View Full Version : Old Squirrel New Squirrel?

07-27-2015, 08:55 PM
I'm raising my 3rd squirrel, Jasper, a male eastern gray who is probably about 16-17 weeks--old enough to release, I know, but he's not interested so far. Just yesterday, I was given a pinkie by a friend who found him under a tree in her yard. Little Ulysses is most likely also an eastern gray, & also a male. I know that males are territorial, so I'm assuming that means that when Ulysses gets older, I won't be able to introduce my 2 boys to each other, right? If Jasper is still here by then. Don't want them to fight & injure each other. Thinking ahead to winter, in case I have to overwinter both boys here. Would have to seriously plan ahead for a second cage as big as Jasper's! Never had 2 squirrels at the same time before. I appreciate any advice.

08-05-2015, 08:52 AM
Please help--will I ever be able to introduce my 2 easter gray males to each other? One is 17 wks, the other is currently a pinky at about 2 wks. Thinking that the older one will probably be aggressive with the younger one once the younger one is old enough to play. I know some of you have/have had multiple squirrels at once....what's the protocol? First time with more than one at a time. Thanks!

08-05-2015, 10:40 AM
I believe they are way too far apart in age / development to put them together. By the time the pinky is big enough to even consider trying, Jasper will probably be ready for release?

I don't think it is a good idea to try to put them together before the pinky is large enough to defend themselves (short term) in event of aggression from Jasper. Probably not a good idea all together unless *maybe* they have to be over-wintered together.

Hopefully more experienced folks will chime in...

Edit: Is not Jasper about ready for release now?

island rehabber
08-05-2015, 12:02 PM
Absolutely not a good idea to put squirrels together with ages so vastly different. Asking for trouble, I'm afraid. Rehabbers put sibling groups together, and groups of similar-age babies so long as none of the older ones are terribly aggressive. I don't like putting eyes-opens in with eyes-closed; the opens just trample the poor kids who can't see.

08-05-2015, 10:12 PM
Thanks, that's what I thought. Wasn't even considering putting them together anytime soon! Was looking ahead to possibly overwintering them together & trying to plan ahead in case that's what happens. Jasper is old enough for release, but is still very attached to me & honestly hasn't seemed interested yet. Keep waiting for him to "wild up," but no signs of that at this point. Very much a mama's boy! Heard that that's not uncommon with singletons, yes? He'd rather play with me than just about anything else!