View Full Version : Suggestions for forums
05-28-2007, 05:22 PM
A couple suggestions for getting help to people quickly:
TSB should have a table of symptoms with links that index
into a list of common ailments for squirrels. Most of the symptom
info is probably here already, but spread through many posts. The
symptom links can point into detailed info on known problems and
I think that after a while this could turn into a very comprehensive
data bank. Of course the rehabbers' experience is primary, but this
would be a good starting point. I suggest that the data be closed
to direct comments, but links to a 'comments section' would be the
way to gather new input and updates/corrections.
I will help with this, but obviously someone on TSB's side would
have to organize the links. And it would be good to run everything
past senior rehabbers and vets before finalizing it.
Also would be good to see up-front links to meds and treatments to
AVOID. Often pet store info and products are very bad for smaller
animals. I've read lots of accounts of misinterpreted labels or products
that were "OK'd" for rabbits or squirrels by the "pet store guy."
There are many posts on various bugs, for instance (lice, fleas, mites).
It would be good to have definite data on which treatments are safe
(or more dangerous, as is often the case).
05-28-2007, 05:54 PM
You've put forth some good ideas, esp the one about meds. :thankyou
05-28-2007, 08:02 PM
Wouldn't the specific ailments thread cover this? I have mixed feelings about the med. information. If possible, I would recomend a vet. or rehabber first to examine the animal. Just my thoughts.:D
05-31-2007, 09:28 PM
Wouldn't the specific ailments thread cover this? I have mixed feelings about the med. information. If possible, I would recomend a vet. or rehabber first to examine the animal. Just my thoughts.:D
It would be great to encourage people to see rehabbers and vets, of course, but I'm not sure how to do that. In the absence of better information, the local Pet Store Guy often serves as a vet, and they generally know very little about squirrels. That's where The Squirrel Board already serves a very useful purpose. Wouldn't it be even better to add organized pages for those who have trouble finding information?
It's often tough to search for specific ailment threads. Omissions are also not obvious, as experienced vets and rehabbers can't readily check the database to see what's missing. If we can build the database, it will be easier to verify information and make sure that bases are covered. Also, that would be the place to -encourage- seeing a vet for serious cases.
I was thinking about an organized collection of all the helpful data that's already here, pared down, and linked to a page covering the cause.
Over-the-counter meds are bought by many without knowing the pitfalls (search for "Rabbits" and "Front Line" for instance). Pet stores sell dog and cat meds to people looking for help with squirrels, so it could help to -avoid- problems. I don't think that responsible people will be discouraged from seeing vets.
Even experienced rehabbers could benefit by seeing organized info from others that have treated complex problems. Many of the specialized medications are not over-the-counter, so there would be less risk of misapplication.
Again, I will devote time to this if anyone is interested. Please let me know.
06-04-2007, 08:33 PM
:goodpost I agree with you , I had to do lots of reading before I found out answer to my questions. Surely, all the rehabers are there to answer them, but some times they are to busy themself, and is hard to get the right answer on time I had red life treatenig situation that got me very sad to not be able to give them an answer or sugestion right away. Good luck with your suggestion.:)
06-06-2007, 06:09 PM
:goodpost I agree with you , I had to do lots of reading before I found out answer to my questions. Surely, all the rehabers are there to answer them, but some times they are to busy themself, and is hard to get the right answer on time I had red life treatenig situation that got me very sad to not be able to give them an answer or sugestion right away. Good luck with your suggestion.:)
Sometimes it's difficult to even think of useful search keys, especially for those who are not very familiar with squirrels. And of course those are the people that need to search for info. A "Catch 22."
Human medical databases often have a lookup that starts with short lists to search by 'location' (like "ears", "feet") or by symptom (like "congestion" or "loss of appetite") and they gradually branch to possible causes, then to treatments. This seems like it would be easy for novices to search, and it would afford plenty of space to say "This is serious--See a Vet" with a link to a vet/rehabber index.
You're right--this would free up the valuable time of the rehabbers who could then focus on specialized questions.
I'm surprised that there have not been more followups to this. I'm volunteering to help organize the info if someone here can turn it into the HTML page.
06-07-2007, 02:18 PM
If I'm understanding correctly, you want to take all the info we already have on here and just categorize it by ailment to make it easy to find?? I think it's a great idea, but I haven't said anything because I have enough problems posting pics on here. I am completely illiterate when it comes to computers, so I am absolutely no help. I'm really sorry :( but great idea!! :thumbsup
Thanks for your reply. I'm encouraged that you see some merit in the idea, even if you're not a website wizard. <g>
06-07-2007, 02:54 PM
Hi StringTheory. You idea is a good one, and I would like to see it happen too. We just need to find someone with the time to do it. Have you got an idea where to start?
06-07-2007, 04:36 PM
Love the idea. I can help as far as the photos of the parasites. If anyone has any specimens of any that are not pictured on this site already or have one that needs to be identified they can send them to me and I could photograph them on my microscope and post them. I don't hav any of ticks yet. I have been lucky to not have encountered those yet.
06-07-2007, 05:42 PM
Great idea. I'd be glad to help compile info if someone can let me know what you want. Since I'm new here, I need to read through about 6 million posts anyhow, so I could collect stuff while I'm doing it. Just an idea.
06-09-2007, 06:05 AM
Love the idea. I can help as far as the photos of the parasites. If anyone has any specimens of any that are not pictured on this site already or have one that needs to be identified they can send them to me and I could photograph them on my microscope and post them. I don't hav any of ticks yet. I have been lucky to not have encountered those yet.
Thanks to everyone for your replies.
I think major subjects would be a good place to start. That would be either symptoms or parts of anatomy. It would be good to keep that list as short as possible, as this would be the place that people start searching. Something like this:
Breathing: Gasping...
Bugs: Mites, Fleas
Fur: Patches
Legs: Limping, Loss of motion
Loss of energy
Can you suggest some good additions?
island rehabber
06-09-2007, 06:56 AM
ST I think it's a great idea, too, and I'll help wherever I can. This is the busiest season for me, now until September, so I barely have time to keep up with things on TSB but if there's a specific topic you'd like me to research I can do them, one at a time. :)
06-10-2007, 02:29 AM
Great idea. I'd be glad to help compile info if someone can let me know what you want. Since I'm new here, I need to read through about 6 million posts anyhow, so I could collect stuff while I'm doing it. Just an idea.
Excellent. If you're new here, you probably have fresh perspective on how a new reader will be approaching things. Think about questions that people may have and try to come up with a good single-line subject for each (see my other recent post).
If you're looking through the posts, perhaps you could also bookmark the ones that address particular problems. When we get enough data, we'll condense it into a couple paragraphs for each subject.
06-10-2007, 10:34 AM
As a new member reading through the posts, I am finding some of the info is a bit unorganized. Even though there are neatly titled threads for different subjects, the info inside is sometimes mixed up with other comments. Like in the thread about how to determine age, they do figure out that Louie is 5 wks old but that's all. Maybe we could have a series of photos at different ages. Seems like it would be good to have a "hot button" at the top of the main page: "Help, I found a Baby Squirrel!" where someone could click and get all the info and nothing but the info (i.e., no extraneous posts) in a printer-friendly format so they can keep it handy for referral. (I'm guessing when someone posts here that they've found a baby, one of the rehabbers probably PM's him/her with all the info. But if no rehabbers are around it might help.)
Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love TSB! Hope no one minds this coming from a newbie. Like I said earlier, I've got to read the whole site for the first time anyway, so I could try to do some compiling. (BTW, can't tell you how happy I am to see there are others who are just as nutty as I am about squirrels.....):)
06-10-2007, 02:13 PM
Okay, well talk is cheap. I've been working all day on compiling instructions on "what to do when you find a baby squirrel." I'm trying to make it easy to read, and as concise and clear as possible. When the draft is ready I will post it and all you experts can edit it to your heart's content. Whew! this is harder than I thought.....
06-10-2007, 04:49 PM
As a new member reading through the posts, I am finding some of the info is a bit unorganized. Even though there are neatly titled threads for different subjects, the info inside is sometimes mixed up with other comments. ...
Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love TSB! Hope no one minds this coming from a newbie.
More the reason to lend your perspective, 4Skwerls. You can only be new to something once. After someone knows the terrain, it's often more difficult to understand a newcomer's viewpoint.
The conversational aspect of most threads allows information to take shape, but it does tend to diverge. There are places where it looks like advice is in conflict. Given that, it would be good to make sure that senior rehabbers are in general agreement on any subject.
The 'baby squirrel' link is a good idea. I have not looked closely at TSB's baby squirrel links, but there are a couple confusing things in TSB threads: Esbilac vs 'Puppy Milk' (not sure what that means). And mention of switching from Esbilac to Pet Ag. Pet Ag is actually the manufacturer of Esbilac--that was cleared up later in the thread but was initially confusing. (BTW, I've spoken to some knowledgable people at PetAg, and they do confirm that Esbilac puppy formula is the closest to the fat/protein balance of natural squirrel milk. I have tables of those balances for many wild animals if that would help you.)
There are some other sites with baby squirrel pages, but I doubt that they have the 'followup resources' of TSB. However you could look here to see if there is anything new:
BE AWARE: There are probably items in those pages that TSB rehabbers will disagree with (it would be good to hear from TSB rehabbers about that--like whipping cream in squirrel formula--no chance of allergic reaction??). But I think that most of the info is good.
I trust that no one at TSB has the wrong idea about any suggestions made here. If TSB were not a good source of info to begin with, none of this would have come to mind. If there is any problem with hosting a separate data page or two, I could figure out how to do that from my server, but I hope the page(s) will work here.
06-10-2007, 05:30 PM
As I mentioned below, I'll compile what I can, as best I can, and then the experts on TSB can revise, add, criticize, and so on until everyone agrees it's okay. If anyone thinks we don't need this, please speak up as well. I could well be missing something..........
06-10-2007, 06:04 PM
As I mentioned below, I'll compile what I can, as best I can, and then the experts on TSB can revise, add, criticize, and so on until everyone agrees it's okay.
The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations… ~Henry Beston, The Outermost House, 1928
Good work! I just wanted to add that the Henry Beston quote is brilliant. Thanks.
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