View Full Version : Rehabber needed near New Orleans, LA

09-28-2015, 09:48 AM
Good morning all,

Some of you may have seen my posts in the baby squirrel section. If not, I'll give a little back story. I found my baby 3 days ago (Thursday evening). We have 2 stray cats that live outside of my house that we feed and and occasionally pet lol. I was walking my dog and noticed one of the cats with something in its mouth. Well the cat saw my dog and dropped it and ran. At first I thought it was a rat but it turned out to be a squirrel baby :Love_Icon

I took it in and warmed it up (it was not injured just cold, dehydrated and scared) and quickly began reading all things squirrel. I also tried contacting rehabbers in my area that I could find, but no one has returned any calls. I looked for a nest or any signs of mama to no avail. I didn't want to leave it in the tree, because the cats would surely get it again. So for the past 3 days I have been a mama. Baby is doing great and I have become ridiculously attached...I wish I could keep her forever but I know that I need to get her out into the wild again one day because she deserves to live in the trees!

I would be willing to keep her in my care until the day came to start getting her used to being released, but I live in the suburbs on a pretty busy street, in a neighborhood where I way too often see squirrels killed by cars. Also, there are the cats that would love to get their paws on her. So I'm stuck, lost, sad, and don't know what else to do. I've been worried about the prospect since I found her, and I feel the longer I keep her, the harder it will be to say goodbye. Ahh I'm tearing up just writing this..:sadness

Sorry for the long story, but if anyone has any suggestions or info on rehabbers around here I'd greatly appreciate it. I also wouldn't mind driving a good distance to give her to someone yall may know and trust. That's another fear I have..I don't want to give her to someone who I don't feel will love her as much as me (silly I know! haha) Thanks for reading and for any help, in advance! Squirrely love to all :Love_Icon

09-28-2015, 08:59 PM
I forgot to add, in case anyone needs to know, Squirrely is (by estimate) 5 or 6 weeks old. Here's a photo because I know yall love photos:Love_Icon


*p.s. photo taken during feeding--I always wipe her down, so no milk burn*

09-28-2015, 09:30 PM
Awww thank you soooo much for helping her :Love_Icon She's a darling :squirrel4 your love for her is so strong you're willing to give her up for a better life and chance of safety outdoors....that's brave and love at its very best :blowkiss :hug

We do have a member in Louisiana....I'm not sure how close to New Orleans....and I'm having a hard time remembering her name....she hasn't been on in a while...she lost her NR squirrel :( I can't believe I can't remember :crazy1 she's a nurse :thinking...anybody else remember and have her number :headbang

09-28-2015, 09:46 PM
Her user name is czarina. She is in Louisiana. :thumbsup Maybe she can help or she might know someone that can.

You can send her a PM.

09-28-2015, 09:55 PM
:thankyou HRT :Love_Icon I went through all the a's, b's and then of course jumped to the l, m, and n's :facepalm :crazy1

09-28-2015, 10:27 PM
What a cutie! I sure hope someone can help and thank you for caring so much about "Squirrely".

09-29-2015, 09:46 AM
Hey All!
I can help out this baby ASAP! (near NOLA)

Sending a PM now

Edit: Sent a PM! I'm only 10 minutes outside of the heart of New Orleans and can get to the baby today if need be.

Again, thanks so much HaloaKana for taking such good care for the baby when so many others would have left it to die :grouphug

09-29-2015, 10:20 AM
Thank you all for the help :) And especially to DarkLies..we are working out the details now :Love_Icon squirrely love:Love_Icon

09-29-2015, 11:23 AM
Good news! :bliss You both rock! :rockin

09-29-2015, 12:16 PM
Wonderful news!!:bliss

09-29-2015, 06:44 PM
:w00t Thanks Darkskies :bowdown :Love_Icon HalokaKana your baby couldn't be in safer hands :Love_Icon Thank you again for caring for Squirrely.....you're my hero :squirrel4