View Full Version : Hi, and suggestion for helping squirrels in dry weather

09-26-2015, 05:10 PM
Hi -

I'm in a small bush village in Ontario, Canada, and am above all else a squirrel lover.

I'd like to share an idea I've been using to help squirrels and other small wildlife in the areas where I walk daily avoid the worst consequences of drought. We've had severe drought here throughout all of 2015.

Based on observed enthusiastic usage, I'd call this idea a winner. Basically, I hide small, non-tip water cups in areas small wildlife frequent. I clean and fill them daily.

In the rocky, hilly terrain here, there are almost no places a small animal can find liquid water - that's often difficult even after a rain.

Here's a picture of what I use, and I hope others may consider helping their own furry friends similarly, when the [increasingly frequent] droughts hit:


Aren't we blessed to have squirrels in our lives!


09-26-2015, 06:06 PM
What a great idea. We know critters get a lot of their water from food but when it's crazy dry, these cups can be lifesavers.

09-26-2015, 06:09 PM
:wave123 EleanorWhite
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

What a great idea! :great I'm sure the wildlife appreciate your efforts. During droughts the stress on wildlife is huge.
:thankyou for making their life much more manageable. :tilt

You are so right that we are blessed to have squirrels in our lives. :squirrel2

09-26-2015, 09:02 PM
FYI, there's another often-overlooked class of small wildlife that can really use help in dry weather, described here:


If the animal communicators quoted there are accurate, those efforts are well appreciated too!

09-26-2015, 09:27 PM
If the cups are in areas close to where you live....you can put ice cubes in them...
COLD----------------is COOL ( when it's hot outside.)

09-26-2015, 09:34 PM
Ah yes! In dry weather, I have often fed squirrels ice cubes. They will sometimes carry them up into trees and munch on them up there.

09-27-2015, 07:00 AM
Eleanor, I enjoyed your links. :)

I was impressed by the fact that you have made yourself aware of the tiniest 'details' of life. Your observations about earthworms were amazing. I will retire in 2 years and I hope that will afford me time to slow down and observe the beauty all around me. Right now, I rush from chore to chore to job to obligation to .... :shakehead
Yes, I hope to one day 'see' the beauty and wonder all around me. Thanks for the reminder. :tilt