View Full Version : Found this site looking for answers.

08-14-2015, 03:20 AM
Hi there. My name is Nikki and I became the mom to 3 baby grays. They were found under a tree and it was almost dark so we knew mom would not be coming back. Not really sure what happened to her and not sure how long they had been without her. My brother is the one that found them. he had to use a flash light to see what was chirping. At first he thought it was a bird but when he got to the tree it was 3 baby squirrels. He picked them up and brought them to me. He knew if anyone could save them it would be me. When he handed them to me and they were down right cold. Were breathing and moving but cold. Due to me raising chicks over the past 7 years I knew I needed to get them warm as soon as possible. So I held them right against my skin on my chest and put like 3 towels over that and rubbed them trying to warm them up. I was at my moms when he brought them to me so I did not have access to a heating pad at that moment. I left right after that. So I sill have a few of my moms towels. The whole way I was cuddling and rubbing. When I got home I got the heating pad and put it over my arms so it would not be sitting right on them. I finally got them warm so I wrapped them in the towels put them back in the box we had put them in. I got online looking for answers. I needed to get a rough age on them and what I needed to do after getting them warm. I found one site that gave me the age, roughly. Thats also when I found this site:dance. It has been a life saver literally:w00t. Don' think the little ones would have survived if not. I would have done my darndest though. I knew how to make homemade formula from raising puppies and kittens, but was not sure if that was the way to go. I started reading threads. Found the information I needed to help them survive and get stronger. Today will make it 3 weeks. That first week was rough. From falling out of the tree, then the 30 min drive home then the 6 hour drive the very next day (had to take my kids back to their dad). It took the first 12 hrs to try and get them rehydrated. Had a little luck. I weighed them at this point, were only 22-24g. After that I was giving a small about of formula, (mixed 1:4 ratio to give their tummies time to adjust) then about an hour later I would give the hydration fluid. The second week was a little better. Was still having trouble getting them hydrated. Was giving more of the formula at that point. Mixed 1:3 ratio. They were gaining about 2g a day but not loosing which from what I read was a good thing. This past week I went to the full strength formula and they have been growing like a weed. Have filled out, have all their hair, and being very active. Here's a couple of pics that were taken at 12am Central Time. They still don't weigh what they should but are getting there.

08-14-2015, 03:28 AM
I wouldn't worry about matching their weights to a chart,
they will get there. They look beautiful! :Love_Icon
Good job mommy. :thumbsup

Nancy in New York
08-14-2015, 07:36 AM
I am thrilled that you found us and your babies are just perfect.
Great rescue on your brother's part too!

As Russell said, the chart is only a guideline.
I have had babies that were 200+ grams when their eyes opened,
and others that barely tippped the scale at 100 grams.
As long as they are gaining, they are perfectl.
Now on full strength formula, you will see them flourish! :hug

08-14-2015, 11:24 AM

Those babies are beautiful. It's great that you found us. Keep up the good work. Do they have names? Do you know their genders?

08-14-2015, 12:57 PM
I am thrilled that you found us and your babies are just perfect.
Great rescue on your brother's part too!

As Russell said, the chart is only a guideline.
I have had babies that were 200+ grams when their eyes opened,
and others that barely tippped the scale at 100 grams.
As long as they are gaining, they are perfectl.
Now on full strength formula, you will see them flourish! :hug
Yeah that have gotten strong enough that they are sucking the formula right out. Earlier I had to do only a ½ cc at a time because it would cool too much and once it gets below certain temp they refuse to take it. I do the wrist check with every fill to make sure it's not too hot. But it is hot to me. If it's warm to me they will down right refuse it. Since they have been gaining the weight and getting stronger they are starting to stand on all 4's. One actually sit like a typical squirrel. on hind quarters with the tail stand in up behind them. Also one has occasionally peed and pooped all by her self.


Those babies are beautiful. It's great that you found us. Keep up the good work. Do they have names? Do you know their genders?
I have 2 girls, Dana and Lilly, and one boy Thomas. Luckily I don't have to mark the two girls they are a different color. One is lighter than the other. Hence the names. Dana is the dark one and Lilly is the lighter one. Thomas if he gets down between my leg and the arm of the recliner he will some how find a way into my shirt. So you can imagine when I'm feeding one of the girls and he gets under there it's not the most pleasant feeling in the world. Kind of feels like the big beetles down here. They will cling to you. But it's not that bad. So far I have only has small scratches on my hand where they cling to them and you try to pull them off.

08-14-2015, 09:29 PM
Awesome news. I went to feed them a few mins ago and was met with my first eyeball. The other one has started opening.:dance

Nancy in New York
08-14-2015, 09:33 PM
Awesome news. I went to feed them a few mins ago and was met with my first eyeball. The other one has started opening.:dance

This is always such an exciting time for them and YOU. :)
Just remember they see shadows at first, and get spooked very easily if you approach.
Talk to them before putting your hands near, they sometimes will lunge at
you, like they don't know who you are. :dono :grin2
I actually think their sight is sometimes confusing to them
in the beginning. :tilt
Pictures, we need pictures. :bliss

08-15-2015, 12:06 AM
Yeah when I go to get them out of the box I talk to them first. With the light my voice and smell they get all lively and start squirming in my direction. Gotten to the point that when I stick my hand next to them they are already trying to crawl in it. These where taken at 12am yesterday morning. Was no open eyes at that point.
It's amazing how fast they grow. Will try and take one of the girl that has her at least one eye open. The other was starting to open right there at the inner corner.

Nancy in New York
08-15-2015, 07:21 AM
Yeah when I go to get them out of the box I talk to them first. With the light my voice and smell they get all lively and start squirming in my direction. Gotten to the point that when I stick my hand next to them they are already trying to crawl in it. These where taken at 12am yesterday morning. Was no open eyes at that point.
It's amazing how fast they grow. Will try and take one of the girl that has her at least one eye open. The other was starting to open right there at the inner corner.

Love the shots from the back, I like seeing their little round tummies from behind.
They look like little "velveteen" squirrels now. :Love_Icon

08-15-2015, 06:52 PM
Dana is the girl that has eyes open. She is even cutter with them open.

Nancy in New York
08-15-2015, 07:27 PM
Dana is the girl that has eyes open. She is even cutter with them open.

Akkkkkkkkkkkk I just posted in your other thread.
OMG she is just PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon: Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
Next time can you give a CUTENESS OVERLOAD WARNING PLEASE! :tap :klunk

08-17-2015, 09:44 AM
Akkkkkkkkkkkk I just posted in your other thread.
OMG she is just PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon: Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
Next time can you give a CUTENESS OVERLOAD WARNING PLEASE! :tap :klunk

Will be sure to give sufficient warning before hand.:grin2
I now have 2 out of 3 sets looking at me when I go to feed them. Mr. Thomas opened his yesterday. Just waiting on the 3rd.

08-26-2015, 02:25 AM
Warning cuteness overload.:panic
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