View Full Version : Food and flies.... :(

07-24-2015, 01:49 PM
Any ideas on how to make fruit flies disappear from food I put in Sammys cage? I swear I can't spend anymore time cleaning it!! Lol.... His cage is wiped down top to bottom either every night or every other and a overall deep cleaning every weekend that takes 2-3 hours. I take out all his uneaten vegetables/fruit (although admittedly I'll find one that I missed be caused he "stashed" it.... I am now noticing fruit flies around his cage... Not many but enough!! His cage is in my bedroom which is probably why I'm so anal about cleaning it.... I can't stand messes!!! I just don't know what I can do to prevent a possible fruit fly infestation!

07-24-2015, 03:29 PM
I would consider using white vinegar to wipe down and do the deep cleaning of cage with drying or letting it dry before letting your squirrel back in. It won't harm your squirrel but it will repel (and even kill) many types of invasive flies, nats, etc.

07-24-2015, 10:52 PM
Thank you!!! I will try that tomorrow!!! Crossing fingers it works!! I. Can't. Stand. Fruit. Flies!!! They are so hard to get rid of!

island rehabber
07-24-2015, 11:06 PM
Thank you!!! I will try that tomorrow!!! Crossing fingers it works!! I. Can't. Stand. Fruit. Flies!!! They are so hard to get rid of!

This works, too:
Get as large a jar as you can find; pickle jar, Costco giant mayonnaise jar, that type. Put some very ripe apple or banana in the bottom of the jar -- just a piece or two will do. Take a sheet of white paper and roll it into a cone shape. Put the narrow end in the mouth of the jar so it looks like a funnel. Put the jar near the cage.

Fruit flies will follow the paper funnel down toward the scent of the fruit, but they won't find their way back out. Why? Because they're dumb-ass fruit flies with tiny brains :grin2.

07-25-2015, 02:33 AM
Why? Because they're dumb-ass fruit flies with tiny brains :grin2.



island rehabber
07-25-2015, 04:03 AM
:rofl4 step where do you find these things? :grin3

07-25-2015, 08:57 AM
Hahaha!!! True!!! They are not the brightest but they have the art of annoying humans to a science!! :bliss

We have done a similar trap when we have gotten them in our kitchen in the past. Small bowl with mashed up fruit and then Saran Wrap over bowl with a rubber band to secure the wrap (so they can't crawl out of edges!) and then use a tooth pick to poke holes in the top of the covered bowl. They can get in but can't get out!! :grin3

Thought about doing that but didn't want to create more of an issues as there doesn't seem to be too many right now! SO annoying!!! :tap

07-25-2015, 11:03 AM
In my experience, if you put Apple Cider Vinegar into a bowl or jar and then add a bit of Dawn Dish Soap it works really well to get rid of the Fruit Flies.. I usually use a jar or empty plastic container and pop 4 - 6 holes into the lid before putting the lid back on, just so when the flies go in, they cant figure out how to get back out. There's a VERY noticeable difference pretty much overnight too, which is always a plus. :)