View Full Version : Tic feeding on baby

08-28-2015, 11:07 PM

I took in a baby 5 days ago. He appears to be about 6 weeks old he was dehydrated and full of fleas. Last night while feeding I noticed a fully engorged tick feeding from the squirrels back. The tick seemed to fall off (fully intact) on its own while I was trying to fiqure out what it was. since I have searched his fur for more, I did find a few tiny tiny bugs close to the bite. They were so small I could barely see the legs, they appeared clear with a red spot on the back. But since then I haven't found any. I keep combing him with a lice comb and haven't found any more. Has anyone have experience with tics on babies. Can you give any advice on how to perceed. I should also mention that has been buddied up with a similar aged squirrel who has no signs of ticks.

08-29-2015, 12:01 AM
You might want to try to bathe them both in Dawn (the blue one). Make sure they get rinsed well, are kept warm until they are fully dry. This should help with all the little creepy crawlies. And fresh bedding after the bath!

If they are very stubborn, I think using Capstar topically (crushed up and mixed with water) would be another option. I'd try the Dawn bath first though, were it me.... :thumbsup

08-29-2015, 01:17 AM
If possible to get hold of either Revolution for puppies and kittens or frontline
you would only need a drop or two between the shoulder blades.
This would address both fleas and ticks, capstar only addresses fleas.

08-29-2015, 03:01 PM
drop of Cat Frontline or Revolution. I put it on all incoming babies. I also put it on all my kids going out to their outdoor release cage for the first time.

08-29-2015, 10:54 PM
Thanks for all your tips, I will have to start with dawn dish soap. Rehabbing squirrels isn't exactly legal in my neck of the woods, when you call the humane society they tell you to just leave the squirrel where you found it so I dont think I could take him to the vet for a prescription. I wonder if I could buy it online?

08-29-2015, 11:06 PM
Thanks for all your tips, I will have to start with dawn dish soap. Rehabbing squirrels isn't exactly legal in my neck of the woods, when you call the humane society they tell you to just leave the squirrel where you found it so I dont think I could take him to the vet for a prescription. I wonder if I could buy it online?

You can purchase Revolution (or Frontline) on line @ Joe's Pet Meds without script.:thumbsup


08-30-2015, 03:17 PM
You can purchase Revolution (or Frontline) on line @ Joe's Pet Meds without script.:thumbsup


That is good to know!