he had a weird head tilt. He had a hard time walking as well. I held him and he leaned on his side onto my hand in order to eat. I called him "Irish" because he acted like a drunk Irish Man. I brought him into the rehab center because I wasn't sure if they could do more than I could. I tried to do the right thing for Irish. The vets at the Wildlife Rehab center decided to euthanize him because he wasn't improving after 1 week on meds. I cried for days, because he had a soft spot in my heart. I wish I could have cared for him the rest of his life, taken his pain away, and given him his coordination back. He will always be in my heart and on my mind. RIP Irish. I will always love you<3
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20bf90bc-b137-49d0-b54b-ce5327081307_zpswqjmyyu9.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20bf90bc-b137-49d0-b54b-ce5327081307_zpswqjmyyu9.jpg.html)
Here is a cute little video of Naska and I playing. We usually spend an hour or two playing but I decided to tape only about 1 minute of it because you will get the jist. After play time, she usually goes up to her tree and naps or goes to bed for the night depending on what time it is. Enjoy!
Here are photos of Naska, she has pink nail polish on her ears for identification reasons. I learned that from the rehab center!
Pocket nap:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150910_172245_zpsfv1pv2cs.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150910_172245_zpsfv1pv2cs.jpg.html)
Sleeping=Mummy style:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150910_165833_zpslxmw1ien.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150910_165833_zpslxmw1ien.jpg.html)
Holding Mommy's finger:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150911_194255_zpshlmeefve.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150911_194255_zpshlmeefve.jpg.html)
Muh Teethies:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150910_165209_zps2c5jptaj.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150910_165209_zps2c5jptaj.jpg.html)
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/2d5ea853-608d-474c-a64d-a34061664d8e_zpsnfxqmlfo.png (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/2d5ea853-608d-474c-a64d-a34061664d8e_zpsnfxqmlfo.png.html)
Morning Coffee:
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150914_111455_zpsruetssxp.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150914_111455_zpsruetssxp.jpg.html)
Morning treat cookie anyone? Great way to start the day!
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20150908_102427_zpsbhv07gw8.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20150908_102427_zpsbhv07gw8.jpg.html)
Kisses for Momma
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/Screenshot_2015-09-07-22-18-31_zps8f9afnjm.png (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/Screenshot_2015-09-07-22-18-31_zps8f9afnjm.png.html)
Here is Irish, the neuro boy I found in my backyard. I found him unable to stand without falling over, and he had a weird head tilt. He had a hard time walking as well. I held him and he leaned on his side onto my hand in order to eat. I called him "Irish" because he acted like a drunk Irish Man. I brought him into the rehab center because I wasn't sure if they could do more than I could. I tried to do the right thing for Irish. The vets at the Wildlife Rehab center decided to euthanize him because he wasn't improving after 1 week on meds. I cried for days, because he had a soft spot in my heart. I wish I could have cared for him the rest of his life, taken his pain away, and given him his coordination back. He will always be in my heart and on my mind. RIP Irish. I will always love you<3
http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt197/squirrellove10/20bf90bc-b137-49d0-b54b-ce5327081307_zpswqjmyyu9.jpg (http://s611.photobucket.com/user/squirrellove10/media/20bf90bc-b137-49d0-b54b-ce5327081307_zpswqjmyyu9.jpg.html)
Here is a cute little video of Naska and I playing. We usually spend an hour or two playing but I decided to tape only about 1 minute of it because you will get the jist. After play time, she usually goes up to her tree and naps or goes to bed for the night depending on what time it is. Enjoy!