View Full Version : diet help

09-12-2015, 06:36 PM
Hey everyone,

as some of you know, I have a 11 month old fox squirrel, he has been on a good diet since he was 2 months old, green beaz, avocados, henry blocks 2 a day (Morning, night) drinks water every day, he gets an almond every once in a while, but lately I feel like he has gained some weight and looks fat, how can I help reduce this fat, also he is very active, he is not in a cage, has his own room, runs around my place, he dosent mess anything up, which is great.

we tried a soft release this summer, he stayed in the RC for about 40 days, and was scared all the time, when i finally opened the cage he ran towards me and didnt want to leave, and went inside with me, he was soooooo happy to run back to his room, i did not see that coming, we will try again next spring to release him, but for now i just want him to lose some belly fat...

any ideas would be great, also i dont have a scale, so no idea how much he actually weights

09-12-2015, 07:18 PM
They gain quite a bit of weight in the winter. In the wild it is a hedge against the cold and lack of food. I have been admiring my boy's winter D-cups the past couple weeks!

09-12-2015, 07:22 PM
Hey everyone,

as some of you know, I have a 11 month old fox squirrel, he has been on a good diet since he was 2 months old, green beaz, avocados, henry blocks 2 a day (Morning, night) drinks water every day, he gets an almond every once in a while, but lately I feel like he has gained some weight and looks fat, how can I help reduce this fat, also he is very active, he is not in a cage, has his own room, runs around my place, he dosent mess anything up, which is great.

we tried a soft release this summer, he stayed in the RC for about 40 days, and was scared all the time, when i finally opened the cage he ran towards me and didnt want to leave, and went inside with me, he was soooooo happy to run back to his room, i did not see that coming, we will try again next spring to release him, but for now i just want him to lose some belly fat...

any ideas would be great, also i dont have a scale, so no idea how much he actually weights

Can't claim any experience with Reds or their structural appearance... :dono
Possibly cut back on the avocado but personally don't think I'd be over concerned.
In my experience I've seen squirrels go up and down in weight with the seasons.
Winter's coming, it's time to beef up.

I think he's just adorable! :Love_Icon

09-12-2015, 07:57 PM
Thanks everyone, I was kind of worried about the fat belly, thought I'll need to get him a pull-up bar in his room, and a treadmill :grin3:grin3:grin3:grin3

09-12-2015, 08:17 PM
He looks perfect to me! My squirrels always chunk out over the fall/ winter too. We joke about their moobs (man boobs). Then they thin up in the spring/ summer again. What a cutie you have. He's adorable! :Love_Icon

09-16-2015, 12:21 AM
He looks fine to me, I have seen pics of some who are much bigger than he is. This is Moby Right?