View Full Version : 4.5 Week Old Baby With Cold? Need advice.

09-17-2015, 04:03 PM
I was called to pick up a 4 1/2 week old baby (eyes not quite open yet) yesterday. They found it early in the day and left it all day hoping the mother would get it. She did not and I picked him up around 4. He was cold so I got him home right away and on a heating pad and started with formula. This morning he seems to have a slightly clear discharge coming from his nose and he's not as energetic as he was last evening. No clicking that I can hear but his breathing looks a little labored due to the congested nose.

I'm going to start the humidifier now. Is there anything else I can do for him to clear this up? Any OTC meds I can give him? I'm in Middlebury, IN.
I end up rehabbing every year but not licensed yet. He is my 3rd rehab squirrel.

09-17-2015, 04:24 PM
Would prefer that you could get your hands on some Baytril (pet med) or Cipro (human med). Cipro is commonly given to women with UTIs and also for upper respiratory infections. Call your friends - you would only need one pill. WE would need to know the size of the pill in milligrams, the weight of your squirrel in grams, and you would require a 1cc syringe to give the meds with. You should be using a 1cc syringe to feed as well to avoid aspiration.

Until you get that, you could try some CHILDRENS BENADRYL which might help top unclog him and allow for easier breathing. We would need the same info - weight and that you have a 1cc syringe to dose it with. The children's benadryl is usually sweet - grape and cherry - and they usually take it fairly easily.

Don't buy any of the combination Benadryls - the ones that have added other ingredients for other symptoms. Check the label - the only active ingredient should be diphenhydramine.

09-17-2015, 06:02 PM
I have the children's benedryl, my co-workers are going to check if they have any of the RX at home. The baby is 110 grams.

09-17-2015, 06:45 PM
Can anyone give me the doseage of benadryl I should give him?

09-17-2015, 06:46 PM
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