View Full Version : New Baby Grey 2 Weeks Not Putting on Much Weight

08-19-2015, 01:29 PM
Hello Everyone,

I was given a approx 2 week old baby Grey on Sunday, August 16th by someone who found him after a storm and was not able to reunite with his momma. He had been with this person for almost 1 week (6 days). The baby was visibly dehydrated and lethargic when I received him on Sunday. He weight 48 grams. I immediately started him on the sugar/salt/H2O formula offering it every 30 minutes for 12 hours. He took the re-hydration fluid well and his wrinkles smoothed out. After 12 hours, I began feeding him Esbilac powered puppy formula, offering 5-7% of his weight, offering every 2 hours and have been ever since. Its been about 3 days now and he only weights 54 Grams :sadness which doesn't seem normal to me. My last baby (who was a Red) would put on anywhere from 1-4 grams per DAY. He's only gained 6 grams in 3 days and I am concerned. He is much more active however, and the little skin flakes have disappeared.

He usually doesn't finish all of his formula. I can only seem to get in anywhere from 3-5% of his body weight of formula in him and that is all he will take.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions as to what I can do to get weight on him? I believe he is on the small side for his age (2 weeks) and I want him to be healthy and happy.

08-19-2015, 02:13 PM
My suggestion would be to extend his formula feedings to every
3 hours and continue to offer hydration in between feedings.

08-19-2015, 03:01 PM
My suggestion would be to extend his formula feedings to every
3 hours and continue to offer hydration in between feedings.

Ok, I will try that! Thank you!:grin2

08-20-2015, 10:32 AM
So, I tried going to every 3 hours and offering rehydration fluid in between feedings. He hasn't taken more than 2.5 cc's of formula since yesterday and is averaging only about 1.5 cc's of formula... Based on his weight today (57 grams) he should be taking at least 2.85 cc's now.

Does anyone else have any suggestions as to how I can get him to gain weight more quickly or am I worrying needlessly?

08-20-2015, 10:56 AM
2 grams a day is not terrible. A gain is a gain.

08-20-2015, 12:01 PM
Could it be that the formula is not warm enough to start or cooling down too much during the feeding for his liking?

08-20-2015, 12:46 PM
I also wondered about the formula not being warm enough or kept warm enough. :thumbsup
The lack of appetite compared to what he should be eating (2.85 @ 5%) is a concern.
Once you figure that out and get him up to par the weight will improve.
Also agree with MommaL, as long as he's gaining and not losing your still in the ball park.
Are you feeding formula full strength 2-1 ?