View Full Version : Friend of mine neesd help with crow while her account is being submitted

09-21-2015, 01:57 PM
Hello everyone,
This is newmotherofthrees? friend. she has let me use her account while mine is being submitted for review.
I am hoping that someone can advise me on the care of a crow. I have and do rehabilitate and release birds for a living, but have never done so with a crow.
Here's the story behind my receiving of this crow. Drove past a him while he was eating roadkill and noticed he didn't fly away, so I turned around to go back and check on it. It was still there and hobbled away instead of flying off. I was able to pick him up and brought him straight home. I checked for injuries and there appear to be none. I gave him 24hrs. and offered him water. He drank it. I offered him bananas and walnuts and he has been picking at them. He does try to flutter and flap away but he seems a bit staggered. Not sure of age or sex. Appears to be young, maybe over a year old. I have had him for roughly 48 hours. Any advise on the care? If anyone would like to pm me please use this address daniellemobile77@hotmail.com as it will be my profiles email when it is done being submitted.
Thank you all