View Full Version : Help!!

08-25-2015, 09:56 AM
Im new to this squirrel thing. But my husband found a baby squirrel that had fallen out of a tree. So we brought it home and we have been taking care of it the best we now how. Thanks to all the amazing people on this site everything has been going smooth untill this morning. I got up and she has a runny nose with a little blood coming out. No blood in poop or urine. I have already grown attached to this little baby and Im at a loss. Please help!

08-25-2015, 11:20 AM
Im new to this squirrel thing. But my husband found a baby squirrel that had fallen out of a tree. So we brought it home and we have been taking care of it the best we now how. Thanks to all the amazing people on this site everything has been going smooth untill this morning. I got up and she has a runny nose with a little blood coming out. No blood in poop or urine. I have already grown attached to this little baby and Im at a loss. Please help!

First, I am going to suggest you repost this in a new thread in the help needed section where it will get much more attention. The link is below. Most of the rehabbers and members have houses full of baby squirrels right now and have very little time so only check the help needed section.

When you do post, include the following information:

How long the squirrel has been in your care.

The little fellas current weight and weight when you found him

What you are feeding him, how much and how often.

His cage. The type of cage or container is he in; could he have taken a fall?
