View Full Version : Wont use nestbox....??

08-28-2015, 02:02 PM
Baby girl (about 19 weeks now) is outdoors into her release cage, however, she will not use the nestbox! She sits on top of it but will not go inside, any recommendations? I put strips of fleece material inside, same as in her smaller indoor cage. I ended up putting the smaller cage inside the larger one because she had no protection, she would rather wrap inside a towel in the smaller cage than try out the nestbox. She has been outside for 3-4 weeks now and shows no interest in going inside.

Is is bad to take the smaller cage out and "force" her to use the nestbox??

Ive never had a squirrel not use the nestbox immediately.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, would you keep offering the esbilac as long as she takes it?? She also shows no interest in weaning herself off of it. She drinks it from a small bown instead of the syringe. She eats plenty of veggeies, 2 henrys blox per day, and loves the rodent block as well. Is there any danger in her eating the blocks AND the rodent block?


08-28-2015, 02:15 PM
You can try taking some of her "used" fleece and putting inside the nest box so she can smell herself on it. That may help....

Nothing wrong with feeding formula and blocks. As long as she drinks the formula in a reasonable time so it don't spoil I'd let her have it as long as she wants.