View Full Version : 5 week old grey. Need help with solid food!
08-16-2015, 10:41 AM
I have a 5 week old grey. I've had him since he was about two days old. His eyes are open. I introduced rodent block and a water bottle to his little habitat. I'm wondering if it is too early to have introduced him. He is the only squirrel I have so I'm afraid he's developing slowly. He also still needs to be stimulated and has not yet begun to try on his own. I would also like some tips on what the start him out on for food. I'm a first time squirrel mom and I don't want to make him sick or worse. Thank you!
08-16-2015, 10:46 AM
We usually start putting block in at 6 weeks, and they mostly just play with it at first. Remember, baby squirrels stay in the nest until at least 10 weeks old, and until they leave the nest, ALL they consume is mama's milk. It is a good idea to have it in there from 6 weeks on so when they decide to start chewing on stuff, the first thing they find is what you WANT them to eat, but don't expect them to eat it seriously for a bit yet. And YOU do not wean them. THEY wean themselves. Keep offering formula until they refuse to take it. :thumbsup
08-16-2015, 11:59 AM
And to add to what crittermom posted, it is normal for you to still need to potty in the next couple of weeks, he will begin to tell you he does not need or want you to do
08-16-2015, 12:36 PM
Thank you both. I knew about the weaning and formula and I kind of know a few things here and there but I'm no expert, lol. Also, what foods and brands of rodent block and the must haves should I get for him when it comes to that stage in his life? I want to make sure I'm giving him as much nutritional value as he needs. Thanks again! :D
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