View Full Version : Swollen, Irritated Eye (Sissy)

08-13-2015, 04:44 PM
Sissy showed up yesterday with her eye swollen and irritated. I decided to just keep an eye on her yesterday. Today it seems worse, and if not worse, certainly no better. The pics are not very good, I thought I had some good ones and went to look to see what I had for eye drops and she disappeared. She'd let me put something in her eye if I was determined to... whaddaythink? And here are my options....

Neo/Poly/Bac Eye Ointment
Lubricant Oint and Drops

Ms Tyson has been being a bully the last couple days, so hopefully it is just a simple scratch. :dono

Edit: I will add better pics if I get some... if she returns soon.

08-13-2015, 05:08 PM
I would go for the first - the triple antibiotic eye ointment.

08-14-2015, 05:03 PM
Sissy's eye already looks better this afternoon after a small amount of the triple antibiotic ointment. I don't think I will have another wrestling match with her (for another application) unless it stops improving...