08-07-2015, 02:37 PM
Yesterday my husband did a bunch of trees and when doing so a nest fell with mom branches crushed mom but babys are safe. This happend at nine am yesterday morning i drove out to his tree sight because he had called me any way i immediately took them home put them on heating pad, after warming the babys (there is three two males one female) they call had a bit of blood from nose and their breathing didnt sound good but now it does...they look 100% better and i have been giving them Pedialyte plain kids. They have been drinking it fine every 2 hours they wont pee i have tried everything i could think of. They are probably1 week of age about three inces long. One male weighs 30 grams one male weighs 32 grams female weighs 31 grams. Nine this morning i started Esbilac puppy replacer milk they have had two feeding each of the milk. I am leeping them warm i am stimulating them to use bathroom but so far nothing.