View Full Version : Scaby skin around nose...

08-13-2015, 11:05 AM
just wondering what is causing the scaly skin around the little ladys nose? TIA!


08-13-2015, 11:08 AM
Is she still taking formula? Could that be dried formula around her mouth?

Does she stick her nose through and chew bars on her cage?

If no, this needs to be watched. It could be the beginning of mange. Can you get ivermectin over there? It is commonly used as an anti-parasitic for all sorts of livestock. It is often also used on exotic birds kept as pets...

08-13-2015, 11:12 AM
Is she still taking formula? Could that be dried formula around her mouth?

Does she stick her nose through and chew bars on her cage?

If no, this needs to be watched. It could be the beginning of mange. Can you get ivermectin over there? It is commonly used as an anti-parasitic for all sorts of livestock. It is often also used on exotic birds kept as pets...

CM, nope she is not taking formula.

She does stick her nose between bars...but not chew.

Will mange spread? i got another squirrel and a mynah bird at home...:(

08-13-2015, 12:05 PM
They are mites that are species specific, so yes to the other squirrel but no to the mynah.

Just shoving her nose through the bars could be irritating the skin. Most rehabbers, etc., like to use 1/2" square wire mesh for their cages as the openings are too small for them to do this.

Watch her and see if it progresses or shows up elsewhere. The ear tips are a common place for mange. And at this point I would start looking for either ivermectin, or if you can purchase the "spot on" med called Revolution, which is sold out of the US as "Stronghold." You may not need it but if you do, you would have to treat both of them.

08-13-2015, 12:54 PM
They are mites that are species specific, so yes to the other squirrel but no to the mynah.

Just shoving her nose through the bars could be irritating the skin. Most rehabbers, etc., like to use 1/2" square wire mesh for their cages as the openings are too small for them to do this.

Watch her and see if it progresses or shows up elsewhere. The ear tips are a common place for mange. And at this point I would start looking for either ivermectin, or if you can purchase the "spot on" med called Revolution, which is sold out of the US as "Stronghold." You may not need it but if you do, you would have to treat both of them.

CM, thank you!

08-13-2015, 09:48 PM
noticed the big guy has a bald patch....with what it seems to be red dots on the patch....mange?


08-13-2015, 09:51 PM
Looks like mange. ivermectin should fix it up fast.

08-14-2015, 01:49 PM
Looks like mange. ivermectin should fix it up fast.


08-14-2015, 02:02 PM
But you MUST come here for dosing help. It is an excellent drug but you do NOT want to overdose it.

08-14-2015, 02:51 PM
But you MUST come here for dosing help. It is an excellent drug but you do NOT want to overdose it.

was searching the whole afternoon on taobao.com(sort of chinese ebay) for ivermectin with the help of my coworkers...they caution that there is a lot of fake stuff and cannot tell whats legit..whats not.

in the evening, i went to the vet, he has dectomax 1%, doramectin injectable, got 3 syringes of 0.10ml of the stuff...0.05ml for each of the squirrel.

mashed some banana, mixed the solution in and fed it to both of them, lets see what happens...


08-14-2015, 10:09 PM
both seems ok, not overdosed...

but the big guys bald patch is turning raw, he must be licking it, leave it or apply neosporin...?




08-20-2015, 01:28 AM
guys wound is healing up well...


08-20-2015, 01:36 AM
missys scaly flakey skin is spreading to the other side of the nose area.

she prolly had the bug when i bought her from the pet shop july 25, 2015...and the bug hopped from her to MJ

does the flaking get worst before it gets better...or did i underdose the medication?


08-20-2015, 02:00 AM
got a bottle of 5mg/tablet ivermectin...

how do i measure out the right amount?

missy is ~250gms and at 0.3mg/kg dosage, she would need 250g/1000g x 0.3mg = 0.075mg ivermectin dosage.

and tablet is 5mg ivermectin/tablet, she would need 0.075/5 x 100 = 1.5% of the whole tablet.....

besides an analytical balance, how to determine the amount as accurately as possible?


08-20-2015, 08:11 AM
Bear with us - it may take a day to get this correct. Don't give her any yet - it isn't something you want to overdose, and they did just recently get the other stuff.

08-20-2015, 01:15 PM
Bear with us - it may take a day to get this correct. Don't give her any yet - it isn't something you want to overdose, and they did just recently get the other stuff.

both got the oral doramectin 6 days ago...

some closeup pic of the other side of the nose...


it looks like its also spreading on mj, on his hind legs around the joint. hard to take a pic as he does not keep still...

08-20-2015, 09:16 PM
According to the WMB, the desired strength is 1mg/ml solution.

You have 5mg strength tablets. You can add 5ml water to a crushed tablet to get 1mg/ml solution.

Missy weighs 250g, so dosing at the 0.25mg/kg levels means that Missy should get 0.06ml of the Ivermectin solution once every 8-10 days (3 times total).

I am pretty sure the Ivermectin will not go easily into solution, so you may need to use slightly warm water and vigorous shaking. If it will not go into solution with water, it may work better with propylene glycol. Shake up a lot right before using.

I am not 100% sure that is mange but Ivermectin does treat a lot of internal and external parasites so it is probably worth trying.

got a bottle of 5mg/tablet ivermectin...

how do i measure out the right amount?

missy is ~250gms and at 0.3mg/kg dosage, she would need 250g/1000g x 0.3mg = 0.075mg ivermectin dosage.

and tablet is 5mg ivermectin/tablet, she would need 0.075/5 x 100 = 1.5% of the whole tablet.....

besides an analytical balance, how to determine the amount as accurately as possible?


08-21-2015, 03:06 AM
I will look for some PG...thanks for working out the dosage.

I am also wondering if its something else...bc mange is suppose to be itchy and they will keep scratching themselves due to the bugs digging into the skin?

They both are not scratching....like nothing is happening, eating well getting fat...

I did look up the solubility of ivermectin in water....its 4mg/L...so that 5mg tablet will require slightly over a liter to completely dissolve.


According to the WMB, the desired strength is 1mg/ml solution.

You have 5mg strength tablets. You can add 5ml water to a crushed tablet to get 1mg/ml solution.

Missy weighs 250g, so dosing at the 0.25mg/kg levels means that Missy should get 0.06ml of the Ivermectin solution once every 8-10 days (3 times total).

I am pretty sure the Ivermectin will not go easily into solution, so you may need to use slightly warm water and vigorous shaking. If it will not go into solution with water, it may work better with propylene glycol. Shake up a lot right before using.

I am not 100% sure that is mange but Ivermectin does treat a lot of internal and external parasites so it is probably worth trying.

08-21-2015, 11:36 AM
"Fleas and mites can be treated with Adams Spray for dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies. We usually do not spray from the bottle directly onto the squirrel to avoid eye contact with the spray. We spray a very small amount onto a wash cloth or cotton ball, and then wipe the squirrel with that. The bedding must be changed by the next day to remove dead fleas and eggs.
As addressed previously under maggots and bots, mange or skin mites will usually first be observed as crusty, scaly, flaky areas on the edges of the ears, around the muzzle, eyes, and tail. The squirrel will usually scratch itself often, sometimes causing breaks in the skin. Red spots or patches can also be observed, usually on the abdomen and stomach areas. In more advanced cases, loss of hair will occur, sometimes to the point of almost total hair loss. Patches of skin will peel off with the fur. To effectively treat mange and skin mites, we use Ivermectin dilute given orally. Repeat dosage every 7 days, for a total of 3 treatments. Weigh the animal each time, as the dosage will change as the animal grows and gains weight. Change bedding frequently and clean the container or cage by cleaning thoroughly as well after each treatment to remove any eggs. You can spray with Adams, let stand for 20 minutes, and then wash the bedding and cage thoroughly. Isolate squirrels from those, which do not have the parasites to avoid contagion."

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08-22-2015, 09:44 PM
the scabs falling off...
