View Full Version : Squirts eye is watery
08-12-2015, 12:52 PM
Hi all. Hope everyone is doing well. So the last 2-3 days Squirt's eye has been watering. It turned to white tears only twice so I know something is going on. He's eating healthy and has been playful as anything but I know white means pain or stress. I looked into his eye and don't see anything or even a scratch. Is there something I can do for him? Or clean his eye with water? Any help is much appreciated.
Milo's Mom
08-12-2015, 01:07 PM
Do you see any swelling anywhere?
Have you looked at his teeth?
Does he seem to be tilting his head one way or another?
Is he favoring one side of his body?
Have you looked in his ears lately?
Give him a kiss and some butt scritchies for me.:Love_Icon
08-12-2015, 01:16 PM
Hi Betsy!! He isn't tilting at all or favoring either side. No swelling just a little puffy from him rubbing it. Sometimes it looks ok then it irritates him again. As good as I can see his ears and teeth seem ok to. When I rub the ear on the side of the watery eye he really enjoys it as if it's itchy maybe. I'm at a loss because within the last three days it comes and goes.
Milo's Mom
08-12-2015, 02:52 PM
Do you notice this at one particular time of day or another? Since it comes and goes, I'm kinda inclined to say a possible allergy. Do you have any Infant/Childrens Benedryl? Got a current weight on Mr. Squirt?
Hopefully others will weigh in on their thoughts too!!
08-12-2015, 03:41 PM
I've noticed it more in the morning and early afternoon. When I take him out around 6pm it seems ok. But then early this morning it was ok then back to being irritated around lunch time. I have some infant ibuprofen but it expired last year and was in the medicine cabinet not the fridge. Unfortunately no current weight on him. He eats like a total piggy, especially his lettuces and greens. I did give him a tiny bit of peanut butter on his birthday cake last Saturday. Could he be allergic to that? He's not allergic to Henry's peanut sticks though.
08-12-2015, 05:15 PM
I have ciprofloxacin ophthalmic solution eye drops and puralube vet ointment. Can I use these? His eye seems really irritated right now.
Milo's Mom
08-12-2015, 05:43 PM
Is there a way you can post a picture of it?
I've never dealt with an eye issue first hand so I'm really out of my league on this...
08-13-2015, 09:28 AM
So last night I tried to give Squirt benadryl but I barely got any in. He absolutely did not like the cherry flavor. So I went back to the store and got pediacare with the exact ingredient but bubblegum flavor. I got home and he was sleeping. So I just checked him now and he was cleaning himself and I noticed both eyes had white in them. They are not irritated looking like they were yesterday. He just took the bubblegum pediacare. I also bought infant ibuprofen that I gave him when he kinked his tail playing a couple years back just in case. Any ideas as to why both eyes could be doing this now? I will try and get pics when more relaxed. Hopefully it's just an allergy. I will know later if the pediacare has helped.
Milo's Mom
08-13-2015, 09:44 AM
Hmmmm. :thinking
08-13-2015, 10:01 AM
Hmmmm. :thinking
My thoughts exactly. His right eye is still watery but his left is not. I'll wait and see what the medicine does.
08-13-2015, 01:30 PM
Still no change for good in his eye. It's getting very red and he's really starting to scratch at it. Should I start an antibiotic or the eye ointment or drops I mentioned previously? I'm getting really worried now.
08-13-2015, 01:40 PM
Here is a pic. I know it probably doesn't look too bad but four days of this is telling me something is going on. I thought I'd see a little improvement by now with the pediacure if it was an allergy.
Milo's Mom
08-13-2015, 03:26 PM
Can you spell out what eye drops or ointments you have? I know I gave you one (I think), but I have no idea what it is anymore.
Type out all the info you've got on the packages/tubes/etc.
08-13-2015, 05:14 PM
Here's what I have.
08-14-2015, 09:55 AM
This morning his eyes both had white tears when he rubbed them. They don't look puffy our red just really watery and itchy.
08-14-2015, 01:11 PM
NSM if not mistaken, the ointment you have is designed for a lubricant. Besides hearing we're not supposed to use Petroleum (jelly) with squirrels, not sure "lubricating" is what is needed.
I had a similar problem with one of my girls that developed a ball of white in the corner of one eye. I used an OTC hypertonicity ophthalmic solution for corneal edema. Took a few days seeing improvement with each day and it did clear it up.
There is also an OTC ophthalmic solution designed for pink eye that may be beneficial to your situation.
08-14-2015, 05:35 PM
Thanks for responding step:grin2 I will go to the grocery store and see what I can find. I just got home from being out since this morning and he still has white in both eyes. Thanks again.
08-15-2015, 10:10 AM
This morning squirts eyes are less irritated looking but still watery and white/milky tears are still present. I'm going to the store this morning to get the eye drops that stepnstone mentioned. I did notice yesterday his urine was more musky smelling. He pees a lot too with one pee but he always has. Now I'm hoping his smelly urine isn't me just trying to find something. He is also umm:thinking...sucking himself off quite a bit His pee pee however isn't swollen or irritated and that area seems fine.
Milo's Mom
08-15-2015, 11:06 AM
He is sucking on his penis?
08-15-2015, 01:21 PM
He is sucking on his penis?
Yuppers, just didnt know how to write
Milo's Mom
08-15-2015, 02:01 PM
Ok. That is a clue! I'm wondering if he has a urinary tract infection...pain = white tears, sucking on penis = that's where it hurts, smelly pee = usually a sign of UTI.
What do others think?
Nancy in New York
08-15-2015, 02:28 PM
Ok. That is a clue! I'm wondering if he has a urinary tract infection...pain = white tears, sucking on penis = that's where it hurts, smelly pee = usually a sign of UTI.
What do others think?
I think you're onto something here.
However, he could have issues with his eyes too, so I would get what
stepnstone suggested, and treat both his eyes, and the possible UTI.
Do you have SMZ-TMP or Baytril?
While you are out, get some probiotic capsules, that you can pull
apart. I use the stores own brand.
IF you are going to start antibiotics, you want them to
be on a good probiotic 2 hours prior or after dosing.
edit: OK I just noticed on the 13th you wrote that his eyes didn't
look as red and irratated as the day before...........Hmmmmmmmmmm.
I think I would still get the OTC med stepnstone suggested.
08-15-2015, 03:25 PM
Unfortunately I don't have smz-tmp or baytril. Only cipro I have. I couldn't find any eye drops that step had mentioned except for contact lens solution. I did get homeopathic eye relief drops but haven't used them yet. I'll post a pic of what I got. I will have to go back to the store for the probiotics. I do have lots of plain and vanilla yogurt that he loves not sure if that's good enough though. If I treat him for a uti and he doesn't actually have a uti, will the treatment hurt him?
08-15-2015, 03:31 PM
Here's the eye drops I bought. The only antibiotics I have are ciprofloxacin, cephalexin & doxycycline.
Nancy in New York
08-15-2015, 03:36 PM
Do you have a weight on him? We dose squirrels by their weight in grams.
The Cipro will work fine, can you tell me the mg. on it and I will write up instructions
how to dose, once we get a weight on Squirt.
For now, if his eyes don't appear to be bothering him, I would hold off on the eye drops.
I honestly am not sure what's safe.
08-15-2015, 03:41 PM
His weight this morning was 784 grams. The cipro is 500mg pills. Can I use the yogurt as a probiotic or should I run out to the store now?
Nancy in New York
08-15-2015, 04:06 PM
His weight this morning was 784 grams. The cipro is 500mg pills. Can I use the yogurt as a probiotic or should I run out to the store now?
You can use the yogurt for now, and probably for the duration if he likes it, but it needs to be given 2 hours prior or after the antibiotics. I think the capsule is easier, but if this works for you, it's ok.
I will write up detailed instructions for the 500 mg Cipro now. Just give me a minute. :)
08-25-2015, 05:59 PM
So as of today Squirts eyes are no better but they are not worse either. He has white tears still and watery and irritated. I've tried eye drops, benedryl and had him on cipro for 7 days. His urine smells fine too. Teeth are good as far as I can see. No sneezing or runny nose. All bedding and room has been cleaned thoroughly. I'm really at a loss at this point. What gets me is that he is eating very well, he is as active as he was before this eye problem and his weight is normal and hasn't changed and his fur feels great except for the crazy molt he's going through. Could there be an infection going on inside that didn't react to the cipro? Could molting stress a squirrel? He's molting now like I've never seen before.
10-05-2015, 08:01 PM
Hi everyone. So it's been awhile regarding squirts eye issues. The watery eyes went away and now their back with white tears again. I have noticed the last couple days his poop has been grayish and dry, then wet brownish with green tinge and soft. I just noticed yesterday there was this gooey mucus like stuff attached to his poop. Could this be whatever has been going with his eyes as in possible pain from something intestinal that may be getting worse? He eats good, plays good and his poop and pee are not smelly. Any help is much appreciated as I think this may have been the culprit the whole time since his eyes started.
island rehabber
10-05-2015, 10:01 PM
I wonder if he has a fungal infection going on in his GI tract that the Cipro wouldn't have touched. Do you have access to Albon or Flagyl? Shoutout to the Board: does anyone else think this may be a mycotoxin/fungal situation going on?
10-06-2015, 01:51 AM
....gooey mucus like stuff attached to his poop...
I would like to find out if this gooey mucus like stuff on poop continues or goes away?
In terms of the other stuff, I suspect that the fact of the other symptoms being out of the ordinary, eyes looking irritated, smelly pee, and sucking were/are the main issues. I found this which also discusses the white eye fluid issue, possibly in a different context:
10-06-2015, 02:13 AM
What kind of greens is he eating? I ask because I wonder if that could be influencing the smell of his urine. Have you tried offering a different selection of vegetables to see if that changes the scent?
(For example, not to be nasty, but I learned in one of my classes that if a person eats lots of asparagus, they get an odd smell. Lots of beets, and odd color, etc.)
Squirrel friendly foods here, which you probably already know but just making sure,
I hope that we are able to get to the bottom of what is causing all of the symptoms soon, whether it's all one infection, or a few different things.
10-06-2015, 06:12 AM
Hi IR and rocky, thanks for responding. His poops and pee do not have a smell right now. I noticed the gooey stuff about a week ago too but thought it was something he ate. It's very small on his poop and I've noticed it on maybe 3 pellets total in over a week. Some days his poop looks good then it looks dry or wet/soft. I ordered baycox because I don't have albon. He eats pretty good. Arugula , romaine, kale, raddichio, red/green leaf lettuce. Mushrooms, squash, sweet potatoe, broccoli, grape tomatoes and snap peas. Apple, papaya, grapes, blueberries, and avocado. This is what he always eats. I rotate it every day. Some days he eats more than others or favors a certain thing.
Milo's Mom
10-06-2015, 06:28 AM
:wave123 Shawna!!
Check your stash...Maura asked if you have Flagyl...that's might have some.
10-06-2015, 07:07 AM
Hi Betsy. I'm at work right now. When I come home for lunch I will check for the metro.
10-06-2015, 11:55 AM
Ok so I just checked. I have no metro.
Milo's Mom
10-06-2015, 06:26 PM
Do you want to go that route? If so, I'll see what I have...I use a good deal of it this summer/fall so I'm not sure how much if any I have left.
10-06-2015, 06:41 PM
I'm not sure what route to go. His poop has no goo in it today but it is dry and grayish. I did order baycox just in case. He isn't dehydrated and drinks his water and eats really good. He's been so active the last few weeks I guess from season change so I'm not really sure what to think. This poor guy is just not giving me anything definitive for an extended period of time except for the watery eyes coming and going.:thinking
Milo's Mom
10-06-2015, 06:52 PM
Think about it, watch him, and monitor. If that's the route you want to go I'll send whatever I've got. (this also gives me some time to locate some...) :)
10-07-2015, 02:24 AM
Hi IR and rocky, thanks for responding. His poops and pee do not have a smell right now. I noticed the gooey stuff about a week ago too but thought it was something he ate. It's very small on his poop and I've noticed it on maybe 3 pellets total in over a week. Some days his poop looks good then it looks dry or wet/soft. I ordered baycox because I don't have albon. He eats pretty good. Arugula , romaine, kale, raddichio, red/green leaf lettuce. Mushrooms, squash, sweet potatoe, broccoli, grape tomatoes and snap peas. Apple, papaya, grapes, blueberries, and avocado. This is what he always eats. I rotate it every day. Some days he eats more than others or favors a certain thing.
Continue to let us know if the symptoms change, and if you notice any correlation to diet.
Symptom List
gooey mucus like stuff on poop, (on and off)
eyes looking irritated,
smelly pee, (on and off)
sucking on "self"
white eye fluid (on and off)
10-07-2015, 03:05 AM
In terms of ruling out the diet as being all or part of the cause, I would recommend making a list of everything the squirrel ate within the last 12 hours as safe foods. (You seem to do be doing a fine job. It's just that I suspect squirrels, like people, can be individually sensitive or allergic to foods that are fine for others.) If symptoms start up again, write down specifically which symptoms, when they occurred, and what was fed before the symptoms occurred. Then if possible, go back to this "safe" diet that was fed recently prior to no gooey and no smelly issues. That should suggest whether or not food has anything to do with this.
I will be interested in learning which of these symptoms appear at or near the same time, and which if any do not?
How are the squirrel's eyes looking right now? Are they still red and irritated?
Have you noticed more sucking lately? Does his penis look irritated or just normal?
PS - In my book, everything the squirrel ingests is considered "food" or should be noted, including any medications, treats, etc. I might hold suspect any non-food item that really gets chewed up too if there is anything like that.
So anyway, this is a concerted* effort, and this is my angle. The others on here have a lot of wisdom and may very well have the correct solution also. (*Meaning addressing a problem from multiple angles simultaneously.)
10-07-2015, 07:23 PM
Hi Rocky. His eyes are ok today. His poop is still greyish and dry but no mucous. I've been making a list of everything he's been given so we'll see.
01-19-2016, 03:56 PM
Its been a while since i updated Squirts eye condition. I have done nothing but observe everything with him since the last post. Food, cage gear, teeth, poop & urine, no sneezing or watery nose, he eats like a little pig as usual and is energetic as usual. His eyes were back to normal for the better part of November and by the end of December his eyes became watery again and he had white tears ONLY when he rubs them. Then his eyes got better then it comes back to one eye then moves to the other. I have noticed through the last month or so his top teeth seem short and one tooth is chipped to the gum. He has chipped his teeth before where the orange was chipped off then came back. It doesnt seem like the top teeth are growing at all. The chip is exactly where it was a few weeks ago. Maybe slightly there is orange coming out of the gum now. His lowers maybe a little long but im not sure if long enough to trim. I will try and post a pic of the top and roof of his mouth as well as the lowers. The roof of his mouth looks good. No punctures from the lowers so it seems. He seems to be in no pain and is normal as can be except for the watery eyes. I just gave him some benedryl today for the first time since october and will see if hes better by the time i get home from work. I will post a pic of his teeth as soon as i can:grin2
01-19-2016, 04:09 PM
Weepy eyes and teeth issues could be odontoma? I hope not but pics of the teeth are generally helpful but only an X-ray can determine odontoma.
01-19-2016, 04:24 PM
Weepy eyes and teeth issues could be odontoma? I hope not but pics of the teeth are generally helpful but only an X-ray can determine odontoma.
Hi TubeDriver. Odontoma was a thought for me as well but im hoping since this all began that it would of been worse by now if it was odontoma:dono He has not been worse at all. This guy does not slow down whether its playing or eating. The watery eyes come and go and it gets no worse. It actually moves from one eye to the other than both then it starts to go away then starts again the same way. Not to mention he breathes great out of his nose and he never sneezes or has a runny nose. I will try and get pics up tonight. Thanks
01-19-2016, 07:44 PM
I can't get pics of Squirt's teeth tonight as i definitely need another set of hands. I will get the pics tomorrow.
01-20-2016, 01:19 PM
These 2 pics are from my cell phone so they're not the greatest. I did take some with my camera but cant get them on the computer until after work today. If your looking at Squirt directly his rt tooth(technically his left tooth)is short and not chipped. His leftt tooth(technically his rt tooth) is chipped up the whole side into the gum. i can tell they are growing out though because the one that chipped all the way up is now orange coming out of the gumline. No red gums or irritation on the roof of his mouth that i see. I will try and post his lowers later tonight. Also in these pics im pushing the side of his lower lip up which pushed his lowers higher.
01-20-2016, 06:30 PM
Here's a couple more. Not the best shots sorry.
01-20-2016, 07:08 PM
NSM, I just read Squirt's thread back to August. I believe there is a very good possibility that Squirt has odontoma. The weeping eye, white tears and short top teeth are ALL symptoms of odontoma. I would start looking for a vet to get a head X-ray. That is the only definitive way to diagnosis it.
Three issues that must be dealt with are pain, inflammation and infection. I would treat Squirt with Clavamox and Metacam (if you can get some). If not, I'd use ibuprophen.
After following Resilie's case closely, I believe that just about any squirrel is a candidate for odontoma. If Resilie could get odontoma at 3 years of age ... ANY squirrel can get them. Obviously, not all will get odontoma BUT... it has to be considered.
01-20-2016, 08:26 PM
Hi HRT4SQRLS, thanks for responding. I do have a phone# of someone that hopefully will take him to a vet if it comes down to that. I haven't called her because I'm not sure what to do yet. I'm scared for him because he's never been away from me for all of the years I've had him and am afraid he'll attack anyone other than me. Unfortunately i do not have clavamox or metacam. I did just give him some ibuprophen. If he is in pain he sure hides it well. I only see white tears after he rubs them but not often.
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