View Full Version : Help needed in Ontario, Canada possibly sick baby

09-16-2015, 04:44 PM
Hey folks! 2 things.

1. My squirrel seems to be a tad bit sick, almost seems as if she caught a minor cold or something. She's about 7 weeks old. She is sneezing lightly and her nose seems a wee bit runny, also her stools are solid but sticky and slighty squishy. I did take her out to a friends cottage this past weekend, and monday was relatively cool at night. what can i do for her?

2. Well at 7 weeks old I'd assume she should be starting to eat solid foods.. ive had rodent blocks in her cage for weeks and she hasnt touched them at all (obviously replacing them every couple of days). She nibbles and plays with ropes and toys, but she doesn't touch the blocks. She's still entirely relying on the esbilac powdered formula. Matter of fact she gets excessively excited when the bottle is in her sight. May as well be squirrel crack! So am i too ahead of myself or should she be off the esbilac by now? Im thinking of putting a few drops of esbilac on some of the rodent blocks to see if that helps. Good idea or no?

Thanks in advance!

09-17-2015, 10:24 AM
Update: she seems to be getting better on her own, maybe it'll just pass... i hope.

On another note, after spending some good time reading through posts, it seems i have absolutely zero chance of successfully releasing her into the wild.. i live in ontario, canada. We get some pretty harsh winters. I'll be keeping her for as long as i can, but if things get rough im hoping someone nearby can take her in. For now though i can handle it. She at least needs a squirrel friend the same age as well, is there anyone in GTA area who has a squirrel around 2 months old thats willing to meet up every now and then for squirrel communication sake? Or do they even have to be the same age? Is it even safe? Thanks.

09-18-2015, 08:13 PM
I am going to add Ontario, Canada to your title to get more attention. I am glad she is getting better! As for the formula, I think that continuing it for as long as she is willing to take it is in her best interest. I would give it forever if I could. Nothing is a better insurance policy for good health.

island rehabber
09-19-2015, 06:42 AM
I know a few Canadian rehabbers who may be able to help, but are not on here regularly. I will give them a shout thru Facebook and see if we can find a release site for you. :)