View Full Version : Cass & Sandy

08-27-2015, 10:47 AM
Hello All,

I am new to TSB as a member and have not had a chance to introduce my fur babies aside from a panic post in the emergency thread :sadness. I used TSB as my "go-to" (as a non member) when I found my boy Castiel (Supernatural fans: Castiel the Angel fell from Heaven, My Cass fell from a tree :)) and now I am back for little Sandy.

Cass was found by my nephew, who thought he was a puppy...and I was asked to help him. I had NO experience with squirrels but knew I couldn't let that sweet baby die. He was dehydrated and soooo cold. I Googled my heart out and toted that that little man everywhere I went, fell in love with my little bubba and have struggled with the thought of releasing him. Its so hard not to get attached to something you care for night and day. I know he will have a great life in the trees I just have to suck it up and do it! :sniff He is so full of energy and quite the entertainer.:grin2 He loves his momma...but ONLY His momma :shakehead

Sandy is my new princess (Cass is NOT happy about her moving in). I have had her for 3.5 weeks. She was removed from a pit bulls mouth and I received the call...ughh here we go again...what am I thinking...I know I'll get attached...I can't love another baby...Cass is going to hate me...I'm such a sucker...I'll just take care of her and release her as soon as she's ready...I won't bond with her....HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA :laugh2 YEAH RIGHT!! Crazy thoughts...day 1 - OF COURSE I AM IN LOVE :Love_Icon:Love_Icon She was so tiny, so much smaller than Cass was. I noticed right away something was different. Stimulating was not working yet she was going on her own, she was very thin and her hips appeared to be twisted. Then I realized she was not using her back legs. Nothing, no movement, no response to touch, nothing. Oh no...my baby is broken! :sadness I came straight here...I knew if anyone could help - it was TSB! Several wonderful people assisted me in how to care for Sandy and helped ease my mind about her condition. I know she found me for a reason. She knew I was struggling with releasing Cass and she needed a forever home. I have my hands full with other pets and teenage girls but my little princess is along for the ride! She comes to work with me everyday (just like Cass did). She opened 1 eye yesterday so she's about 5 weeks now. Regardless of what her legs choose to do, she's a fighter, she's strong and she's loved.

Thank you for having this site available!!

09-02-2015, 07:49 AM
Sandy is starting to roam around. She pulls herself up and around really well with her front arms - has NO fear. She doesn't care that her back legs don't work...they just get in the way sometimes so we have to keep them from twisting in strange positions. I did catch her nibbling on them yesterday and freaked out a bit (I am a wee bit dramatic :eek). I'm terrified she is going to hurt herself. I think she is just exploring the chewing idea so I hooked her up with a couple items to keep her tootsies out of her mouth. She still goes everywhere I go (my lil partner in crime) so I am able to keep a close eye on any bad nibble habits (for now). She is very curious about the big world outside of her basket...so much that I had to switch her to a deeper container to keep her in! I love seeing her pipe up when she hears my voice. She is such a sweet baby :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Cass still hates her and thinks she is the reason he has to move out. I told him it had nothing to do with her and it was time to be a big boy and live on his own. I offered to keep doing his laundry but he's giving me the cold shoulder...until its time to eat or sleep (typical male) :rotfl:grin3


Sara in NW MS
09-02-2015, 08:30 AM
She has grown so fast!! I can't get over how cute she is!!! I'm so glad she's doing well.


09-02-2015, 08:54 AM
She is sprouting like a weed!! Its seemed like Cass took forever to grow and do new things. She is doing something new everyday! I guess it's kind of like the first baby - you look forward to the first words & first steps, etc...with the 2nd one its "been there, done that" lol :rotfl

I read your entire thread about Jude & Judie! You had me laughing, crying, worrying, laughing again...your ability to turn words into heart felt feelings is amazing!! I truly enjoyed their story. :Love_Icon

Sara in NW MS
09-02-2015, 10:44 AM
I read your entire thread about Jude & Judie! You had me laughing, crying, worrying, laughing again...your ability to turn words into heart felt feelings is amazing!! I truly enjoyed their story. :Love_Icon

Thanks for reading their thread. Judie still comes to see me every day. She's turned into my yard pet and I love every minute of it.

Still praying my Jude comes back.

09-02-2015, 01:32 PM
Best seat in the house...snuggles with my little fuzzy love :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon 262769

09-04-2015, 09:45 AM
YUMMY! :w00tSandy's first time trying HHB and she loved them! Cass wouldn't (and still won't) touch anything but the picky blocks so I was nervous about a batch I couldn't use...she's chowing down like a pro! :clap I think she actually ate 1/4 of it rather than just shredding it. Nothing keeps this girl down! Eye of the Tiger, baby girl! :woot

09-08-2015, 09:24 AM
Just a couple pics of the kids from this weekend...

Sandy snoozing after her day at the salon* & Cass wrestling with his favorite stuffy

*Sandy had her 1st mild case of urine scald this weekend :sadness I'm insane about keeping her clean & dry, change out wet bedding asap (she has more laundry than my 3 teenage girls), express her bladder before & after every feeding so she doesn't wet her bedding and she still managed to lay on a wet fleece long enough to have a little redness.:sniff I hooked her up with "a day at the salon" which consisted of: a warm water soak, fluffy cotton dry off & a massage with some lovely silver cream - by her next feeding there was no red and she was stress free and relaxed! :grin3

Cass has come to terms with the idea of living in the trees as long as he can take his bunny stuffy and favorite blankey with him. He approved the plans for his nesting box and made a few requests for additions...apparently a bachelor pad requires special details.:huh

09-08-2015, 09:58 AM
Aw, bless his heart. The little singletons, especially the boys, tend to cling to their moms. And bunnies.

Sandy is looking well. She isn't missing many meals I can see. :grin3

09-08-2015, 05:34 PM
He's a sweet boy but only with me (and his bunny). Hates the kids (always has) & won't even let my bf touch him anymore, they used to be best buds so I'm not sure what happened. He started getting aggressive towards him a couple months ago. He will allow the occasional scratch behind the ear as long as I'm nearby. Luckily he doesn't act that way with me, still loves his momma snuggles and kisses on the nose. Makes if difficult to give him plenty of snuggle time along with giving Sandy the attention she needs..never mind the rest of the critter household! I don't know how people with numerous babies do it!

She definitely doesn't miss any meals! Loves her fv formula and stoneybrook mango yogurt. She was so tiny I wanted to fatten her up...mission accomplished! Lol. She had to move into a larger bin to accommodate her belly! I'm working on setting up her "padded" fleece castle so it will be ready for her when the time comes.

Sara in NW MS
09-09-2015, 09:09 AM
I love the pics... Sandy looks great!!!


09-12-2015, 07:07 PM
Cass & Sandy :Love_Icon
I have more squirrel pictures in my phone than anything else...

09-14-2015, 10:53 AM
I'm concerned about Sandy. She lost her appetite this weekend which is out of the norm for her. I was able to get her to take 2 ml at 10am but that is the first time she would eat since 7pm last night, and I had to fight her every meal yesterday. Normally she is starving and inhales 10ml every 4-5 hours during the day without a problem. She is nibbling HHB and "wresting" with broccoli but not actually eating enough of it to count as a "meal". She's more active and starting to climb and play (which is adorable!). Could she be losing interest in the formula already? She really just seems distracted, would rather look around and see what everyone else is doing. She's very alert but almost aggressive. Scratching at the side of the bin and she's biting when I try to hold her like she normally wants. She grabs for my hands like she hungry but pulls away from the syringe. No drastic weight loss, just not like her. Her behavior is concerning me.
I have also noticed a different smell to her urine as of yesterday. Due to her paralysis she urinates all over herself regularly and requires clean up so I have the pleasure of smelling it or wearing it regularly enough to notice a difference :eek. I always express her bladder after feeding to help avoid it as much as possible but we have our off moments. I don't know how to describe the smell, its just "different". How can I tell if she might have a bladder infection or UTI? Could this be causing her strange behavior?

09-14-2015, 11:21 AM
Since 6am Sandy has been awake scratching, reaching for me, squeaking, restless...but not eating. Nothing would calm her and she was almost aggressive (I have a few scratches and the 1st broken skin bite as a souvenir) Finally after several hours of me stressing to calm her (at work). She is finally snoozing in my lap...but with an empty belly :( I have copies to make but it's not worth waking her after the morning we have had!
I'm worried about my girl. While trying to calm her down - in my shirt - at work - she peed that strange smelly pee all down the inside of my shirt. :sniff
I tried some hydration water with no luck - she tucks her head away from the syringe as soon as she sees it.

09-14-2015, 11:35 AM
Exactly what are you feeding hernow - esbilac alone or are you adding anything to it?

Where do you keep your dry esbilac powder? In the refrigerator or freezer or on the counter? If not kept under refrigeration it will spoil. Had this happen with my boy once and it was bad formula powder - when I bought the new one and started refrigerating it (actually I keep it in the freezer) he tied right into it.

09-14-2015, 12:31 PM
She's on Fox Valley 20/40 with a little bit of stoneybrook organic baby yogurt (mango or banana) added. I haven't changed anything with the formula/mix. I do keep the powder refrigerated. Mix only what I need each night for the next day. I even dumped out what I had prepared for yesterday and made new when she refused it. It's always warm.

09-14-2015, 12:41 PM
:Love_Iconbless you for caring for these precious babies! I hope she gets over what ever has her in the dumps! best wishes and best of luck! Keep us posted!:grouphug

09-14-2015, 12:49 PM
:Love_Iconbless you for caring for these precious babies! I hope she gets over what ever has her in the dumps! best wishes and best of luck! Keep us posted!:grouphug

Thank you, me too! She's still sleeping...I want to wake her and try to feed her again (and I have to pee :dono) but I don't want to wake her and have her upset again!

09-14-2015, 07:22 PM
Apparently sometimes a baby girl just needs her daddy...after a day of stress, tears and fearing the worst, Sandy guzzled a meal down in the arms of my bf! I feel like a new mom who can't calm her baby down & the first person to take her fixes everything. I just didn't have the touch today. I'm so used to Cass only bonding with me but it looks like Sandy may be a daddy's girl. As long as she eats & remains healthy - I am happy! :grin3
Still questioning the "different" urine smell...maybe I'm thinking to much to it?