View Full Version : Bad teeth
08-03-2015, 07:43 PM
Hello everyone,
I found today that one of the fox squirrels that lives in the tree next to my house has a tooth that is sticking out of the side, like its straight but its outside the mouth showing!!! I mean it looks like either a birth defect or he somehow bended his tooth to the left to where when he closes his mouth the tooth is showing, like all of it!! we tried to get him down, and waited in the sun for hours for him to come down, and when he did he sprinted to a near by tree! he look like he is at least 2 months old.
how can I catch him??? I want to catch him so that I can see whats wrong, and see if I can try and help him by taking him to the vet, or just taking pictures and posting her for help, but I cant get him to come down! I tried pecans, but that did not work..
Help please
08-03-2015, 08:16 PM
You will probably need to start a feeding routine and see if you can catch him in a havahart trap. Poor baby, I hope you are able to help and thank you for trying.
08-03-2015, 11:29 PM
so how would I go about catching him, any ideas please as I will start the process tomorrow morning again!
Any help will be appreciated by this little one-
08-04-2015, 12:14 AM
I am sorta going thru a similar situation. One of my released squirrels has really a misaligned jaw and her teeth are beyond horrific. I've caught her and am waiting for a treatment of Antibiotics to end so we can get surgery to remove all of her incisors.
Here is my thread
You need to get a Havahart trap and work on trapping this squirrel. Where do you live? Hopefully you have a vet that can help you trim the teeth and maybe xray the jaw. Do you have any photos of this squirrel that you could share with us?
I'm uber sensitive about squirrel teeth right now and will gladly share what I'm going thru to help. PM if you'd like.
08-04-2015, 02:15 AM
I Cant take a picture, he is fast,and goes high on the tree. I am not sure if any vet will see him without trouble or killing him.her!! how do I set up a Havahart trap? I live in Oklahoma, I wish someone can tell me what to do or who to go to, I want to be able to treat him fast and return him to his brothers and sisters as soon as possible!
08-04-2015, 10:34 AM
We are going to help you.
We've told you you need a Havahart trap. I bought mine at Tractor Supply and actually they had a sale 2 for 25.00. Do you have a Tractor Supply near you?
Or you can get them from Amazon
Once you setup the trap, you fill it with peanut butter, shelled walnuts and nuts in a shell. you put the food behind the trip plate so when they walk in to get the food it causes the door to shut.
Now for who can help you once you have him. I'd start calling around now to see if any vets will work with you.
What county in Oklahoma are you in, so we can all start putting out the word for help. I'm sure we can find someone.
We will help you get that lined up, you need to catch the squirrel.
Good luck.
08-04-2015, 11:49 AM
I think in the meantime it would be helpful to put some snacks out and try to get the squirrel a bit more comfortable and that may make the havahart capture a little easier.
Nancy in New York
08-04-2015, 12:17 PM
Call Annette at Wild Heart ranch.
(918) 342-WILD (9453)
Tell her the situation and if she can't help you, ask if there is ANYONE
that will.
Broken down by county.
Above are some other numbers to call. Even if they are not in your area, start making calls.
Lots of rehabbers network, but you have to be persistent, as this is a busy time of
the year. Just keep making calls to ALL numbers, until you get help.
You need to have a plan in place before capturing a wild squirrel.
This will be extremely stressful on him, and you don't want him in the trap
longer than necessary. IF you are successful and can trap him, cover the trap
immediately with a sheet or blanket, get him into a dark quiet location, inside, as
I suspect it's hot where you are.
Then implement your plan of action, but make sure you have one!
08-04-2015, 09:08 PM
Hello everyone,
So, I just found him, but I am still struggling to catch him. he is suffering, I live in Payne county OKlahoma, I tried calling a few people, problem is many just dont answer their phones! I need a vet that can treat him- I will setup some peaunet butter in the morning, I am hoping someone can find a vet that would be able to help close by-
Nancy in New York
08-04-2015, 10:15 PM
Hello everyone,
So, I just found him, but I am still struggling to catch him. he is suffering, I live in Payne county OKlahoma, I tried calling a few people, problem is many just dont answer their phones! I need a vet that can treat him- I will setup some peaunet butter in the morning, I am hoping someone can find a vet that would be able to help close by-
YOU have to make the calls. Most of us are from other states.
Call Annette and ask for her guidance.
Not sure what you mean when you write that you "hope someone can
find a vet that would be able to help?" YOU have to make the calls, please!
If you trap him tomorrow you need a plan, he will freak out in a trap if he has to remain
like that until YOU find the help he is going to need.
Keep calling all the numbers and then call again.
08-04-2015, 10:20 PM
Yes I am fully aware of that Nancy!!!!! I hoped someone on the board from Oklahoma can give some input, thats what I meant Nancy!!!! I would very much rather that I trap, go to vet, get it done, and put him/her back on the tree-
I kept on calling, I couldnt get a hold of annetta but I will try in the morning, also I have past experinces with rehabbers in Oklahoma, THEY SIMPLY DO NOT PICK UP THE PHONE, YOU CAN TRY FOR YOURSELF IF YOU NEED THE PROOF!
Nancy in New York
08-04-2015, 10:48 PM
Yes I am fully aware of that Nancy!!!!! I hoped someone on the board from Oklahoma can give some input, thats what I meant Nancy!!!! I would very much rather that I trap, go to vet, get it done, and put him/her back on the tree-
I kept on calling, I couldnt get a hold of annetta but I will try in the morning, also I have past experinces with rehabbers in Oklahoma, THEY SIMPLY DO NOT PICK UP THE PHONE, YOU CAN TRY FOR YOURSELF IF YOU NEED THE PROOF!
No need for me to pick up the phone Romeo, just trying to help is all.
I posted several links with lots of numbers.
We don't have many members in Oklahoma, we have tried that route before.
Romeo, the process will not be as simple as you suggest.
IF this squirrel has a tooth that is curling, most likely it will
be a Non Releasable because it will need constant trimming, so most
likely this will not be a one shot deal.
I know you are trying to help him, as I am again trying to help you.
Thank you for that.
edit: Here is Annette's email address, it's on the link I provided.
Send her an email since you can't reach her by phone.
Here is a link to their contact form.
Oh, they also have an after hours phone number.
Call the clinic at 918 342 9453 or after hours 918 230 2134
08-04-2015, 11:11 PM
I know this has already been said, but I just don't want to post the following without saying this again, please have your plan in place before you catch the squirrel. As Nancy said, they stress so easily. Thank you for caring and trying to rescue this sweet baby. It took me 3 weeks to catch my Magnus, don't get discouraged and give up. Patience pays off. OK, here goes. . .
I tried both the smaller trap made for squirrels where both ends of the trap open and the larger one made for coons and cats. The larger one only has one end that's open. I had my success with the larger one. I started out with the smaller trap and left the auto spring in place and caught every squirrel in my yard except the one I wanted, so I went to this technique with the larger trap and it finally worked.
I worked for 3 weeks trying to catch my squirrel. So with the larger trap I disabled the spring mechanism so it wouldn't auto spring and catch the wrong squirrel. Then I tied a thin wire about 30 feet long to the trip mechanism. Test it to make sure when you pull on the wire the trap will spring. Then put the trap where you want it. Fill it with goodies, sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanut butter, grapes, avocado. Make sure to put the food at the far end (by the closed end).
I used a chair and placed it about 30 feet from the trap and wrapped the end of the wire around the arm of the chair so it was fairly tight and just a little tug would cause the trap to spring. Make sure and test it from that distance to be sure it will spring with just a little tug. If you leave the wire on the ground and try to pick it up and pull it when you see the squirrel, that might give the squirrel enough time to escape the trap.
So now you have the trap set up. Then it's a waiting game. Think of the trap like a feeding station. I left mine set up that way all the time. I feed the squirrels anyway, so I just put all the food I would normally feed inside the feeder. That way the squirrels get used to going in and out of it. Then sit in the chair and wait.
Mornings and evenings are your best times to catch a squirrel. When the right squirrel enters the trap, make sure it's in there far enough, tug on the wire and you've got your squirrel. I would take the trap with the squirrel in it into a small room like a bathroom. If you try to take the squirrel out of the trap while you're outside, about 100% chance he will escape while you're trying to get him out of the cage. They are FAST!!!! Good luck!!!
I hope this helps!
Please keep trying to call Annette at Wildheart Ranch, she is VERY good, but probably VERY busy right now. I have a contact in OK, I can text her. Sometimes she's not great at getting back to me. The problem is, I don't think she wants another non-releasable. Are you planning on keeping this squirrel? It does sound like it might be an NR. Squirrels are VERY tough pets to have, the first problem is vet care! I apologize if you know all of this already.
Again, good luck and please keep us posted! :grouphug
08-04-2015, 11:30 PM
Well, first of all thank you all for your thoughts, and advise. Now I have three issues, finding a vet or a rehabber that can help me in Oklahoma, catching him, then finding him a home if needed, I am truly hoping that he can be released again shortly after, him and his brother never stay apart, they are very young- problem is that the tree is so close to the main street!!! I wish I can keep him, but I already have a little fellow that refused to stay outside after finally getting a house with a back yard, he decided after a miserable month and a half in a RC to come in and be treated like king of the house lol--
I will try annetta again for sure in the morning-- I talked to her before, and she always seems so willing to help~
but please everyone, if you know anyone in Oklahoma that can help, please let me know~~
08-05-2015, 12:52 AM
I just texted my rehabber friend in OK. We'll see if she responds. She doesn't live far from Wildheart Ranch and Annette.
08-05-2015, 01:01 AM
OK, I got a hold of my rehabber friend in OK. She cannot take an NR. She is good friends with Annette, she said try to call her first thing in the morning. Be persistent, keep calling her, don't give up. Sometimes they just get so busy and returning calls is hard. You might get lucky and catch her when she hears the phone ring. She said Annette doesn't keep NRs but can help you find a home for him if need be.
I'm going to PM you the name of a vet in OK. I don't know if he's near you or not. I hope this helps!
08-05-2015, 02:50 AM
Thank you everyone for this help, I will check my pm's and will call annetta in the morning. I am no expert, but I am not so sure that he will need to be an NR! I dont see why the vet cant just trim his teeth way down, and each time they get longer, I will do the process again and get them trimmed, I can commit easily to something like that.
if that is an option, I am prepared to take it.
08-05-2015, 11:19 AM
If his teeth are that bad, I don't think capturing him on a regular basis will be successful. He may grow wary of the trap once he figures out what's going to happen. They are very smart.
Also her name is Annette not Annetta :grouphug
08-05-2015, 02:43 PM
You won't be able to continuously catch him, trust me I know :) He either needs to become an pet squirrel or he needs to be euthanized.
Squirrels are incredibly smart and you may get to trap him once or even twice, but no way will you be able to trap him after that and it would need to be done every 4 weeks.
TSB seems to be able to produce folks willing to take in an NR and driving trains can be put together so it doesn't have to be someone in OK.
I hope you catch him!
08-05-2015, 07:28 PM
Yes, I am willing to do this process every 4 weeks if thats what it takes :grin3
Thanks everyone for your input, I still did not catch him, I did notice that he was eating normally today as I give them pecans everyday, and I put out fresh water for them each day, and they eat and drink from it, I will be hanging a bird feeder tomorrow when it gets here on the tree they are always on, then I will sub their water with vally fox so that they can get their nutritions-
Hope it all goes well--
08-05-2015, 08:03 PM
Thank you SO SO much for caring about this guy. Have you named him yet?
I know you are willing to do what it takes, I'm just saying that he WON'T let himself get trapped more than once or twice
08-05-2015, 09:53 PM
so do you guys think I should just let him be then, just provide food and vally fox? also, I wish there was a way to stop him from crossing the street, I live on campus, so speed limit is 25, people do stop for them at times, but sometimes its just too busy... do you think if he finds food and drink in this tree all the time that he will still leave this area and cross to the other side, I know it sounds dumb, but hey no harm comes out of asking :grin3
No, I dont want to name him yet, if he and his brother make it to winter, then I will put a nest box with some goods in it up on their tree, and give them names:great
08-06-2015, 12:03 AM
then I will sub their water with vally fox so that they can get their nutritions-
I would not add anything to their water. Animals need a clean source of water. If you want to get some nuts wet and roll them around in Fox Valley then let them dry and put those out for them to eat, that would be fine, but i would not contaminate their water supply with Fox Valley.
Seeing these little guys with issues is so hard. You don't know whether to intervene or not. Does he seem to be healthy about the same weight as his brother? Maybe he has learned to live with this? If so, I would let him be, but if you see he is unable to eat, that is something different. :grouphug
08-07-2015, 02:13 PM
Hello everyone,
So, I just saw him up close, and saw what the problem is, now I need some input please. His lower teeth are very far from each other, he runs, climbs, seems to even eat, but I am guessing this problem will only hold him back, any ideas?
Nancy in New York
08-07-2015, 05:36 PM
Did you get a hold of Annette?
This problem will not only hold him back, they will most likely continue to
grow to the point that he can't eat.
Are they in a V shape or just far apart from the roots, but go up straight?
08-07-2015, 05:40 PM
I just called the wild heart ranch and spoke to a guy that works there, after explaning the situation about the teeth and age, he said that if he is still a baby then it is normal as they lose their baby teeth and grow new ones! any experts input please!
Thank you all :grin3
08-07-2015, 05:43 PM
She was busy but I spoke to someone else (guy) that works there too! as far as the shape of the teeth, I think they are not V shaped, but I am trying my best today to get a photo, but as far as I can see the teeth are far away from each other from the roots.
08-07-2015, 08:14 PM
Pictures will really help. Your description does not sound like things are alright.
She was busy but I spoke to someone else (guy) that works there too! as far as the shape of the teeth, I think they are not V shaped, but I am trying my best today to get a photo, but as far as I can see the teeth are far away from each other from the roots.
08-08-2015, 01:23 PM
Update everyone's input needed please:
I called the vet in Tulsa today and they told me they can treat and find rehabber if that is what needed, or I can release him back if his fix is easy, here are some pictures/
08-08-2015, 02:39 PM
Wish I had some advice, but never experienced this as yet. I hope you find resolution for him, thanks for caring, Romeo.
08-08-2015, 05:05 PM
I hope so too~ thanks for checking in :grin2
I keep checking if someone has any ideas-
08-08-2015, 09:53 PM
Can anyone help please???
08-08-2015, 10:37 PM
Oh goodness that does not look good. It looks like it is growing long, it's way longer than it should be. He looks young, I would guess maybe 5 months old or so, maybe not even that old? If it were me, I would try to trap him and take him to the vet. Is the vet thinking to remove that tooth?
08-08-2015, 10:45 PM
I dont know what the vet will do! I was told its bad only if its V shaped, someone else at wild heart ranch told me that the condition is just baby teeth and they will fall and grow new ones!! dose anyone here on TSB have any experience that could tell me what this condition is?? I am trying to get as much information as possible before I trap him--
08-09-2015, 01:11 PM
That is NOT a baby tooth getting ready to fall out. I've never seen a baby tooth look like that. If the other bottom tooth is ok, seems to me the vet could remove this VERY long tooth. I would think you would need to keep him for a few days at least to administer meds and make sure he is ok.
This is a case if whether or not to intervene. If you do not, nature will take it's course. At some point that tooth will prevent him from eating and likely he will starve.
I hope you're able to get him to the vet and hey that tooth removed. Please keep us posted.:grouphug
08-09-2015, 02:04 PM
OK, That's my thinking too! but what if both teeth are like that?? please look at the first picture with him going up the tree, the other tooth looks bad as well!
08-09-2015, 02:30 PM
I can't quite see the bottom left tooth. Maybe it's the picture resolution. If what I'm seeing is a tooth, the left bottom tooth looks worse than the right, going all the way up to his nose. But that maybe something else. Is what I'm describing his left bottom tooth?
I'm not a tooth expert, but I don't think that trimming will fix either of those teeth, poor little baby. A vet would have to take a look and see. I don't think he could survive in the wild with no bottom teeth at all, but someone with more teeth experience would need to weigh in on that.
Anyone else with teeth experience?
08-09-2015, 02:39 PM
Can anyone help please???
Oh wow Romeo, she/he looks a lot like my Otter. I haven't been paying attention to your thread closely, but have you tried to trap him? He is going to die if he doesn't get help. A slow slow death.
He isn't going to tolerate having his teeth trimmed every month, so IMO I would have the top and bottoms removed completely. This of course means he will become a pet. So the other option is to catch him and have him taken in to be put to sleep.
If your vet won't do the surgery mine can. If need be he can come to me, I'm in NY so I'm pretty sure we could get a driving train together to get him here. But I'd prefer to be the LAST option :)
I just caught a squirrel today that I needed to do some work on, I used a havahart trap and it took about a week to get it done, but I did. I also caught a few other squirrels while waiting for the right one. I figured out what times she showed up for food. I kept the trap open for a few days so everyone could get used to it and then I started setting it. You can do it, I know you can.
If you want to talk on the phone, PM me and I'll give you my phone number. Please please lets catch this squirrel. If you are seeing this on the outside I guarantee the inside is way way worse.
08-09-2015, 02:56 PM
I give him and his brother blocks, and they both eat and drink water.
I really hope (HOPE) its just trimming, and back to the wild:sadness
If it was up to me, I would catch them both and hand them over to a trust worthy person, as he has a healthy brother, and they are always together, and since this tree is right on the main street, I would rather someone take them in, and keep them together, I have a feeling Vet's in Oklahoma will screw me over on this!!
how dose this train thing work anyway if it came to that!?
08-09-2015, 03:31 PM
Quick update:
So I just went out to the tree to put more fresh water out, and he was pancaking on the ground, I took a closer look, the other tooth on the left side looks like its in place, longer than usual, so there might be hope for him just to get them adjusted, I went out to find a trap, but no one has them!! I am going out later to look some more
08-09-2015, 04:53 PM
Okay the beginning of a plan is starting to take shape. Waiting to hear from IR, SM & NiNY ;) check your PM's ladies.
Nancy in New York
08-14-2015, 05:19 PM
So what is happening with this little one?
08-14-2015, 07:06 PM
I still havent been able to catch him, but I am planning on setting the trap early tomorrow and waiting for him, hopefully I will get him and take him to the vet, I am hoping to post some photos of him after I catch him and post them on TSB so we can get a better understanding of what the problem is before taking him to the vet or to Annette.
Also his brother's hand looks swollen, what can I do to help? meds?!!
Nancy in New York
08-14-2015, 08:14 PM
I still havent been able to catch him, but I am planning on setting the trap early tomorrow and waiting for him, hopefully I will get him and take him to the vet, I am hoping to post some photos of him after I catch him and post them on TSB so we can get a better understanding of what the problem is before taking him to the vet or to Annette.
Also his brother's hand looks swollen, what can I do to help? meds?!!
I think that we would need to see the hand in order to help determine the problem.
Do you know if he can climb a tree with that hand?
Where does it look swollen, on the fingers or the back of the hand or on the wrist?
I only ask because I treated a squirrel this winter with a bad hand, and his two fingers
never straightened out. :dono
His left front paw had two abcesses on his fingers, after that was cured,
his little fingers never straighted :dono
Then he devloped a cheek abscess. :shakehead
Poor little stinker, but he's fine now, minus the fact that the fingers don't bend. ( ( (
Here he is a couple of weeks ago. (
08-14-2015, 08:35 PM
Nothing like the picture.
The case with this one is his entire hand is a ballon, looks like an infection or something, he cant use it to claim, he looks healthy otherwise.
I wish I can take the three brothers or friends living in this tree and release them somewhere away from this main road, people are idiots I swear, its like when they see a squirrel they are happy to run him over, I mean for real some ppl go out there way to hurt them, freakin Oklahoma!! sorry It just ticks me off :poke:poke
08-21-2015, 04:41 PM
I am still trying to catch him, since tomorrow is a weekend, I will put the trap there and leave all day.
Nancy, how old is the one in the picture above, cuz the one I found looks the same age..
BTW, his upper teeth are fine, the problem is with the one tooth that is in the wrong place, so I hope that when I get him it will only be a matter of taking him to the vet getting them trimmed, nursing for a few days until he gains some weight and I will release him back after that, so a week maximum I hope,
Dose that sound ideal?
08-21-2015, 05:19 PM
Ideally, you keep him for about 3 weeks to make sure the tooth is growing back and aligning properly. If you release him after a week and the tooth does not get healthy, it will be a LOT harder to catch him a second time in that same trap.
I did this with one of my wilds and his tooth did grow back fine so after 4 weeks, we released him.
Thanks for trying to help this little fellow!:great
I am still trying to catch him, since tomorrow is a weekend, I will put the trap there and leave all day.
Nancy, how old is the one in the picture above, cuz the one I found looks the same age..
BTW, his upper teeth are fine, the problem is with the one tooth that is in the wrong place, so I hope that when I get him it will only be a matter of taking him to the vet getting them trimmed, nursing for a few days until he gains some weight and I will release him back after that, so a week maximum I hope,
Dose that sound ideal?
08-21-2015, 06:16 PM
That's great.
So, do you think I should buy a cage and keep him in it, and what do I do after that? Just keep him in the cage alone in the room, or should he get any attention at all? I dont want him to be Tame!
08-23-2015, 05:38 PM
Ok Everyone:
The squirrel will not go into the trap.
He is doing much worse, getting thinner, and now I am 90% sure the problem is only with the lower right tooth, just by looking at it, I'd say trimming it will save this little one's life, Thankfully I already have a vet near me willing to treat him in needed (at least thats what she said on the phone!!)
Now, I need to catch him by any means ASAP, I was thinking maybe kitchen omits or towel's !!??
Any ideas would be great.
08-23-2015, 08:03 PM
As he gets thinner and thinner, he will get bolder and bolder around the trap. Keep leaving the trap out with door closed so he gets used to it. Place food near it, he will enter the trap when he gets hundgry enough.
Squirrel, even injured, weak ones, can move at bursts of speed that approuch the speed of light. Oven mits are not going to work unless the squirrel can not move. You could try using a hand fishing type net but the havahart trap is your best bet.
Ok Everyone:
The squirrel will not go into the trap.
He is doing much worse, getting thinner, and now I am 90% sure the problem is only with the lower right tooth, just by looking at it, I'd say trimming it will save this little one's life, Thankfully I already have a vet near me willing to treat him in needed (at least thats what she said on the phone!!)
Now, I need to catch him by any means ASAP, I was thinking maybe kitchen omits or towel's !!??
Any ideas would be great.
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