View Full Version : Lucky the squirrel

09-02-2015, 07:32 AM
Hello everyone!
First and foremost, I want to thank all of you dedicated people who have made it so easy to find SO much information when it comes to raising baby squirrels. Because of you the little guy I have now is not only still alive, but thriving. I am a mail carrier, and two weeks ago there was a baby squirrel on the front porch of an apartment building. It was barely breathing with it's arms and legs spread out and flies were landing on him and he wasn't doing anything. I went to find someone who lived there and all they had to say was "Oh, the dying squirrel on the porch?" YEAH, THE DYING SQUIRREL ON THE PORCH. Those people all clearly wanted nothing to do with it, although they had put out a bowl of water. woop-de-doo. Anyway, since I was at work there was really nothing I could do, but I literally ran the rest of my route (about 4 hours), raced back to the office, and ran out of there as fast as I could. I went back to where he was originally and he had dragged himself into a corner between a plastic tub and the wall, but there wasn't any signs of mama coming back, nor were there siblings. The house he was at was in the process of getting the roof redone, and I think that's what prompted him to maybe crawl out of the nest, wherever that was I couldn't see it.
I put him into a shoebox in my car and raced down to a small local pet shop in my area. To my benefit, they actually had two employees that have hand raised orphaned squirrels and they were a huge help. They got me setup with a large bird cage to borrow until I got something better, some syringes, some towels to keep him warm for the meantime, told me to get pedialyte, goats milk until I got formula, etc.
This is Lucky on night one after having some pedialyte:


Two weeks later and his eyes are opened, he's energetic and loves to explore, is starting to shread his rodent blocks, etc.

I will elaborate more on him later, but it's time for me to go to work! :(:Cry

Anyway, thought I would share some pictures before I go, expect to see me around here. You people rule!


Eyes Opened!

He love's hanging out on top of my boyfriend's hat. Every time he makes a run for hanging out up there.

SOOOOO CUTEEEEE. I'm in love.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

09-02-2015, 08:35 AM
Oh yeah. They are magic, BTW, though I see you and the BF have already been gotten under his control. Just give up now - don't even waste your time trying to resist!

Welcome! I look forward to watching Lucky grow up!

09-02-2015, 08:40 AM
Hi Lisa & Lucky! :Welcome Thank you for saving this sweet baby. It's so hard to believe people can be so cold towards a living creature..."the dying baby on the porch" would make my head explode!! It's so easy to fall in love with these precious little fur babies. They have so much personality! You definitely came to the right place, I am new as a member recently but used TSB as my go-to guide for my boy Cass. When I found Sandy a few weeks ago I joined for emergency assistance, my sweet girl is paralyzed. She is strong and doing great but I knew I would need advise, suggestions & support along the way. Everyone here is amazing and you will find yourself reading every thread about every baby and falling in love over & over again :grin3:grin3 Lucky is very lucky to have found you. My Cass loves to hang out on my boyfriend's hat also...they are just so cute!

09-20-2015, 08:40 PM
omg seriously the cutest thing ever. :grin3

09-20-2015, 09:48 PM
:wave123 Lisa
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

You're our kinda people! :grin2 Thanks for caring enough for Lucky to go back for him. Wow! You ran the rest of your route!!! :glomp

Lucky is alive because of you. :bliss :grouphug

Sara in NW MS
09-20-2015, 10:56 PM
I love reading stories like this. This world needs more people like you! Thank Goodness you spotted Lucky and saved him. What a little doll baby. Please share more pics, we can't get enough of them around here. Everyone loves pics. Welcome to TSB!

09-21-2015, 08:08 AM
:thumbsup Great job saving Lucky!:w00t