View Full Version : Worried about my baby flyer

07-15-2015, 08:03 AM
I rescued my flyer baby Avion in Dec.. she's doing great and I figure she's about 9 months old. She lives in a large birdcage in my bathroom (yes I have taken precautions with the toilet). She must be in the bathroom because I have 5 cats and 3 dogs.. and I'm not taking any chances with her. I spend at least an hr with her every night with her out and about in the bathroom.. it's pretty large and she enjoys jumping around and exploring.. and she has her favorite places to play and hide. Of course she is very attached to me.. but she loves visits and the attention from other people as well. My issue is we are going on vacation in Aug for 7 days. My sister is going to come and stay to take care of all of our animals.. we have 2 chickens and a duck also. She loves animals and will take very good care of everyone. I'm just a bit worried about Avion though. We're going to stay at a small cottage on the beach and I have wondered if I should get a small cage and take her with me.. or do the experts on here think she'll be ok and better off staying in her familiar cage at home with my sister? She won't forget about me or not love me anymore will she lol? Or maybe get depressed? I'm a worrywart about her.. I love her so very much! Thanks for any advice or help

07-15-2015, 08:23 AM
I am only just now rehabbing flyers so I am no expert. My feeling would be that if she is good with your sister in general, I would leave her at home. The chance for her to escape in a cabin and get lost are too high for my paranoid self... Have fun, she won't forget you in a week. I was gone for 2 weeks in February and the grays were just happy to see me.

07-15-2015, 08:57 AM
one suggestion would be to have your sister visit you more frequently now, so Avion becomes more familiar with her while you're gone?

also, I don't know what her nest area is like, but the day you leave it couldn't hurt to tuck inside it either a tshirt/tank top you've worn the previous night/day, or else some other fleece, tissue or something that has your scent on it. this way, she still has "you" with her when you're gone.

7 days probably isn't a very long time, but the the absence won't go unnoticed by her. something with your scent on it will be reassuring, sort of a sign that you're coming back. I find that animals don't understand the concept of "vacation" and in their world, sudden unexpected absences from familiars usually signals something negative.

07-15-2015, 09:29 AM
Oh good advice Miss Pixie! My petsitter actually wore one of my shirts when caring for Sammy. I did also leave my pajamas in his cage :rofl4
That is one pair of PJs that he can keep!:grin3

07-15-2015, 09:59 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone. Good advice missPixy about the clothing.. will definitely do that! My sister is in Michigan camping and won't be back until we leave.. but she does know her from visiting.. and she really has a way with animals.. so pretty sure she'll win her over :)

08-24-2015, 06:11 PM
Thought I'd let all know that Avion did great with my Sis last week while I was gone! I put some pieces of fleece that I wore on me all day in her cubby she sleeps in. Thanks again for wonderful advice!

08-25-2015, 08:28 AM
That's great!!:thumbsup