View Full Version : Need help with weight and dosage

09-09-2015, 09:40 AM
Tumnus, one of this years releases, showed up yesterday with some pretty nasty cuts. I am not sure what happened but he has cuts on his side, under his neck and on his chest. He has been scratching a lot. I am thinking they are self inflicted from scratching because the fleas are horrible this years. He will take food from my hand and let me touch his head every once in a while but there is no chance of picking him up. Would like to get him on an antibiotic until it all heals up. Can anyone estimate weight from the pick? what would be the best antibiotic and how much?

09-09-2015, 09:44 AM
Can you get a close up shot of the side 'wound'? I think it is a bot fly warble. You would not need to treat it as they will exit on their own and usually do not cause infection.

The locations you mentioned also makes me think bot fly (side, neck and chest) as these seem to be the preferred locations.

09-09-2015, 09:49 AM
I will get a closer pic when he comes to eat this afternoon. When I first seen it yesterday, it was long scratches. Today when I took the pic I did notice a hole which made me think bots too. What throws me is they all looked like deep scratches when it started. Is that normal with bots?

09-09-2015, 09:54 AM
I will get a closer pic when he comes to eat this afternoon. When I first seen it yesterday, it was long scratches. Today when I took the pic I did notice a hole which made me think bots too. What throws me is they all looked like deep scratches when it started. Is that normal with bots?

He probably caused the scratches on himself by scratching at the bot. They do irritate them because they will scratch the area hairless before it's over. I do see hair loss there. Yes, get a pic. :thumbsup

09-09-2015, 09:58 AM
Yes he did scratch his hair out before this. I was thinking he had fleas really bas because like I said they are horrible this year. I have tried a few times to get him to go in the release cage so I could try and treat him for fleas but he will not go in. Even tried putting a few peanuts in there but no dice. Thank you. Admin you can prob. move this out of emergency since it seems to be bots. I will still get a closer pic this afternoon.

09-09-2015, 12:22 PM
Looks like 1 or maybe 2 bots to me too.

Once the bots are out and he is healed, you could treat him with Revolution or ivermectin for the fleas.

09-11-2015, 05:00 PM
Here are closer pics. Now it looks like BOTS!! 1st pics side wound 2nd neck. Should I be concerned with the blood?