View Full Version : Maggot Questions

08-15-2015, 10:14 AM
Hey Guys:

I got in 5 babies COVERED in maggots yesterday. Maggots are all dead and gone as are the lice, but two of the kids, Drax and Quill have spots near their groin areas where the maggots decided to NOT wait for an open wound. Both kids look like the maggots ate a few layers of skin off. They area is cleaned but I notice its still really sweaty and I'm wondering if I need to put something on it.

I've attached a pix, any suggestions?261984

Milo's Mom
08-15-2015, 11:08 AM
Do you have Derma-GeL? I think the moisture is serous fluid. I had a little girl like that this past Spring.

08-15-2015, 12:36 PM
I usually give SMZ as a precaution against any gross secondary infections the little dears leave behind. I also always dose with Capstar to be sure to get any that might be internal.:grouphug

08-15-2015, 02:51 PM
No I keep forgetting to buy the Derma Gel, MM, where can I get it from again?

SM, yep they got the Capstar dose for sure! I thought about giving AB's since they were found with their dead mom in the nest, but not sure which to give, I have Clavamox, Baytril Clindamycin and something else :D

Milo's Mom
08-15-2015, 04:29 PM
No I keep forgetting to buy the Derma Gel, MM, where can I get it from again?



Remember to use Amazon Smile and support a non-profit of your choice (like maybe Baby Warm!!)

08-15-2015, 05:02 PM
I believe I would go with Clavamox.:thumbsup