View Full Version : In need of help for a late release

07-30-2015, 10:56 AM
Hi everyone! It has been quite some time since I was on here last as a lot of unfortunate events have happened for me this year. So much so that I was not even able to do any rehabbing...however, I had wintered over two squirrels a fox and a red. The red squirrel-which I did name Red :) was release a little over a month ago and is doing quite well. The issue I am having is with Dex. Both squirrels were single and overwintering them was difficult because strong bonds were made because there was no one else for them to play with. Dex was also very sick when she was a baby so I had to spend a lot of extra time with her as well. Now because of the things that happened this year I was unable to make an outdoor enclosure for them like I had planned and although I was able to carefully release Red when I tried with Dex it didn't work so well. I feel she is too attached to me because even setting her outside she watches for me and won't let me get more than ten feet away without coming back to me. I love her so so very much and of course I would love to keep her but I know it isn't right. She deserves to be out and free. My question here I suppose is if there is anyone relatively close to where I am-Kalamazoo-that has an enclosure that can take her and prepare her for release properly? I have had her since last August so I know she is a bit older and for this I am sorry...she is probably one of my favorite squirrels I've ever rehabbed. She is very smart and does know her name as well. I apologize for the long message but if anyone has any ideas or can help please PLEASE let me know?

07-30-2015, 02:49 PM
Tab, you might want to read this thread.

Another member in your state recently found a rehab sanctuary in Lowell, MI. I believe that is 65 miles (an hour) away from you. We have very few members in your state and even fewer that can release so finding someone here will be a problem.

Madamelipstick just raves about this place. It was an answer to prayer to her. In the thread is contact info for the Lowell rehab facility. You might want to check it out.:thumbsup

07-30-2015, 03:23 PM
Thank you thank you thank you for that info! I just left a message for them. And as long as she is somewhere safe I would drive an entire day just to get her there. It hurts knowing she won't be able to come and see me but I do believe this would be better for her 
And yes I e noticed the last two years or so that the amount of rehabber a doing squirrels is near zero...I don't understand it? It's another reason I've been so disappointed I couldn't do it this year but my health was just not allowing it. Next year I'm hoping that will change!!

08-01-2015, 09:58 PM
Well I called them Thursday afternoon but they haven't called me back yet. I'm wondering how long I should wait before I try again..?

08-01-2015, 10:05 PM
Personally, since it is baby season, I would be a pest until I got an answer one way or the other. I hope that they can help your sweetheart...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

08-03-2015, 12:03 PM
Why don't you just do a soft release at your house? Thats what I do with a lot of my squirrels, they come and go as they please. After a few weeks they choose to not come in the house at all. After a month or so they will no longer let me pet them.

That way she gets to choose what she wants. Is this not an option for you?

Also my overwinter Pip didn't move out of my house for almost 2 years ;) She knew a good thing when she had it. Finally had a litter of babies outside this year and now she comes around for the handouts but sleeps outside.

08-03-2015, 02:47 PM
Sammysmom: I called them again yesterday and Kristin did call me back :):) she is supposed to call me later today and set up a time to meet them because they said she will be safe and happy there!!
Kcassidy: I attempted the soft release...but I don't have an outdoor enclosure finished as I've been sick for quite some time and I was putting her outside for the day but it was difficult to leave her because she comes after me if I get more than ten feet away. All I have for her is one of those two story critter nation cages which doesn't allow her to do and see the things she should before release and the three times I had her outside in a tree playing she was attacked and badly bruised/scratched by a red squirrel and after that she wouldn't come out of her hut anymore so I figured an outdoor enclosure away from me would be best for her. I saw the red squirrel investigating and chased him off twice but he got her two of the three days :( and I don't have a porch either :/ I have a balcony off my bedroom but that's it-my house is an A frame. I would love nothing more than to see her outside every day...actually I just want to keep her...but it just wouldn't be fair to her

08-10-2015, 08:24 PM
I do wish to thank you all for your help once again! I was able to take Dex out there to be released. I also wish I actually knew more people like you as it seems there aren't as many who care about the creatures around us these days...I very very VERY much appreciate your kindness ❤️

08-10-2015, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the update Tab. I'm glad it worked out. :thumbsup

I'm guessing that you got the same positive feelings about the place that ML did. :great